
Date de soumission : 18/01/2008
Critères: (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)
Catégorie : Culturel
Soumis par :
National Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan for UNESCO
État, province ou région :
Namangan Region
Coordonnées N40 88 E71 45
Ref.: 5293

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A site of ancient settlement Ahsiket located on the right branch of Sirdarya River in Turakargan district of Namangan region. Its area occupies the territory of more than 25 hectares. The city founded in III - II centuries B.C. and functioned up to 1219 A.D. It has been completely destroyed by Mongolian forces. The city structure consisted of the citadel, Shakhristan - the city itself and rabad - suburb of the city. All three parts of the city have been enclosed by the fortification. The palace of governors and zindan - prison were situated in the arc. There was a city market, cathedral mosque, khouz, erected from backed brick in Shakhristan. Handicraftsmen area was located in the rabad.  Metallurgical production of Ahsiket was known far beyond the Central Asia. It was the only place in Central Asia, where have been produced very high-quality steel more known as Damascus or Damask steel. Here has been discovered the bath constructed in II century A.D. After the Mongolian invasion, new Ahsiket has arisen in 5-6 km to the west from ancient one. According to historical data, the known poet and historian - Bobur, grandson of Amir Temur, was governor.

Déclarations d’authenticité et/ou d’intégrité

Ahsiket, as many ancient cities of Central Asia has precise planed structure. It appeared on the ancient caravan ways and was place of crossing of two ways from Sogd (Samarkand) and Shash (Tashkent). The Great Silk Road directed from Ahsiket through Andijon to China.

Comparaison avec d’autres biens similaires

Territories with preserved areas of relict tertiary forests have not been taken under protection at national and international levels yet. Moreover, this nomination at present time is the only proposal from these forest landscapes.