Silk Route (Also as Silk Road)
Iranian Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization
Khorasan Province
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The Silk Route is a corridor that is stretched mainly east to west and has connected all Asian and European civilizations to each other. It can play an important role at the present time. Here, the part which is located in the political geography of Iran is nominated for inscription in the World Heritage List (Tentative List).
Justification de la Valeur Universelle Exceptionnelle
The Silk Route networks and all properties -providing different kinds of services- that have been situated all along this route met the following criteria:
I. The Silk Route, along with the neighboring immovable cultural properties as well as its natural and cultural landscapes, is the longest route and the unique property that extends over the territory of a single civilization. It has been created by different societies adjacent to this route through time for economical-commercial purposes. Moreover, mass emigrations have used this route. This route has not been constructed by a single country. All people who settled down along this route (corridor) contributed their shares for its construction.