Preparing World Heritage Nominations

The aim of this Resource Manual (Second Edition 2011) is to help States Parties to achieve good quality World Heritage nominations.
There are many different ways to prepare a nomination. The diversity of administrative structures and cultures are necessarily reflected in the nominations. It is not appropriate to give ‘recipes' or to recommend a preferred working method for preparing nominations. There are many different good ways of doing so. Nevertheless, the Advisory Bodies consider that there are a few underlying basic principles which should underpin all good nominations to ensure that the most appropriate properties are nominated, properties are represented as effectively as possible within nominations, and the nomination process itself contributes to protection, conservation and effective management of natural and cultural heritage.
This manual seeks to:
- stress the importance of understanding the World Heritage nomination system;
- highlight and explain in simple terms key World Heritage concepts;
- emphasize the importance of the team in preparing a nomination;
- provide a better understanding of the scope of work in preparing a nomination;
- provide information and tips on understanding the property; and
- provide tips on preparing the nomination file to help to clarify the Operational Guidelines .
The manual also provides some advice on proposals for an extension to an existing World Heritage property, as a significant extension is treated as a new nomination.
This manual is primarily for all those who are involved in developing World Heritage nominations for properties. It may also prove useful for the preparation of Tentative Lists, and for other heritage listing activities.
The manual is designed to be a tool for:
- self-guided learning;
- training workshops; and
- briefing and educating.
This manual is a second edition. The first edition, Edition 2010, took as a reference the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention (2008). This manual is based on the new version of the Operational Guidelines (2011).
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The titles in this series are produced as PDF online documents which can be downloaded free of charge.
Free/non-profit use/reproduction of this manual is encouraged, always quoting the original source.
The World Heritage
Resource Manual Series
Since the World Heritage Convention was adopted in 1972, the World Heritage List has continually evolved and is growing steadily. With this growth, a critical need has emerged for guidance for States Parties on the implementation of the Convention. Various expert meetings and results of the periodic reporting process have identified the need for more focused training and capacity development in specific areas where States Parties and World Heritage site managers require greater support. The development of this series of World Heritage Resource Manuals is a response to this need.
The publication of the series is a joint undertaking by the three Advisory Bodies of the World Heritage Convention (ICCROM, ICOMOS and IUCN ) and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre as the Secretariat of the Convention.