N°: 1361

Rescue programme for Fort and Shalamar Gardens, Lahore (NOT IMPLEMENTED)

State Party
50,000 USD
Approved amount
2 Dec 2000
Decision Date
Process Step
Amount Requested: 84,724 USD
Type of Assistance: Cultural / Emergency
Previous Id: 2001-474
World Bank: LIC
N°: 1361
Decision: Approved
Decision by: Committee
Approved amount: 50,000 USD
Decision Date: 2 Dec 2000

Committee Decisions

Code: 24COM XIV.2

XIV.2 Requests for International Assistance

The Bureau met during the twenty-fourth session of the Committee after the budget for Technical Assistance for year 2001 under Chapter III was approved, to take decisions or recommend decisions to the Committee concerning international assistance requests. The attention of the Committee and Bureau was drawn to document WHC-2000/CONF.204/17 and 6 requests for decision by the Committee and 14 requests for decision by the Bureau were examined and took the following decisions. All decisions taken by the Bureau and Committee concerning these requests are listed below:

(iv) Emergency Assistance

Cultural Heritage

New Request Pakistan

"Development of a Rescue Programme for the Shalamar Gardens, following the inscription of the site on the List of World Heritage in Danger and Activities for Awareness Raising"

After considerable discussion, the Bureau recommended that the Committee approve an allocation of US$ 50,000, requesting the State Party to adjust the budget allocation and activity plan in close co-operation with ICOMOS, ICCROM and the World Heritage Centre, which should be approved by the Chairperson before contracts were issued. The Bureau considered that the component related to the Youth Forum and translation of the Education Kit could be considered under "Assistance for Educational, Information, Promotional Activities", and should not be funded under Emergency Assistance.

Following the recommendation of the Bureau, the Committee approved US$ 50,000, requesting the State Party to adjust the budget allocation and activity plan in close co-operation with ICOMOS, ICCROM and the World Heritage Centre, which should be approved by the Chairperson before contracts were issued.

Special note: Conditions for the granting of international assistance. Following a proposal from Thailand, the Committee agreed that, with respect to countries in arrears, conditions for granting assistance as set out in Operational Guidelines, paragraph 121 should be adhered to.

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