2 news
DaySaturday, 8 July 2017close
Saturday, 8 July 2017
Krakow, Poland, 8 July—The World Heritage Committee this afternoon inscribed three cultural sites in Cambodia, China and India. The sites added, in order of inscription are: Temple Zone of Sambor Prei Kuk, Archaeological Site of Ancient Ishanapura (Cambodia) The archaeological site of Sambor Prei Kuk, “the temple in the richness of the forest” in the Khmer language, has been identified as ...
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Saturday, 8 July 2017
The World Heritage Committee this morning inscribed three cultural sites in Angola, Eritrea and South Africa. With these inscriptions, Angola and Eritrea make their first entries to the World Heritage List. The sites added, in order of inscription are: Mbanza Kongo, vestiges of the capital of the former Kingdom of Kongo (Angola) The town of Mbanza Kongo, located on a plateau at an altitude ...
access_time 2 min read