N°: 3192

Reconstruction of Management infrastructure destroyed by floods and landslides to enhance the Conservation of the Outstanding Universal Value of Rwenzori Mountains National Park World Heritage Site.

State Party
75,000 USD
Approved amount
2 Jul 2020
Decision Date
Process Step
Kurt Scheffer bridge - Process of fixing the steel metal support | Image Source: Final report from State Party

Torrential rains occurred in and around Rwenzori Mountains National Park at the beginning of May 2020. Consecutive flooding destroyed some of the protected area infrastructure, mainly bridges, ladders and walk-boards. The destruction of infrastructure was a hindrance to the patrols necessary for the protection of the site’s biodiversity, and also to tourism activities, which negatively affected the site’s revenues and community livelihood.

The objectives of the project were to

  • Develop a Rwenzori Mountains National Park Risk and disaster management plan;
  • Redesign and reconstruct the trail system and the infrastructure of the Park.

A Climate Change, Disaster Risk Management Plan for the property was developed as a guidance for site managers. The stakeholders involved in its preparation were local and central government officials, NGOs, members of community groups, opinion leaders, representatives from tourism groups, cultural institutions and farmers around Rwenzori. Actions to combat disasters have been developed: they include early warning systems, public awareness and advocacy, livelihoods, poverty alleviation, strategy for stakeholder coordination, and environment protection through tree planting, water and soil conservation. Mechanisms for financing, monitoring, evaluation and plan review have been put in place.

The World Heritage Fund supported the reconstruction of Kurt Scheffer bridge along the Central Circuit trail.

Ugandan authorities funded works at the trail from Mihunga Park entry (Central Circuit) gate to Kyoho (re-design, reopening, and drainage channels), repairs at the boardwalks of Mitinda 1 & 2 and Bigata 1, the construction of ladders at Masudi, Kyoho and Buraro and the reconstruction of 4 bridges at Buraro, Kyoho, Mahoma and Bujuku as per the designs submitted to UNESCO.

The construction works were implemented with the participation of the community members who provided both skilled and unskilled labor, in particular for the transportation of materials, and played a key role in the success of this project. The local contractor was also member of the local communities, which facilitated the implementation of the project.

Amount Requested: 75,000 USD
Type of Assistance: Natural / Emergency
World Bank: LIC
LDC: Yes
N°: 3192
Decision: Approved
Decision by: Chairperson
Approved amount: 75,000 USD
Decision Date: 2 Jul 2020