Patrimoine mondial Centre du patrimoine mondial - décision du Comité 90 fr Copyright 2024 UNESCO, World Heritage Centre Sat, 12 Oct 2024 16:22:48 EST UNESCO, World Heritage Centre - Decisions 1 EXT.COM III.5 Élection de deux Vice-Présidents a élu par acclamation la Bulgarie et le Sénégal comme Vice-Présidents.]]> Thu, 10 Sep 1981 00:00:00 EST 1 EXT.COM IV.11/14 Proposition d'inscription de la Vieille Ville de Jérusalem et de ses remparts sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial
11. Le Comité a enregistré cette confirmation et a été d'accord que la "Vieille Ville de Jérusalem et ses remparts" constituent un ensemble historique qui doit être considéré dans sa globalité comme un tout cohérent dont l'équilibre et le caractère spécifique dépendent de la synthèse des éléments qui le composent, et où la préservation devrait se faire en prenant en considération les manifestations des différentes périodes historiques.

14. Le Comité a décidé d'inscrire la "Vieille Ville de Jérusalem et ses remparts" sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial.]]> Thu, 10 Sep 1981 00:00:00 EST
2 BUR IV.21 Assistance d'urgence - Guatemala (demande n°65-3) Mon, 28 May 1979 00:00:00 EST 2 BUR V.23 Demandes de coopération technique - Equateur (demande n°I.I) recommande au Comité d'accorder cette coopération technique pour le site qui est inscrit sur la Liste.]]> Mon, 28 May 1979 00:00:00 EST 2 BUR V.24 Demandes de coopération technique - Tanzanie (demande n°39.I) recommande au Comité d'accorder cette coopération technique si le bien est admis sur la Liste.]]> Mon, 28 May 1979 00:00:00 EST 2 BUR V.25 Demandes de coopération technique - Egypte (demande n°89.I) recommande au Comité que cette demande soit acceptée sir le bien est inscrit sur la Liste.]]> Mon, 28 May 1979 00:00:00 EST 2 BUR V.26 Demandes de coopération technique - Ethiopie (demande n°18.I) a jugé bon d'ajourner sa décision.]]> Mon, 28 May 1979 00:00:00 EST 2 BUR V.27 Demandes de coopération technique - Ethiopie (demandes n°III.I et II2.I) a décidé d'ajourner sa décision jusqu'à ce que les propositions d'inscription - reçues trop tard - aient pu être examinées.]]> Mon, 28 May 1979 00:00:00 EST 2 BUR V.28 Demandes de coopération technique - République arabe syrienne (demandes n°20.I, 21.I, 22.I et 23.I) a préféré ajourner sa décision jusqu'à réception des informations requises.]]> Mon, 28 May 1979 00:00:00 EST 2 EXT.COM 2 Élection du nouveau Bureau du Comité du patrimoine mondial a élu M. Francesco Francioni (Italie), Président du Comité du patrimoine mondial, et M. Noël Fatal (Liban), Rapporteur. Le Bénin, l'Equateur, les Etats-Unis d'Amérique, le Japon et Maroc ont été élus Vice-Présidents.]]> Wed, 29 Oct 1997 00:00:00 EST 3 BUR XI.19 [Uniquement en anglais] Nomination submitted by Yugoslavia of the Kotor natural and historical region to the World Heritage List and the List of World Heritage in Danger The Bureau decided to recommend that this site be entered on the two lists provided that the Committee agreed with a special procedure for the emergency inscription of properties on the World Heritage List.

The Bureau decided that the technical cooperation request should be examined after the Committee had taken decisions on the above mentioned matters.

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3 BUR XI.20 [Uniquement en anglais] Request from Nepal for technical co-operation for Sagarmatha National Park The Bureau noted that the Secretariat had received a request for $60,000 for technical co-operation for Sagarmatha National Park in Nepal. However, this request had been received after the deadline and had not been fully processed. The Bureau consequently decided to examine it at a later session.

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3 BUR XI.21 [Uniquement en anglais] Training Seminar in the Galapagos After examining the request, the Bureau decided to grant to Ecuador funds amounting to $12,000 in connection with the organization of a ten-day seminar in the Galapagos for national park personnel.

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3 COM I.1 [Uniquement en anglais] Introduction The third session of the World Heritage Committee was held in Cairo, Egypt (22 October 1979) and in Luxor, Egypt (23-26 October) at the kind invitation of the Egyptian Government. The meeting was attended by the following States members of the World Heritage Committee: Australia, Bulgaria, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Iran, Italy, Nepal, Pakistan, Panama, Senegal, Switzerland, United States of America and Yugoslavia.

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3 COM I.2 [Uniquement en anglais] Introduction Representatives of the International Centre for Conservation (ICCROM), of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) attended the meeting in an advisory capacity.

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3 COM I.3 [Uniquement en anglais] Introduction Observers from three States Parties to the Convention which were not members of the Committee, namely Canada, Federal Republic of Germany and Honduras also attended the session, as well as observers from two other international organizations: the Organization for Museums, Monuments and Sites of Africa (OMMSA) and the International Union of Architects (IUA).

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3 COM I.4 [Uniquement en anglais] Introduction Mon, 22 Oct 1979 00:00:00 EST 3 COM II.5 [Uniquement en anglais] Opening of the session and Adoption of the agenda The Chairman, Mr. David Hales, declared the session open and proposed that items 2 to 4 of the Provisional Agenda be considered before the inaugural ceremony.

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3 COM II.6 [Uniquement en anglais] Opening of the session and Adoption of the agenda This Proposal was accepted by the Committee which proceeded to examine the Provisional Agenda prepared for the meeting. The Chairman proposed that:

i) an additional item be added to the agenda as item 5, namely
"Report by former Chairman and Rapporteur on activities undertaken during the period September 1978-October 1979 and action to be taken thereon";

ii) items 5 and 6 of the Provisional Agenda be examined as one item, and

iii) item 14 should be reworded as follows "Support services to the Secretariat and to the advisory international organizations".

With those modifications, the Committee adopted the Agenda.

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3 COM III.7 [Uniquement en anglais] Revision of the Rules of Procedure The Committee had before it a recommendation from the Bureau that the Committee's Rules of Procedure be amended to provide for the replacement of the Rapporteur when the Rapporteur was unable to act at any session of the Committee or part thereof or was unable for any reason to complete his term of office (document CC-79/CONF.003/2). The procedure proposed for the replacement of the Rapporteur was identical to that foreseen in the Rules of Procedure for the replacement of the Chairman.

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