28. The Committee congratulated the Secretariat for the many activities carried out in 1990. They are presented in document CC-90/CONF.004/5, which is focused on the implementation and dissemination of background material on the Convention, on the production of films and features on World Heritage Sites and on the planning of exhibitions in States Parties and other States.
29. With respect to the distribution of video-cassettes, the Committee noted that non-commercial distribution was insured by Unesco's distribution network, but that commercial distribution posed a number of legal problems that were being studied with the production firms involved.
30. With respect to publications, the Committee noted the efforts of the Secretariat to improve the quality control of the series of books for young people co-published by Unesco and, more generally, of what would be submitted by the Secretariat at the next session of the Bureau in a general publications plan.
31. The need to decentralize promotional activities in the States Parties was once again underscored. In this regard, a number of parties reported on the activities carried out or planned in their countries, such as the implementation of a travelling exhibit on listed sites in Germany, the production of a brochure on listed sites in Turkey, the publication of two books and the creation of a column on world heritage in Bulgarian weeklies. The Committee also noted with satisfaction the publication of an illustrated 250-page brochure in Bulgarian, English and Russian, on cultural properties in Bulgaria.
32. The Committee approved the proposals submitted by the Secretariat for 1991, and was of the view that the essence of these activities should be focused on the preparation of the 20th anniversary in 1992 of the adoption of the World Heritage Convention.