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Caribbean Regional Training Workshop on Marine World Heritage

lundi 27 févr. 2006
vendredi 03 mars 2006
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A training workshop will be held to train national authorities and IGO's and NGO's about recognizing and protecting marine World Heritage values in the Caribbean.

Workshop objectives:

  • Build awareness and capacity among national authorities as well as IGO's and NGO's about the use of the World Heritage Convention as a marine conservation tool in the Insular Caribbean.
  • Provide overview about the World Heritage Convention and the process needed for a successful marine World Heritage designation focusing on the use of serial and transboundary approaches.
  • Identify and agree on specific follow-up activities to implement the World Heritage Convention for the marine environment in the Caribbean.
  • Discuss on ways and means how other international environmental instruments could be applied to conserve the marine biodiversity in the Caribbean context in conjunction with the World Heritage Convention and explore synergies as appropriate.
  • Strengthen existing and establish new connections between the governments, resource users and various marine conservation organizations in the Caribbean for the conservation of, and support for, the existing and proposed marine World Heritage sites.

Expected results:

  • Representatives from the Insular Caribbean countries have been trained on the application of the World Heritage Convention and informed of other relevant international instruments for marine environment conservation.
  • Commitment to collaborate in pursuing nominations of at least two marine serial and/or transboundary World Heritage sites in the Caribbean countries.
  • Partnerships established or strengthened among the regional and international organizations active in the Caribbean for the conservation of existing and proposed World Heritage sites.

lundi 27 février 2006
vendredi 3 mars 2006

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