State of Conservation
Properties concerned
States Parties with SOC reports
Property Category:Naturalclose
Date Start:
Date end:2010close
Site | State Party | Year | Threats* | Danger List |
air and tenere natural reservesAir and Ténéré Natural Reserves | niger |
2010 | Civil unrest,
Erosion and siltation/ deposition,
Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community,
Illegal activities,
Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals,
Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: poverty |
Yes |
alejandro de humboldt national parkAlejandro de Humboldt National Park | cuba |
2010 | Mining, | No |
belize barrier reef reserve systemBelize Barrier Reef Reserve System | belize |
2010 | Housing, Invasive / alien marine species, Land conversion, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, | Yes |
comoe national parkComoé National Park | cote d'ivoire |
2010 | Civil unrest, Fire (widlfires), Illegal activities, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, | Yes |
dja faunal reserveDja Faunal Reserve | cameroon |
2010 | Commercial hunting, Illegal activities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, | No |
donana national parkDoñana National Park | spain |
2010 | Crop production, Management systems/ management plan, Pollution of marine waters, | No |
dong phayayen-khao yai forest complexDong Phayayen-Khao Yai Forest Complex | thailand |
2010 | Ground transport infrastructure,
Other Threats: Forest fragmentationNeed for ecological corridors |
No |
east rennellEast Rennell | solomon islands |
2010 | Commercial hunting, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, Forestry /wood production, Invasive / alien marine species, Mining, | No |
everglades national parkEverglades National Park | united states of america |
2010 | Ground water pollution,
Surface water pollution,
Water (extraction) ,
Other Threats: Mercury contamination of fish and wildlife |
No |
galápagos islandsGalápagos Islands | ecuador |
2010 | Fishing/collecting aquatic resources,
Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community,
Illegal activities,
Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation,
Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure,
Management systems/ management plan,
Other Threats: Educational reform not implemented. |
Yes |
garamba national parkGaramba National Park | democratic republic of the congo |
2010 | Civil unrest, Human resources, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, War, | Yes |
gunung mulu national parkGunung Mulu National Park | malaysia |
2010 | Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Water infrastructure, | No |
henderson islandHenderson Island | united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland |
2010 | Invasive/alien terrestrial species, | No |
ichkeul national parkIchkeul National Park | tunisia |
2010 | Management systems/ management plan, Water (rain/water table), Water infrastructure, | No |
iguacu national parkIguaçu National Park | brazil |
2010 | Financial resources, Ground transport infrastructure, Housing, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure, | No |
iguazu national parkIguazu National Park | argentina |
2010 | Financial resources, Housing, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure, | No |
isole eolie (aeolian islands)Isole Eolie (Aeolian Islands) | italy |
2010 | Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Marine transport infrastructure, Quarrying, | No |
kahuzi-biega national parkKahuzi-Biega National Park | democratic republic of the congo |
2010 | Civil unrest, Illegal activities, Land conversion, Mining, War, | Yes |
lake baikalLake Baikal | russian federation |
2010 | Housing, Illegal activities, Land conversion, Legal framework, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, Oil and gas, Surface water pollution, | No |
lorentz national parkLorentz National Park | indonesia |
2010 | Civil unrest, Financial resources, Fishing/collecting aquatic resources, High impact research / monitoring activities, Housing, Mining, | No |
los katios national parkLos Katíos National Park | colombia |
2010 | Civil unrest, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, | Yes |
macquarie islandMacquarie Island | australia |
2010 | Invasive/alien terrestrial species, | No |
mana pools national park, sapi and chewore safari areasMana Pools National Park, Sapi and Chewore Safari Areas | zimbabwe |
2010 | Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Mining, | No |
manas wildlife sanctuaryManas Wildlife Sanctuary | india |
2010 | Civil unrest, Illegal activities, | Yes |
manovo-gounda st floris national parkManovo-Gounda St Floris National Park | central african republic |
2010 | Civil unrest, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Mining, | Yes |
manu national parkManú National Park | peru |
2010 | Illegal activities, Land conversion, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Oil and gas, | No |
monarch butterfly biosphere reserveMonarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve | mexico |
2010 | Fire (widlfires), Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Land conversion, | No |
mosi-oa-tunya / victoria fallsMosi-oa-Tunya / Victoria Falls | zambia,zimbabwe |
2010 | Air pollution, Drought, Housing, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Surface water pollution, Water (extraction) , Water infrastructure, | No |
mount nimba strict nature reserveMount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve | cote d'ivoire,guinea |
2010 | Financial resources, Human resources, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, | Yes |
niokolo-koba national parkNiokolo-Koba National Park | senegal |
2010 | Drought, Ground transport infrastructure, Illegal activities, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Mining, Translocated species, Water infrastructure, | Yes |
okapi wildlife reserveOkapi Wildlife Reserve | democratic republic of the congo |
2010 | Ground transport infrastructure, Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Mining, | Yes |
pirin national parkPirin National Park | bulgaria |
2010 | Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management systems/ management plan, | No |
pitons management areaPitons Management Area | saint lucia |
2010 | Housing, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, | No |
rainforests of the atsinananaRainforests of the Atsinanana | madagascar |
2010 | Fire (widlfires), Illegal activities, Indigenous hunting, gathering and collecting, Land conversion, Mining, | No |
rio plátano biosphere reserveRío Plátano Biosphere Reserve | honduras |
2010 | Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community, Illegal activities, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Land conversion, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure, | No |
sagarmatha national parkSagarmatha National Park | nepal |
2010 | Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Temperature change, | No |
salonga national parkSalonga National Park | democratic republic of the congo |
2010 | Civil unrest, Illegal activities, Indigenous hunting, gathering and collecting, Management systems/ management plan, War, | Yes |
selous game reserveSelous Game Reserve | united republic of tanzania |
2010 | Commercial hunting, Financial resources, Illegal activities, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Oil and gas, Water infrastructure, | No |
serengeti national parkSerengeti National Park | united republic of tanzania |
2010 | Illegal activities, Major linear utilities, Surface water pollution, Water (extraction) , Water infrastructure, | No |
sichuan giant panda sanctuaries - wolong, mt siguniang and jiajin mountainsSichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries - Wolong, Mt Siguniang and Jiajin Mountains | china |
2010 | Earthquake, Financial resources, Human resources, Management systems/ management plan, Water infrastructure, | No |
simien national parkSimien National Park | ethiopia |
2010 | Ground transport infrastructure,
Identity, social cohesion, changes in local population and community,
Land conversion,
Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals,
Other Threats: a) Declining populations of Walia ibex, Ethiopian wolf and other large mammal species; |
Yes |
talamanca range-la amistad reserves / la amistad national parkTalamanca Range-La Amistad Reserves / La Amistad National Park | costa rica,panama |
2010 | Land conversion, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, Water infrastructure, | No |
three parallel rivers of yunnan protected areasThree Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas | china |
2010 | Land conversion, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Water infrastructure, | No |
tropical rainforest heritage of sumatraTropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra | indonesia |
2010 | Governance, Ground transport infrastructure, Illegal activities, Land conversion, | No |
virgin komi forestsVirgin Komi Forests | russian federation |
2010 | Management systems/ management plan, Mining, | No |
virunga national parkVirunga National Park | democratic republic of the congo |
2010 | Civil unrest, Illegal activities, Land conversion, Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals, War, | Yes |
volcanoes of kamchatkaVolcanoes of Kamchatka | russian federation |
2010 | Fire (widlfires), Ground transport infrastructure, Illegal activities, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Oil and gas, Renewable energy facilities, | No |
wadi al-hitan (whale valley)Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) | egypt |
2010 | Financial resources, Management systems/ management plan, | No |
waterton glacier international peace parkWaterton Glacier International Peace Park | canada,united states of america |
2010 | Housing, Invasive/alien terrestrial species, Mining, Temperature change, | No |
western caucasusWestern Caucasus | russian federation |
2010 | Forestry /wood production, Ground transport infrastructure, Legal framework, Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure, Management activities, Management systems/ management plan, | No |
yellowstone national parkYellowstone National Park | united states of america |
2010 | Air pollution, Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure, Ground transport infrastructure, Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation, Input of excess energy, Invasive / alien freshwater species, Management systems/ management plan, Mining, Surface water pollution, | No |
* :
The threats indicated are listed in alphabetical order; their order does not constitute a classification according to the importance of their impact on the property.
Furthermore, they are presented irrespective of the type of threat faced by the property, i.e. with specific and proven imminent danger (“ascertained danger”) or with threats which could have deleterious effects on the property’s Outstanding Universal Value (“potential danger”).
** : All mission reports are not always available electronically.