Patrimoine mondial Centre du patrimoine mondial - décision du Comité 90 fr Copyright 2024 UNESCO, World Heritage Centre Thu, 13 Jun 2024 10:36:19 EST UNESCO, World Heritage Centre - Decisions 4 COM [Uniquement en anglais] Annex II : Agenda
  • Opening of the session.
  • Adoption of the agenda.
  • Election of the Chairman, Vice-Chairmen and Rapporteur.
  • Nominations to the World Heritage List.
  • Technical co-operation requests.
  • Protection of the World Heritage Emblem and of the name of the World Heritage Fund.
  • Revised text of the "Operational Guidelines for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention".
  • Measures to be taken to improve the balance between the cultural and the natural heritage in the implementation of the Convention.
  • Public information activities.
  • Consideration of Statement of accounts of the World Heritage Fund and adoption of a budget for 1981.
  • Consideration of the Report of the Rapporteur on the fourth session of the Bureau.
  • Other business.
  • Closure of the session.
  • ]]> Mon, 01 Sep 1980 00:00:00 EST
    4 COM [Uniquement en anglais] Annex I: Message from the Prime Minister of France, Mr. Raymond Barre I would like to welcome the participants of the fourth session of the World Heritage Committee. The French Government is honored that this meeting, which brings together the leading specialists in historical monuments and natural sites, is being held in 1980 in France. At the request of the President of the Republic, 1980 is in fact Heritage Year in our country. It is marked by numerous activities initiated by the State, local communities and associations for preserving and enhancing the illustrious and more humble legacies of our people's past. It is fortu- nate that Heritage Year offers the opportu- nity for this international event, held under the auspices of Unesco. I wish the Committee every success in its work, which will strengthen the will of all countries to join together in safeguarding the elements of the world heritage.

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    4 COM I.1 Introduction
  • La quatrième session du Comité du patrimoine mondial s'est tenue à Paris, France, du 1er au 5 septembre 1980 à l'aimable invitation du gouvernement français.  Les États membres du Comité dont la liste suit étaient présents à la réunion: Algérie, Argentina, Australie, Bulgaria, Equateur, Egypte, France, Ghana, Iraq, Italy, Népal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Sénégal, Soudan, Suisse, Tunisie, États-Unis d’Amérique and Yougoslavie.
  • Des représentants du Conseil international des monuments et des sites (ICOMOS) et de l'Union international pour la conservation de la nature et de ses ressources (UICN) ont assistés à la réunion a titre consultatif
  • Des observateurs de douze États parties à la Convention mais non membres du Comité:  Brésil, Canada, Costa Rica, Chypre, la République fédérale d'Allemagne, Haïti, Honduras, Jordanie, Mexique, Norvège, Pologne, Arabie Saoudite, et socialiste Jamahiriya arabe populaire Jamahiriya et le Zaïre ont également assisté à la session, ainsi que d'un observateur d'une autre organisation internationale: l'Organisation arabe pour l'éducation, la culture et la science.
  • La liste complète des participants figure à l'annexe I au présent rapport
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    4 COM I.2 [Uniquement en anglais] Introduction Representatives of the International Council of Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) attended the meeting in an advisory capacity.

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    4 COM I.3 [Uniquement en anglais] Introduction Observers from thirteen States Parties to the Convention which were not members of the Committee, namely Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Federal Republic of Germany, Haiti, Honduras, Jordan, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and Zaire also attended the session, as well as an observer from one other international organization: the Arab, Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization. The full list of participants will be found in Annex I to this report.

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    4 COM II.4 Ouverture de la session et adoption de l'ordre du jour Le président, le Dr Shehata Adam, a déclaré la session ouverte ; il a ensuite souhaité la bienvenue aux participants et remercie le gouvernement français d'avoir aimablemet invité le Comité du patrimoine mondial  à tenir sa quatrième session à l'Hôtel de Sully. M. Jean-Pierre Bady, directeur de la Caisse nationale des monuments historiques et des sites, a prononcé une allocution de bienvenue dans laquelle il a brièvement évoqué l'historique de l'Hôtel de Bethune Sully.  M. Michel Batisse, Sous-Directeur général adjoint  des sciences, a pononcé une allocution au nom de M. Amadou Mahtar M'Bow, Directeur général de l'Unesco. M. Bertrand Eveno, directeur du Bureau du Cabinet du Ministre de la Culture et de la Communication a prononcé une allocution au nom de M. Lecat, ministre de la Culture et de la Communication et a donné lecture d'un télégramme adressé aux participants de la quatrième session de le Carnnittee du patrimoine mondial par M. Raymond Barre, Premier ministre de la France (annexe I).

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    4 COM III.5-7 [Uniquement en anglais] Adoption of the agenda 5. Dr. Shehata Adam brought to the attention of the Committee the text of a letter from the Government of Jordan regarding the nomination to the World Heritage List of the "Old City Jerusalem and its walls" and suggested the matter be taken up under Item 4 of the proposed agenda.
    6.  The delegate from the United States of America suggested that a working group on the balance between cultural and natural sites be established and the exanimation of the Report of the Rapporteur on the 4th session of the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee (19-22 May1980) was inserted between Items 10 and 11.
    7. After a  discussion ensued concerning whether or not to modify the order of the proposed agenda : to discuss Item 5 and Item 10 together and to examine Item 7 before Item 4
    The decision was ultimately taken to adopt the agenda in the original form in which it was presented to the Committee with addition of examination the Report of the Rapporteur on the Bureau meeting between Items 10 and 11 (cf. Annex II)

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    4 COM IV.8-10 Élection du Président, des Vice-présidents et du Rapporteur 8. Mr. M. Parent was elected as Chairman of the Committee by accla- mation. The Committee then elected by acclamation the following representatives of States Members of the Committee as Vice-Chairmen : H. Exe. Prof. R.O. Slatyer (Australia), Mr. J. Adusei (Ghana), Mrs. R. Torres de Arauz (Panama), Mr. D. Hales (United States of America), Dr. M. Prelog (Yugoslavia) and Mr. A. Beschaouch (Tunisia) as Rapporteur. Dr. S. Adam (Egypt), the former Chairman of the Committee, was invited to participate in the work of the Bureau.

    9. Mr. M. Parent, in his capacity as Chairman of the Committee addressed the meeting.

    10. Mrs. R. Torres de Arauz announced the creation of the Multinational Technical Council on Culture for Central America at a formal meeting in Copan, Honduras. She also informed the Committee of the hope expressed by the Secretary of Education of Guatemala that the Maya City of Quirigua be considered for inclusion in the World Heritage List.

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    4 COM V.11 Examen du point 4 de l'Ordre du jour: Proposition d'inscription sur la Liste du Patrimoine mondial The Committee discussed one by one those nominations which had been recommended by the Bureau for inscription on the List, those which had been recommended by the Bureau not to be entered on the List and nominations which raised a problem of application of the criteria, and were hence recommended by the Bureau to be deferred. In each case the Committee heard, as appropriate, the comments of the representatives of IUCN and/or ICOMOS who presented an evaluation of each property in question in relation to the criteria. The representatives of IUCN and ICOMOS were invited when appro- priate and to the extent that it was feasible to consider the nominations in a comparative context.

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    4 COM V.13 Examen du point 4 : Propositions d'inscription sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial Le Comité a également décidé d'élargir le site protégé du Lac Ohrid pour y inclure la zone culturelle et historique située aux abords du lac.  Ce site sera designé comme suit:  "La région d'Ohrid ses aspects culturels et historique et son milieu naturel.".

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    4 COM V.15 Examen du point 4 : Propositions d'inscription sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial (sites non inscrits) The Committee furthermore decided not to inscribe the following ten sites on the World Heritage List :

    No. / Name of property / State Party

    104 / Church of Orosi / Costa Rica

    105 / National Monument at San Jose / Costa Rica

    108 / National Theatre / Costa Rica

    110 / Church of Nicoya / Costa Rica

    123 / Kainji Lake National Park / Nigeria

    56 / Valley of Heidal / Norway

    57 / Kjerringøy Trading Centre / Norway

    60 / Eidsvoll Building / Norway

    141 / Archaeological ruins at Harappa / Pakistan

    77 / Edison National Historic Site / United States of America

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    4 COM V.16 Examen du point 4 : Propositions d'inscription sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial (la vielle ville de Jérusalem et ses remparts) 16. A l'issue d'un débat sur la proposition d'inscription présentée par le Royaume hachémite de Jordanie au sujet de la « vieille ville de Jérusalem et ses remparts », la motion suivante a été adoptée par consensus :

    « Le Comité de patrimoine mondial, au cours de sa 4ème session, a pris en considération, dans tous ses aspects culturels et humains, la proposition présentée par le Royaume hachémite de Jordanie relative à la « vieille ville de Jérusalem et ses remparts ».

    Le Comité a apprécié, d’un complet accord, leur importance unique, en raison des valeurs universelles qu’ils recèlent au point de vue religieux, historique, architectural et artistique.

    Le Comité a décidé d’ouvrir la procédure établie pour l’examen de cette proposition en vue de l’inscrire sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial ».

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    4 COM V.12 Examen du point 4 : Propositions d'inscription sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial (sites inscrits) Le Comité décide d'inscrire sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial les vingt-huit sites suivants :

    No. identification / Nom du bien / État partie

    102 / Qalaa des Beni Hammad / Algerie

    124 /  Ville historique d'Ouro Prêto / Brésil

    133 /  Site de Burgess Shale / Canada 

    79 / Paphos / Chypre

    134 /Parc national Redwood /  États-Unis d'Amérique

    10 / Basse vallée de l'Aouache / Ethiopie

    12 / Tiya / Ethiopie

    15  / Axoum / Ethiopie

    17 / Basse vallée de l'Omo / Ethiopie

    35 / Batiments traditionnels Asante / Ghana

    129 / Site maya de Copan / Honduras

    91 / Centre historique de Rome / Italie

    Le représentant de l'Italie a accepté de communiquer à son gouvernement la recommendation du Comité tendant à étendre la zone protégée ouest jusqu'à l'enceinte fortifiée d'Urbain VIII.  Le Comité a estimé souhaitable que la Cité du Vatican bénéficie aussi de la protection de la Convention du patrimoine mondial et il a donc recommendé que la Conférence générale de l'Unesco invite le Saint-Siège à adhérer à la Convention. 

    93 / L'église et le couvent dominicain de Santa Maria delle Grazie avec « La Cène » de Léonard de Vinci / Italie

    130 / Hypogée de Hal Safliéni / Malte

    131 / Ville de la Valette / Malte

    132 / Temples de Ggantija  / Malte

    55 / Røros / Norvège

    138 / Ruines archéologiques de Mohenjo Daro / Pakistan

    139 / Taxila / Pakistan

    140 / Ruines bouddhiques de Takht-i-Bahi et vestiges de Sahr-i-Bahlol / Pakistan

     135 / Fortifications de la côte caraïbe du Panama : Portobelo, San Lorenzo / Panama

    30 / Centre historique de Varsovie / Pologne

    22 / Ancienne ville de Bosra / République arabe syrienne

    23 /Site de Palmyre / République arabe syrienne

    Le Comité recommande que les nécropoles et les vestiges de l'acqueduc romain qui sont situées en dehors de l'enceinte fortifiée soient inclus dans la zone protégée.  Le Comité attire l'attention sur les installations hôtelières se trouvant sur le site qui ne devraient pas, à son avis, être étendues. 

    8 / Parc national d'Ichkeul / Tunisie

    Le Comité a reçu l'assurance du délégué de la Tunisie que le gouvernement tunisien mettra en oeuvre un plan de mesures correctives (décrit dans les documents soumis au secretariat) destinant à sauvegarder l'intégrité du Parc national d'Ichkeul.

    100 / Parc national Durmitor / Yougoslavie

    136/ Garamba National Par/ Zaïre

    137/ Kahuzi-Biega National Park / Zaïre

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    4 COM V.14 [Uniquement en anglais] Consideration of Item 4 of the agenda:Nominations the World Heritage List (differed sites) The Committee decided furthermore to defer the following sites :

    No. / Name of property / State Party

    101 / Dey's Palace at Algiers/ Algeria

    103 / Citadel Quarter of Setif / Algeria

    106 /  National archaeological park of Guayabo de Turrialba / Costa Rica

    107 / Santa Rosa historic mansion / Costa Rica 

    109 / Ruins of Ujarras / Costa Rica 

    11 /  Adulis / Ethiopia

    111 / Bale Mountain National Park / Ethiopia

    112 / Abijatta Shalla Lakes National Park / Ethiopia 

    13 / Melka Kontoure / Ethiopia

    14 / Matara / Ethiopia

    16  /Yeha / Ethiopia

    92 / Convent of Santa Giulia-San Salvatore / Italy

    116  / Town of Djenné  / Mali

    117 /  National Park of the Baoulé Loop  / Mali

    118 / Land of the Dogon  / Mali

    119 / Town of Timbuktu  / Mali

    122 /  Birni Gazargamu and Gambaru /  Nigeria

    142 /  Rock carvings at the Sacred Rock of Pakistan Hunza and near Gilgit and Chilas / Pakistan

    143 /  Historical Monuments at Thatta  /  Pakistan

    25  / Djoudj National Bird Sanctuary  / Senegal

    21  / Aleppo  / Syrian Arab Republic


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    4 COM VI.18-20 [Uniquement en anglais] Consideration of item 7 of the agenda : The revised text of the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention 18.  The Committee reiterated the importance of the Operational Guidelines and emphasized that every measure should be taken to ensure that the resulting guidelines are the best possible and that they reflect the thorough deliberations which precede each decision taken by the Committee. The insertion in the introduction of a brief paragraph to this effect was recommended by the Committee. 

    19. The Committee then discussed in detail the Revised Operational Guidelines and made the following modifications:

    a) Chapter I, section A, paragraph 5 (ii) should read :

    Because of the educational and public information purposes of the World Heritage List, the criteria for the inclusion of properties in the List have been elaborated with a view to enabling the Committee to act with full independence in evaluating the intrinsic merit of a property without regard to any other consideration (including the need for technical co-operation support).

    b) Chapter I, section A, paragraph (iii) should read :

    The Committee considers it highly desirable for each State Party to submit a tentative list of cultural and natural properties situated in its territory and suitable for inclusion in the World Heritage List to enable it to evaluate within the widest possible context the outstanding universal value of each property nominated to the List.

    c) In order to facilitate the implementation of the provision set out in Chapter I, section A, paragraph 5 (vi), ICOMOS and IUCN were invited to present in their future evaluations a brief description of the principal characteristics for which a specific property is recommended for inclusion in the World Heritage List.

    d) Chapter I, section B, paragraph 6, second line, the word "provisional" is to be replaced by the word "tentative".

    e) Chapter I, section B, paragraph 13 should read :

    States Parties may propose in a single nomination a series of cultural properties in different geographical locations, provided that they are related because they belong :

    (i) to the same historico-cultural group or

    (ii) to the same type of property which is characteristic of the geographical zone and provided that it is the series as such and not its components taken individually, which is of outstanding universal value.

    f) Chapter I, section C, paragraph 16 should be amended as follows

    The criteria for the inclusion of cultural properties in, the World Heritage List should always be seen in relation to one another and should be considered in the context of the definitions set out in Article 1 of the Convention, the full text of which will be inserted at the beginning of this paragraph.

    g) Chapter I, section C, paragraph 16 (a) (vi) : the following should be added :

    The Committee considered that criterion (vi) should justify inclusion in the List only in exceptional circumstances or in conjunction with other criteria.

    h) In Chapter I, section C, paragraph 16, a sentence will be inserted in order to stress that reconstruction is only acceptable if it is carried out on the basis of complete and detailed documentation on the original and to no extent on conjecture.

    i) Chapter I, section C, paragraph 17 (a) should read :

    The property, including its state of preservation should be evaluated relatively, that is, it should be compared with other properties of the same type dating from the same period both inside and outside the state party's borders.

    j) In Chapter I, section D, paragraph 18, the full text of the definition set out in Article 2 of the Convention will be quoted at the beginning of this paragraph.

    k) Chapter I, section D, paragraph 18 (i) should read :

    be outstanding examples representing the major stages of the earth's evolutionary history.

    l) Chapter I, section D, paragraph 18 (ii) should read :

    be outstanding examples representing significant ongoing geological processes, biological evolution and man's interaction with his natural environment. As distinct from the periods of the earth's development, this focuses upon ongoing processes in the development of communities of plants and animals, landforms and marine and freshwater bodies.

    m) Chapter I, section D, paragraph 18 (iii) should read :

    contain superlative natural phenomena, formations or features or areas of exceptional natural beauty, such as superlative examples of the most important ecosystems, natural features, spectacles presented by great concentra- tions of animals, sweeping vistas covered by natural vegetation and exceptional combinations of natural and cultural elements, or

    n) Chapter I, section D, paragraph 18 (iv) should read :

    contain the most important and significant natural habitats where threatened species of animals or plants of outstanding universal value from the point of view of science or conservation still survive.

    o) Chapter I, section B, paragraph 19, sub-section (a) (v) should read :

    In the case of migratory species, seasonal sites necessary for their survival wherever they are located, should be adequately protected. The Committee must receive assurances that the necessary measures be taken to ensure that the species are adequately protected throughout their full life cycle. Agreements made in this connection, either through adherence to international conventions or in the form of other multilateral or bilateral arrangements would provide this assurance.

    p) A new sub-section (b) should read :

    The property should be evaluated relatively, that is, it should be compared with other properties of the same type both inside and outside the state party's borders, within a biogeographic province or migratory pattern.

    q) Chapter I, section F, paragraph 29 (iv) should read : State of preservation/conservation - Diagnosis - Agent responsible for preservation/conservation - History of preservation/conservation - Measures for preservation/conservation (including management plans or proposals for such plans) - Development plans for the region.

    r) Chapter I, section F, paragraph 30 should read :

    Each nomination should be accompanied by a two-page summary which will be translated and reproduced by the Secretariat for distribution to members of the Bureau and the Committee.

    s) Chapter I, section G, paragraph 31, 2) (b) should read :

    undertakes a professional evaluation of each nomination in terms of the criteria adopted by the Committee and transmits their evaluation to members of the Bureau of the Committee, to the States Parties to the Convention which are concerned and to the Secretariat ;

    t) Chapter I, section G, paragraph 31, (June-July), should read :

    The summaries of nominations and the recommendations of the Bureau are transmitted to all States Parties to the Convention.

    u) Chapter I, section G, paragraph 32 should read :

    The normal deadlines for the submission and processing of nominations will not apply in the case of properties which, in the opinion of the Bureau after consultation with the competent non-governmental organization, would unquestionably meet the criteria for inclusion in the World Heritage List ] and which have suffered damage from disasters caused by natural events or by human activities. Such nominations will be processed on an emergency basis.

    20. Working procedures for the evaluation and presentation of nominated properties were discussed throughout the session and a general agreement concerning the content of such procedures was reached. The following text setting out these procedures was proposed :

    The following working procedures should apply to evaluations of proposed nominations and their presentation to and discussion by the Committee :

    (i) representatives of a State Party, whether or not a member of the Committee, should not speak to advocate the inclusion in the list of a property situated within the territory of that State except to deal with a point of information in answer to a question ;

    (ii) the manner of the professional evaluation carried out by ICOMOS and IUCN should he fully described in all instances ;

    (iii) each property should be compared with properties of a similar type or dating from the same period inside and outside the State Party's boundaries, and a comparative justification should be given for its proposed inclusion in the List ;

    (iv) it is desirable that wherever possible the professional presentation of the nominated property should include a slide presentation or other graphic presentation. (This is not only useful for making decisions, it also serves an important educational function for members of the Committee since they share responsibility for the propagation of information about properties included in the List).

    The Committee asked that the Bureau should examine at its next session these proposals with a view to their incorporation into a forthcoming revision of the Operational Guidelines.

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    4 COM VII.21 [Uniquement en anglais] Consideration of item 8 of the agenda: Measures to be taken to improve the balance between the cultural and the natural heritage in the implementation of the Convention 21. The Committee heard the report of the working group set up to examine measures to improve the balance between the cultural and the natural heritage in the implementation of the Convention and agreed with the recommendations set out below:

    1) Preparatory assistance to States Parties should be granted on a priority basis for:

    (i) the establishment of tentative lists of cultural and natural properties situated in their territories and suitable for inclusion in the World Heritage List;

    (ii) the preparation of nominations of types of properties underrepresented in the World Heritage List.

    2) States Parties to the Convention should provide the Secretariat with the name and address of the governmental organization(s) primarily responsible for cultural and natural properties so that copies of all official correspondence and documents can be sent by the Secretariat to these focal points as appropriate. All States Parties to the Convention as of 5 September 1980 are asked to provide this information to the Secretariat by 31st December 1980. New States Parties are requested to do so as soon as possible after the deposit of their instrument of ratification acceptance or accession.

    3) States Parties to the Convention should convene at regular intervals at the national level a joint meeting of those persons responsible for natural and cultural heritage in order that they may discuss matters pertaining to the implementation of the Convention. This does not apply to States Parties where one single organization is dealing with both cultural and natural heritage.

    4) The Committee, deeply concerned with maintaining a balance in the number of experts from the natural and cultural fields represented on the Bureau urges that every effort be made in future elections in order to ensure that :

    (i) the chair is not held by persons with expertise in the same field, either cultural or natural, for more than two succeeding years ;

    (ii) at least two "cultural" and at least two "natural" experts are present at Bureau meetings to ensure balance and credibility in reviewing nominations to the World Heritage List.

    5) States Parties to the Convention should choose as their representatives persons qualified in the field of natural and cultural heritage thus complying with Article 9, paragraph 3 of the Convention.

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    4 COM VIII.22-29 [Uniquement en anglais] Consideration of Item 9 of the Agenda : Public Information Activities 22. The Committee took note of the Report of the Secretariat on public information activities undertaken during the preceding year. The Committee also emphasized the importance of such activities in promoting and imple menting the World Heritage Convention.

    23. The Committee requested the Secretariat that the royalties on the retail prices for Upsala Ekeby's commemorative Glass and Silverware go directly into the World Heritage Fund, and agreed that 10 % of these royalties (i.e. 2 % on the retail sales price) go to Unesco's Public Liaison Fund to cover expenses incurred through this project and to contribute to future public information activities for the Convention.

    24. The representative of the United States of America and the observer from Canada asked the Secretariat to immediately inform Upsala Ekeby of the need to get prior authorization from their respective national authorities to use the name or image of sites under their jurisdiction. Upsala Ekeby should contact the United States and Canadian embassies before proceeding further with designs for the Grand Canyon, Independence Hall, Kluane/Wrangell St. Elias National Monument and Dinosaur Provincial Park.

    25. The Secretariat was invited to examine the possibilities for producing a film on the Convention in collaboration with Member States. The States Parties to the Convention were invited to send the Secretariat lists of all films available concerning World Heritage Sites or regarding the Convention as a whole, indicating in each case, the conditions of copyright and manner of obtaining the films in question. Such a list could then be distributed widely by the Secretariat.

    26. States Parties to the Convention were asked to provide the Secretariat with information regarding the distribution of slide series and postcards in their respective countries. It was also suggested that States Parties inform the Secretariat of their desire to host journalist seminars to increase public awareness through the mass media of the aims and scope of the Convention.

    27. Member States were invited to keep the Secretariat informed of their efforts at the national level to promote the Convention. The Committee underlined the crucial importance of such activities for making the aims of the Convention more widely known in order to receive public support for its implementation and for education purposes.

    28. In this connection the observer from Canada mentioned that four World Heritage Plaque unveiling ceremonies had taken place so far in his country. This kind of activity would be one very effective way of arousing a high degree of public interest in the Convention. Canada would be glad to share her experience in the preparation and holding of such ceremonies and other promotional activities with other States Parties. Canada will be happy to provide detailed information upon request.

    29. The promotional and educational activities of the Australian Heritage Commission were presented to the Committee as an example of the efforts of States Parties to promote the Convention. The Commission is preparing a film, a major illustrated book on heritage sites in Australia and a travelling exhibition. In addition, the Commission has recently published a kit for use in secondary schools throughout Australia, a copy of which was presented to the Committee. The Australian delegate mentioned that the kit included a section on the Convention and that the material being produced by the Secretariat, in particular the Unesco Courier issue on the World Heritage Convention and the slide series could be incorporated in the kit.

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    4 COM IX.30-31 [Uniquement en anglais] Consideration of Item 6 of the agenda: Protection of the World Heritage Emblem and of the Name of the World Heritage Fund 30. The Secretariat informed the Committee that it had carefully explored the various means available to protect the emblem and the name of the World Heritage Fund.

    31. Possibilities for such protection exist in a number of countries within the framework of the Universal Copyright Convention, the Berne Convention and national legislation. In noting this report the Committee decided to include in the operational guidelines the following recommendation :

    • Nations party to the Convention should take all possible measures to prevent the use of the emblem of the Convention and the use of the name of the Committee and the Convention in their respective countries by any group or for any purposes not explicitly recognized and approved by the Committee.
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    4 COM X.32-33 [Uniquement en anglais] Consideration of Items 5 and 10 of the agenda: Technical cooperation requests, Examination of the statement of accounts of the World Heritage Fund and adoption of a budget for 1981 32. The Committee heard the report of the working group set up to examine the interim statement of accounts and technical co-operation requests and to prepare a budget for September 1980 to December 1981.

    33. The Committee took note of document CC-80/CONF. 016/7 which includes the interim statement of accounts of the World Heritage Fund for the period 1 January 1979-31 July 1980. It also noted the surplus in the World Heritage Fund amounting to 1,463,832.61 $ as of 31 July this year. In view of this favorable financial situation the Committee adopted a budget for the period 1 September 1980 to 31 December 1981 amounting to 1,423,000 $.

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    4 COM X.36-37 [Uniquement en anglais] Consideration of Items 5 and 10 of the agenda: technical co-operation requests 36. The following two requests were submitted to the Secretariat during the fourth session of the Committee :

    Ecuador - The Historic Center of Quito

     Panama - The fortifications on the Caribbean  side of Panama : Portobelo-San Lorenzo

    $ 25,000

     $ 51,000

     37.  The Committee authorized the Chairman of the Committee to approve these two requests in consultation with the other members of the Bureau subject to the outcome of a technical review by the Secretariat and the professional non-governmental organizations concerned.

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