
Launched in 2002 in an effort to publish a series on various World Heritage subjects, the series will include: papers related to World Heritage issues; reports from seminars, workshops and meetings; and manuals aimed at facilitating the implementation of the World Heritage Convention for its various actors. This series is targeted mainly at World Heritage experts, national and local authorities and site managers.


n°21 - May 2007

World Heritage Forests

Proceedings of the 2nd World Heritage Forest Meeting March 9-11, 2005 Held at Ecole nationale du génie rural des eaux et des forêts (ENGREF)Nancy, France At the first World Heritage Forests meeting in 1998, ...


n°20 - January 2007

Periodic Report and Action Plan, Europe 2005-2006

The Periodic Reporting exercise carried out between 2001 and 2006 provided an opportunity to reflect on the implementation of the World Heritage Convention in Europe and this report ...


n°19 - December 2006

American Fortifications and the World Heritage Convention

American Fortifications provide a unique overall vision of a continent and, for this reason, have been recognized as useful scenarios for international ...


n°18 - June 2006

Periodic Report 2004, Latin America and the Caribbean

The State of the World Heritage in Latin America and the Caribbean (Summary version, August 2004) Full version (English), May 2004 Full version (spanish), May 2004


n°17 - January 2006

Promoting and Preserving Congolese Heritage

Conference and workshops proceedings Promoting and Preserving Congolese (DRC) Heritage An International Donors’ Conference organized by UNESCO’s World Heritage Centre and ...


n°15 - December 2005

Caribbean Wooden Treasures

Table of contents Proceedings of the Thematic Expert Meeting on Wooden Urban Heritage in the Caribbean Region Foreword Francesco Bandarin, Director of the UNESCO World Heritage Centre Introduction and Summary Report of ...


n°14 - October 2005

Caribbean Archaeology and World Heritage Convention (English, French, Spanish)

Table of Contents Forward • Presentación Introduction • Introducción List of Contributors • Lista de ...


n°13 - November 2004

Linking Universal and Local Values: Managing a Sustainable Future for World Heritage

Preface: Francesco Bandarin Introduction: Eléonore de Merode, Rieks Smeets and Carol Westrik Welcome Addresses Background and Thematic ...


n°12 - November 2004

The State of World Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region 2003

Preface by Koïchiro Matsuura Foreword by Zhang Xinsheng Introduction by Francesco Bandarin Acknowledgements Global Strategy issues in the ...


n°11 - June 2004

Periodic Report and Regional Programme Arab States 2000-2003

Table of Contents Preface by Francesco Bandarin Acknowledgements Introduction IMPLEMENTATION OF THE WORLD HERITAGE CONVENTION BY THE ARAB STATES ...


n°10 - May 2004

Monitoring World Heritage

To mark the 30th anniversary of the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, UNESCO with the support of the Government of Italy organized, from 14 to 16 November 2002, an International ...


n°9 - May 2004

Partnerships for World Heritage Cities

To mark the 30th anniversary of the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, UNESCO with the support of the Government of Italy, organized, ...


n°8 - November 2002

Mobilizing Young People for World Heritage

In connection with the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the World Heritage Convention, the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre ...


n°7 - August 2003

Cultural Landscapes: the Challenges of Conservation

To mark the 30th anniversary of the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, UNESCO with the support of the Government of Italy, organized, ...


n°6 - July 2003

World Heritage Cultural Landscapes 1992-2002

Cultural landscapes are briefly noted in a broad historical and intellectual context. They are examined in the context of the World Heritage Convention (1972) and its application. The ...


n°5 - June 2003

Identification and Documentation of Modern Heritage

Under the Global Strategy for a credible, balanced and representative World Heritage List, adopted by the World Heritage Committee in 1994, the World Heritage Centre is engaged in ...


n°4 - May 2003

Proceedings of the World Heritage Marine Biodiversity Workshop

The workshop organizers, UNESCO World Heritage Centre and the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, wish to express deep appreciation for ...


n°3 - April 2003

Periodic Report Africa

Thirty years after its adoption in 1972 and ratification by 175 States Parties, the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage remains a major international legal tool which has enabled 721 sites ...


n°2 - December 2002

Investing in World Heritage: Past achievements, A guide to International Assistance

International Assistance for World Heritage - credibility, conservation, and capacity-building As the World Heritage Convention celebrates its 30th ...


n°1 - November 2002

Managing Tourism at World Heritage Sites: a Practical Manual for World Heritage Site Managers

Introduction The World Heritage Convention The Tourism Industry: Implications for Managers Tourism Impacts and Problems Involving Stakeholders: The ...