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Outstanding Universal Value
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World Heritage Convention

243 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Year start: 2012
Year end: 2012
By Year
The World Heritage Committee,  1.  Having examined Document WHC-12/36.COM/15.Rev, 2.  Takes note of the statement of accounts of the World Heritage Fund for 2010-2011 and the situation of the reserves and contributions as at 31 December 2011; 3.  Recalls its budget decisions adopted since the 28th session of the Committee; 4.  Further recalls its decision at its 35th session to establish a Budget Working Group as a Consultative Body of the Committee in order to examine item 15 of the Agenda, to formulate its recommendations thereon and to report back to the ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1.  Recalling its decisions 35 COM 18 and 10 EXT.COM 3, adopted at its 35th session (UNESCO, 2011) and 10th extraordinary session (UNESCO, 2011) respectively, which elected its Bureau whose mandate will be until the end of its 36th session (Saint Petersburg, 2012), 2.  Decides to elect, in accordance with Rule 13.1 of the Rules of Procedure of the Committee, its Bureau with the following composition: a)  H.E. Mr SOK An (Cambodia) as Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee, whose mandate will begin at the end of the 36th session ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC-12/36.COM/18, Decides that its 37th session will take place in Phnom Penh (Cambodia) from 17 to 27 June 2013; Requests the World Heritage Centre to consult with the incoming Chairperson regarding the Provisional Agenda and a detailed timetable; Adopts the Provisional Agenda for the 37th session of the World Heritage Committee in 2013 as contained in Document ...