State of Conservation
Properties concerned
States Parties with SOC reports
Date Start:
Latin America and the Caribbeanclose
Site | State Party | Year | Threats* | Danger List |
ancient maya city and protected tropical forests of calakmul, campecheAncient Maya City and Protected Tropical Forests of Calakmul, Campeche | mexico |
2024 | Governance, Ground transport infrastructure, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, | No |
ancient maya city and protected tropical forests of calakmul, campecheAncient Maya City and Protected Tropical Forests of Calakmul, Campeche | mexico |
2023 | Governance, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, | No |
ancient maya city and protected tropical forests of calakmul, campecheAncient Maya City and Protected Tropical Forests of Calakmul, Campeche | mexico |
2021 | Governance, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, | No |
archaeological site of panamá viejo and historic district of panamáArchaeological Site of Panamá Viejo and Historic District of Panamá | panama |
2023 | Financial resources,
Ground transport infrastructure,
Human resources,
Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community,
Legal framework,
Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Severe deterioration of historic buildings |
No |
archaeological site of panamá viejo and historic district of panamáArchaeological Site of Panamá Viejo and Historic District of Panamá | panama |
2021 | Financial resources,
Ground transport infrastructure,
Human resources,
Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community,
Legal framework,
Other Threats: Severe deterioration of historic buildings ; Demolition of urban ensembles and buildings |
No |
area de conservacion guanacasteArea de Conservación Guanacaste | costa rica |
2023 | Commercial hunting,
Crop production,
Financial resources,
Fishing/collecting aquatic resources,
Ground transport infrastructure,
Human resources,
Illegal activities,
Invasive/alien terrestrial species,
Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals,
Renewable energy facilities,
Subsistence hunting,
Water (extraction) ,
Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Fires (intentional and accidental) |
No |
area de conservacion guanacasteArea de Conservación Guanacaste | costa rica |
2021 | Commercial hunting,
Crop production,
Financial resources,
Fishing/collecting aquatic resources,
Ground transport infrastructure,
Human resources,
Illegal activities,
Invasive/alien terrestrial species,
Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals,
Renewable energy facilities,
Subsistence hunting,
Water (extraction) ,
Other Threats: Fires (intentional and accidental) |
No |
belize barrier reef reserve systemBelize Barrier Reef Reserve System | belize |
2021 | Invasive / alien marine species, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, Oil and gas, | No |
brasiliaBrasilia | brazil |
2023 | Housing, Management systems/ management plan, | No |
brasiliaBrasilia | brazil |
2021 | Housing, Management systems/ management plan, | No |
canaima national parkCanaima National Park | venezuela (bolivarian republic of) |
2023 | Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Major linear utilities, Management systems/ management plan, | No |
canaima national parkCanaima National Park | venezuela (bolivarian republic of) |
2021 | Major linear utilities,
Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Conflicts between the Pemons communities and the National Guard; Need to finalize the boundaries of the area |
No |
cerrado protected areas: chapada dos veadeiros and emas national parksCerrado Protected Areas: Chapada dos Veadeiros and Emas National Parks | brazil |
2021 | Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, | No |
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone | peru |
2024 | Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community,
Illegal activities,
Management systems/ management plan,
Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Continuous deterioration of earthen architecture structures and decorated surfaces from lack of conservation and maintenance practices |
Yes |
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone | peru |
2023 | Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community,
Illegal activities,
Management systems/ management plan,
Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Continuous deterioration of earthen architecture structures and decorated surfaces from lack of conservation and maintenance practices |
Yes |
chan chan archaeological zoneChan Chan Archaeological Zone | peru |
2021 | Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community,
Illegal activities,
Management systems/ management plan,
Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Continuous deterioration of earthen architecture structures and decorated surfaces from lack of conservation and maintenance practices |
Yes |
churches of chiloeChurches of Chiloé | chile |
2024 | Commercial development,
Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure,
Legal framework,
Management activities,
Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Insufficient delimitation of boundaries |
No |
churches of chiloeChurches of Chiloé | chile |
2023 | Commercial development,
Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure,
Legal framework,
Management activities,
Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Insufficient delimitation of boundaries |
No |
churches of chiloeChurches of Chiloé | chile |
2021 | Commercial development,
Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure,
Legal framework,
Management activities,
Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Insufficient delimitation of boundaries |
No |
city of potosiCity of Potosí | bolivia (plurinational state of) |
2024 | Legal framework,
Surface water pollution,
Other Threats: Instability and risk of collapse of the Cerro Rico; Deficiencies in conservation; Environmental impacts on the hydraulic complex |
Yes |
city of potosiCity of Potosí | bolivia (plurinational state of) |
2023 | Legal framework,
Surface water pollution,
Other Threats: Instability and risk of collapse of the Cerro Rico; Deficiencies in conservation; Environmental impacts on the hydraulic complex |
Yes |
city of potosiCity of Potosí | bolivia (plurinational state of) |
2021 | Legal framework,
Surface water pollution,
Other Threats: Instability and risk of collapse of the Cerro Rico; Deficiencies in conservation; Environmental impacts on the hydraulic complex |
Yes |
city of quitoCity of Quito | ecuador |
2023 | Housing, Management systems/ management plan, Underground transport infrastructure, | No |
city of quitoCity of Quito | ecuador |
2021 | Housing, Management systems/ management plan, Underground transport infrastructure, | No |
coiba national park and its special zone of marine protectionCoiba National Park and its Special Zone of Marine Protection | panama |
2023 | Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Human resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Marine transport infrastructure, | No |
coiba national park and its special zone of marine protectionCoiba National Park and its Special Zone of Marine Protection | panama |
2021 | Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Human resources, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Marine transport infrastructure, | No |
colonial city of santo domingoColonial City of Santo Domingo | dominican republic |
2023 | Earthquake,
Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation,
Interpretative and visitation facilities,
Land conversion,
Legal framework,
Management systems/ management plan,
Society's valuing of heritage,
Underground transport infrastructure,
Other Threats: Deterioration of historic structures |
No |
colonial city of santo domingoColonial City of Santo Domingo | dominican republic |
2021 | Earthquake, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Land conversion, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Society's valuing of heritage, Storms, Underground transport infrastructure, | No |
coro and its portCoro and its Port | venezuela (bolivarian republic of) |
2024 | Flooding,
Management systems/ management plan,
Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Serious deterioration of materials and structure |
Yes |
coro and its portCoro and its Port | venezuela (bolivarian republic of) |
2023 | Flooding,
Management systems/ management plan,
Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Serious deterioration of materials and structure |
Yes |
coro and its portCoro and its Port | venezuela (bolivarian republic of) |
2021 | Flooding,
Management systems/ management plan,
Water (rain/water table),
Other Threats: Serious deterioration of materials and structure |
Yes |
el pinacate and gran desierto de altar biosphere reserveEl Pinacate and Gran Desierto de Altar Biosphere Reserve | mexico |
2024 | Ground transport infrastructure,
Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation,
Invasive/alien terrestrial species,
Other Threats: • Necessity to save the Sonoran Pronghorn from possible extinction • Environmental concerns in security efforts along the international border |
No |
el pinacate and gran desierto de altar biosphere reserveEl Pinacate and Gran Desierto de Altar Biosphere Reserve | mexico |
2023 | Ground transport infrastructure,
Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation,
Invasive/alien terrestrial species,
Other Threats: • Necessity to save the Sonoran Pronghorn from possible extinction • Environmental concerns in security efforts along the international border |
No |
el pinacate and gran desierto de altar biosphere reserveEl Pinacate and Gran Desierto de Altar Biosphere Reserve | mexico |
2021 | Ground transport infrastructure,
Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation,
Invasive/alien terrestrial species,
Other Threats: • Necessity to save the Sonoran Pronghorn from possible extinction • Environmental concerns in security efforts along the international border |
No |
fortifications on the caribbean side of panama: portobelo-san lorenzoFortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo | panama |
2024 | Erosion and siltation/ deposition,
Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation,
Land conversion,
Legal framework,
Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Lack of established boundaries and buffer zones |
Yes |
fortifications on the caribbean side of panama: portobelo-san lorenzoFortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo | panama |
2023 | Erosion and siltation/ deposition,
Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation,
Land conversion,
Legal framework,
Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Lack of established boundaries and buffer zones |
Yes |
fortifications on the caribbean side of panama: portobelo-san lorenzoFortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo | panama |
2021 | Erosion and siltation/ deposition,
Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation,
Land conversion,
Legal framework,
Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Lack of established boundaries and buffer zones |
Yes |
galápagos islandsGalápagos Islands | ecuador |
2023 | Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Governance, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Legal framework, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, | No |
galápagos islandsGalápagos Islands | ecuador |
2021 | Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Governance, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Legal framework, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, | No |
historic centre of limaHistoric Centre of Lima | peru |
2023 | Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, | No |
historic centre of limaHistoric Centre of Lima | peru |
2021 | Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, | No |
historic inner city of paramariboHistoric Inner City of Paramaribo | suriname |
2023 | Legal framework, | No |
historic inner city of paramariboHistoric Inner City of Paramaribo | suriname |
2021 | Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, | No |
historic quarter of the seaport city of valparaisoHistoric Quarter of the Seaport City of Valparaíso | chile |
2023 | Commercial development, Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Marine transport infrastructure, | No |
historic quarter of the seaport city of valparaisoHistoric Quarter of the Seaport City of Valparaíso | chile |
2021 | Commercial development, Housing, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, Marine transport infrastructure, | No |
historic sanctuary of machu picchuHistoric Sanctuary of Machu Picchu | peru |
2023 | Air transport infrastructure, Avalanche/ landslide, Flooding, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, | No |
historic sanctuary of machu picchuHistoric Sanctuary of Machu Picchu | peru |
2021 | Avalanche/ landslide, Flooding, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, | No |
historical centre of the city of arequipaHistorical Centre of the City of Arequipa | peru |
2023 | Deliberate destruction of heritage, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Management systems/ management plan, | No |
historical centre of the city of arequipaHistorical Centre of the City of Arequipa | peru |
2021 | Deliberate destruction of heritage, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Management systems/ management plan, | No |
humberstone and santa laura saltpeter worksHumberstone and Santa Laura Saltpeter Works | chile |
2021 | Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Extremely fragile nature of the industrial buildings; Lack of maintenance over the past 40 years. |
No |
iguacu national parkIguaçu National Park | brazil |
2023 | Governance, Ground transport infrastructure, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure, | No |
iguacu national parkIguaçu National Park | brazil |
2021 | Governance, Ground transport infrastructure, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure, | No |
iguazu national parkIguazu National Park | argentina |
2021 | Governance, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure, | No |
islands and protected areas of the gulf of californiaIslands and Protected Areas of the Gulf of California | mexico |
2024 | Fishing/collecting aquatic resources,
Illegal activities,
Other Threats: Serious concerns over the conservation status of two species, vaquita (porpoise species) and totoaba (marine fish) |
Yes |
islands and protected areas of the gulf of californiaIslands and Protected Areas of the Gulf of California | mexico |
2023 | Fishing/collecting aquatic resources,
Illegal activities,
Other Threats: Serious concerns over the conservation status of two species, vaquita (porpoise species) and totoaba (marine fish) |
Yes |
islands and protected areas of the gulf of californiaIslands and Protected Areas of the Gulf of California | mexico |
2021 | Fishing/collecting aquatic resources,
Illegal activities,
Other Threats: Serious concerns over the conservation status of two species, vaquita (porpoise species) and totoaba (marine fish) |
Yes |
monarch butterfly biosphere reserveMonarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve | mexico |
2023 | Illegal activities,
Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation,
Land conversion,
Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure,
Other Threats: Decline in the overwintering population of Monarch butterflies in the property |
No |
monarch butterfly biosphere reserveMonarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve | mexico |
2021 | Illegal activities,
Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation,
Land conversion,
Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure,
Other Threats: Decline in the overwintering population of Monarch butterflies in the property |
No |
national history park – citadel, sans souci, ramiersNational History Park – Citadel, Sans Souci, Ramiers | haiti |
2023 | Earthquake, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Ground transport infrastructure, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, | No |
national history park – citadel, sans souci, ramiersNational History Park – Citadel, Sans Souci, Ramiers | haiti |
2021 | Earthquake, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Ground transport infrastructure, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, | No |
pampulha modern ensemblePampulha Modern Ensemble | brazil |
2021 | Housing, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, | No |
pantanal conservation areaPantanal Conservation Area | brazil |
2023 | Fire (widlfires),
Other Threats: |
No |
pantanal conservation areaPantanal Conservation Area | brazil |
2021 | Fire (widlfires), | No |
pitons management areaPitons Management Area | saint lucia |
2023 | Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Renewable energy facilities, | No |
pitons management areaPitons Management Area | saint lucia |
2021 | Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Renewable energy facilities, | No |
port, fortresses and group of monuments, cartagenaPort, Fortresses and Group of Monuments, Cartagena | colombia |
2023 | Commercial development, Governance, Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Marine transport infrastructure, | No |
port, fortresses and group of monuments, cartagenaPort, Fortresses and Group of Monuments, Cartagena | colombia |
2021 | Commercial development, Governance, Housing, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Marine transport infrastructure, | No |
precolumbian chiefdom settlements with stone spheres of the diquisPrecolumbian Chiefdom Settlements with Stone Spheres of the Diquís | costa rica |
2023 | Air transport infrastructure, Financial resources, Governance, Housing, Human resources, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure, | No |
precolumbian chiefdom settlements with stone spheres of the diquisPrecolumbian Chiefdom Settlements with Stone Spheres of the Diquís | costa rica |
2021 | Air transport infrastructure, Financial resources, Governance, Housing, Human resources, Interpretative and visitation facilities, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure, | No |
qhapaq nan, andean road systemQhapaq Ñan, Andean Road System | argentina,bolivia (plurinational state of),chile,colombia,ecuador,peru |
2023 | Management systems/ management plan, | No |
qhapaq nan, andean road systemQhapaq Ñan, Andean Road System | argentina,bolivia (plurinational state of),chile,colombia,ecuador,peru |
2021 | Management systems/ management plan, | No |
quebrada de humahuacaQuebrada de Humahuaca | argentina |
2023 | Crop production, Flooding, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Major linear utilities, Management systems/ management plan, | No |
quebrada de humahuacaQuebrada de Humahuaca | argentina |
2021 | Crop production, Flooding, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Major linear utilities, Management systems/ management plan, | No |
rio plátano biosphere reserveRío Plátano Biosphere Reserve | honduras |
2024 | Financial resources,
Human resources,
Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community,
Illegal activities,
Invasive/alien terrestrial species,
Land conversion,
Legal framework,
Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals,
Management systems/ management plan,
Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Overlap with important archaeological sites implying a need to harmonize management of cultural and natural heritage |
Yes |
rio plátano biosphere reserveRío Plátano Biosphere Reserve | honduras |
2023 | Financial resources,
Human resources,
Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community,
Illegal activities,
Invasive/alien terrestrial species,
Land conversion,
Legal framework,
Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals,
Management systems/ management plan,
Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Overlap with important archaeological sites implying a need to harmonize management of cultural and natural heritage |
Yes |
rio plátano biosphere reserveRío Plátano Biosphere Reserve | honduras |
2021 | Financial resources,
Human resources,
Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community,
Illegal activities,
Invasive/alien terrestrial species,
Land conversion,
Legal framework,
Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals,
Management systems/ management plan,
Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Overlap with important archaeological sites implying a need to harmonize management of cultural and natural heritage |
Yes |
settlement and artificial mummification of the chinchorro culture in the arica and parinacota regionSettlement and Artificial Mummification of the Chinchorro Culture in the Arica and Parinacota Region | chile |
2023 | Governance,
Industrial areas,
Legal framework,
Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: General maintenance, including for unprotected archaeological remains on the surface |
No |
sitio roberto burle marxSítio Roberto Burle Marx | brazil |
2024 | Housing, Management systems/ management plan, | No |
talamanca range-la amistad reserves / la amistad national parkTalamanca Range-La Amistad Reserves / La Amistad National Park | costa rica,panama |
2023 | Illegal activities,
Land conversion,
Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals,
Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Lack of a long-term biological monitoring program |
No |
talamanca range-la amistad reserves / la amistad national parkTalamanca Range-La Amistad Reserves / La Amistad National Park | costa rica,panama |
2021 | Illegal activities,
Land conversion,
Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals,
Management systems/ management plan,
Water infrastructure,
Other Threats: Lack of a long-term biological monitoring program |
No |
the architectural work of le corbusier, an outstanding contribution to the modern movementThe Architectural Work of Le Corbusier, an Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement | argentina |
2023 | Governance, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, | No |
the architectural work of le corbusier, an outstanding contribution to the modern movementThe Architectural Work of Le Corbusier, an Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement | argentina |
2021 | Governance, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, | No |
tiwanaku: spiritual and political centre of the tiwanaku cultureTiwanaku: Spiritual and Political Centre of the Tiwanaku Culture | bolivia (plurinational state of) |
2023 | Governance, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, | No |
tiwanaku: spiritual and political centre of the tiwanaku cultureTiwanaku: Spiritual and Political Centre of the Tiwanaku Culture | bolivia (plurinational state of) |
2021 | Governance, Housing, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Legal framework, Management systems/ management plan, | No |
* :
The threats indicated are listed in alphabetical order; their order does not constitute a classification according to the importance of their impact on the property.
Furthermore, they are presented irrespective of the type of threat faced by the property, i.e. with specific and proven imminent danger (“ascertained danger”) or with threats which could have deleterious effects on the property’s Outstanding Universal Value (“potential danger”).
** : All mission reports are not always available electronically.