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Décision 18 EXT.BUR V.B.2.2
[Uniquement en anglais] Examination of requests for International Assistance - Cultural Heritage - Requests for which the Bureau formulated a recommendation to the Committee - Training

[Uniquement en anglais]

1. ICCROM/CRATerre (International Centre for Earthen Constructions): Training for a professional team and craftsmen-technicians team for the restoration and maintenance of the Palace of Abomey, Benin - US$33,000

The Bureau recommended the approval of US$33,000 out of the original request for US$44,000.

2. Regional Training Course of Maghreb Architects for the Conservation and Protection of Cultural Monuments and Sites (1994 and 1995, Tunisia) - US$50,000

The Bureau recommended the approval by the Committee of the full amount of US$50,000 for this request.

3. Regional Meeting of Directors of Cultural Offices in Latin America and the Caribbean (April 1995, Cartagena, Colombia) - US$45,000

The Bureau recommended approval by the Committee of the requested amount of US$45,000 under budgetary provisions other than training, subject to the availability of funds.

Code de la Décision
18 EXT.BUR V.B.2.2
Assistance internationale
États Parties 3
Rapports sur l'état de conservation
1994 Palais royaux d'Abomey