Assistance internationale
Convention du patrimoine mondial
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Mécanisme de suivi renforcé
Méthodes et outils de travail
Rapport périodique
Renforcement des capacités
Valeur universelle exceptionnelle

4 Décisions
0 Résolutions
Année (début) : 2001
Année (fin) : 2001
Thème : Rapport périodique
Par année
[Uniquement en anglais] Concerning the proposals for the Periodic Reporting Exercise for Europe (Section 4 of Document WHC-01/CONF.208/8), the Committee agreed both with the timing and the proposal to collaborate with the Council of Europe and its HEREIN project, a comparative databank on European cultural heritage policies. It furthermore noted the co-operation with the Nordic World Heritage Office/Foundation in the development of technical tools.
[Uniquement en anglais] The Committee also requested that all States Parties be included in this effort and to fully co-operate with the Advisory Bodies. A number of European States Parties took the floor to support the arrangements proposed, namely to cover Section I of the reports for all countries in 2005 and Section II in 2006. A question was raised as to whether the capacity in the Centre would be sufficient for the work to be carried out and the Director responded that assistance be provided by States Parties through the Associate Expert Scheme.
[Uniquement en anglais] The Delegate of Hungary pointed out that the year 2007 should be devoted to a stocktaking exercise and the development of conceptual guidelines for the second cycle. The Delegate of Greece informed the Committee that a Conference on the Safeguarding of Byzantine Heritage had been organized in May 2001 and that a database on the state of conservation of this type of heritage for the Mediterranean countries is being established. ICOMOS fully supported the link to the Council of Europe and the HEREIN project, as this is an open project which could be very beneficial ...
VII.1 Le Secrétariat a présenté au Comité le document WHC-01/CONF.208/7 sur l’exercice de rapport périodique de la région Afrique. Au 30 novembre 2001, cinquantetrois sites étaient inscrits sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial. Quarante de ces sites inscrits avant 1993 sont répartis dans dix-huit pays – représentant au total vingttrois sites naturels, seize sites culturels et un site mixte – et ont fait l’objet de ce rapport de suivi. Des explications ont été données sur l’approche stratégique pour la compilation du rapport et la coopération des États parties africains à l’exercice de ...