XII.3 The Bureau noted that a joint UNESCO-UNEP-RARE Center for Tropical Conservation mission to the site was fielded, from 23 January to 5 February 2002, as part of the implementation of the UNF-financed project: “Linking Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Tourism at World Heritage sites”. The State Party informed the Centre that co-operation between Park staff, the Navy and the police has been strengthened considerably and joint patrols are being undertaken. These patrols are likely to help curtail the illegal entry of fishermen from other provinces and nearby islands to exploit the marine areas of the Park; and that discussions regarding the nomination of extensions to the Park for inclusion in the World Heritage site are underway. Furthermore, the extension of the site is in the process of consultation between the central and local governments.
XII.4 The Bureau noted information provided by the State Party and congratulated its efforts to promote co-operation between Park staff, the Navy and the police to strengthen patrolling and surveillance capacity. The Bureau noted that the establishment of a Tourism Concession in support of the management of Komodo National Park required further discussions. The Bureau urged that the Park Management, The Nature Conservancy and other stakeholders study existing legislation and regulations to fully understand the implications of the establishment of the Concession and develop it as a support mechanism to provide sustainable revenues for the management of the Park.
XII.5 The Bureau invited the State Party to provide to the 27th session of the Committee, a detailed report on the outcome of these discussions and investigations, as well as on the on-going dialogue between the central and local Governments with regard to the potential extension of the Park boundaries, as a part of the Periodic Reporting Exercise for the Asia Pacific Region.