Patrimoine mondial Centre du patrimoine mondial - décision du Comité 90 fr Copyright 2024 UNESCO, World Heritage Centre Fri, 18 Oct 2024 21:33:49 EST UNESCO, World Heritage Centre - Decisions 1 COM VI.B(h).53 Autres questions relatives à l'octroi d'une assistance internationale Mon, 27 Jun 1977 00:00:00 EST 2 COM V.24 [Uniquement en anglais] Examination of the form and Periodicity of Publication of the World Heritage List, the List of World Heritage in danger and the List of Properties for which technical cooperation is granted The Committee followed the recommendation of the Bureau and agreed to publish and disseminate annually the World Heritage List, the World Heritage in Danger List and the list of properties for which technical cooperation is granted from the World Heritage Fund as combined lists. (see document CC-78/CONF.010/6). It was pointed out that this arrangement would allow for timely updating of these lists after each annual session of the Committee.

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2 COM X.49 [Uniquement en anglais] Review of the Procedure for Nominations to the List of World Heritage in danger The Chairman invited the delegate of Canada to take the floor since this item had been added to the agenda upon his proposal. The delegate of Canada explained that after discussing with the Secretariat of UNESCO the terms of Article 11.4 of the Convention he considered that there was no need for a special procedure to be adopted for the establishment of the List of World Heritage in Danger.

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