Report on the WHC Mission to Granada, January 1997
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Report on the WHC Mission to Granada, January 1997
Report on the WHC Mission to Granada, January 1997
Date :
mercredi 1 janvier 1997
mercredi 1 janvier 1997
Biens du Patrimoine mondial
At the request of the authorities of the city, a World Heritage Centre mission visited Grenada in January 1997 to study the requirements for the rehabilitation of the Albayzin quarter. A report was prepared recommending that the authorities adopt an approach better adapted to the environment of the quarter, excluding any major interventions and associating all levels of the public sector as well as certain components of the private sector.
At the request of the authorities of the city, a World Heritage Centre mission visited Grenada in January 1997 to study the requirements for the rehabilitation of the Albayzin quarter. A report was prepared recommending that the authorities adopt an approach better adapted to the environment of the quarter, excluding any major interventions and associating all levels of the public sector as well as certain components of the private sector.
Langue : English en
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