Patrimoine mondial Centre du patrimoine mondial - décision du Comité 90 fr Copyright 2024 UNESCO, World Heritage Centre Thu, 03 Oct 2024 14:27:29 EST UNESCO, World Heritage Centre - Decisions 2 COM I.8 [Uniquement en anglais] Adoption of the agenda The Chairman invited the members of the Committee to examine the provisional agenda prepared by the Secretariat. At the request of members of the Committee, two new items were added to the agenda: "Revision of the Rules of Procedure" and "Review of the Procedure for Nominations to the List of World Heritage in Danger."

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2 COM I.9 [Uniquement en anglais] Adoption of the agenda With the above additions, the agenda was adopted.

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2 COM II.10 [Uniquement en anglais] Revision of the Rules of Procedure The Committee discussed the need to increase the number of officers constituting the Bureau in view of the greater workload of the Bureau in the future. Committee members also felt that a larger number of officers would be advisable to allow for:

(i) better representation of geographical regions in the Bureau; and,
(ii) enhanced expertise for both natural and cultural properties.

Having also in mind that the membership of the Committee itself would be increased from 15 to 21 delegates at the second General Assembly, the Committee agreed to elect henceforth 7 officers for the Bureau which would then consist of the Chairman, five Vice-Chairmen and the Rapporteur.

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2 COM II.11 [Uniquement en anglais] Revision of the Rules of Procedure The Committee amended Articles 12.1 and 13 of the Rules of Procedure accordingly.

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2 COM III.12 [Uniquement en anglais] Election of the Chairman, Vice-Chairmen and Rapporteur The Committee elected by acclamation Mr. David Hales (USA) as its Chairman. The Committee then proceeded to elect by acclamation the delegates of Ecuador, Egypt, France, Iran and Nigeria, as Vice-Chairmen, and Professor Krzysztof Pawlowski (Poland), as Rapporteur. The new Chairman then called for a standing ovation to thank Mr. Firouz Bagherzadeh for the excellent leadership he had provided to the Committee during the past year.

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2 COM VIII.41 [Uniquement en anglais] Review of Nominations to the World Heritage List The Committee continued its work by discussing suitable future closing dates for the submission of nominations and agreed that nominations, in order to be examined at the next Bureau meeting, should be with the Secretariat by 1 March 1979 at the latest. Thereafter, however, the deadline for submission of nominations would be 1 January so that more time would be available to the Secretariat, ICOMOS and IUCN for the processing and technical review of the new dominations.

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2 COM VIII.43 [Uniquement en anglais] Review of Nominations to the World Heritage List In this connection, reference was made to Article 11 (1) of the Convention which stipulates no limit for the number of nominations by a single State Party. However, in recognizing this stipulation the Committee, for purely practical reasons, authorized the Chairman to convene, if necessary, a special Bureau meeting after the closing date for submission of nominations in order to examine, together with the advisory organizations and the Secretariat, the possibility of evaluating all new nominations and to adopt a procedure which would take into account the capacities of all parties involved in the processing of nominations.

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2 GA 8 Adoption de l’ordre du jour de l’Assemblée générale Fonds du patrimoine mondial.]]> Fri, 24 Nov 1978 00:00:00 EST