National Cultural Heritage Laws

Source: UNESCO Database of National Cultural Heritage Laws UNESCO/CLT/Natlaws

Document Years Themes Categories Language
2001. évi LXIV. törvény a kulturális örökség védelméről (latest version of 10 July 2016)
Act LXIV of 2001 on the Protection of Cultural Heritage (English translation) (latest version of 10 July 2016)
  • Illicit traffic
  • Inventory, Registry
  • Protected Area or Good
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
2001. évi LXXX. törvény a jogellenesen kivitt kulturális javak visszaszolgáltatásáról
Act LXXX of 2001 on the Return of Illegally Exported Cultural Goods (English translation)
  • Illicit traffic
  • Protected Area or Good
  • Return
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
14/2010. (XI. 25.) NEFMI rendelet a kulturális javak kiviteli engedélyezéséről
Decree Nr. 14 of 2010 on authorizing the export of cultural goods (English translation)
  • Authorization, Permits, License
  • Exploration license
  • Exportation
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
2011. évi LXXVII. törvény a világörökségről1
Act LXXVII of 2011 on World Heritage (English translation)
  • World heritage
  • Cultural Immovable Heritage
  • Natural Heritage
2012. évi XCV. törvény a kölcsönzött kulturális javak különleges védelmérő
Act XCV of 2012 on the Special Protection of Borrowed Cultural Goods (English translation)
  • Authorization, Permits, License
  • Dealer trade
  • Exploration license
  • Exportation
  • Importation
  • Protected Area or Good
  • Loan
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
List of legislative texts which exist in Hungarian only (please contact the Database Secretariat: ( to obtain a digital copy of these texts 2016
Act XXVIII of 2001 on the Promulgation of UNIDROIT Convention on the International Restitution of Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects 2001
  • Protected Area or Good
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Act XXIX of 2006 on the Promulgation of the Second Protocol to the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and the Modification of Act IV of 1978 on the Criminal Code 2006
  • Authorization, Permits, License
  • Armed Conflict
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Decree-Law No. 2 of 1979 on the Promulgation of the Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, The General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 1979
  • Protected Area or Good
  • Restitution
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Decree-Law 14 of 1957 on the Promulgation of the Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its Protocol (on the Prohibition of the Exportation of Cultural Property from Occupied Territories in Times of War) 1957
  • Exportation
  • Illicit traffic
  • Armed Conflict