Mykolayiv Astronomical Observatory
Ministry of Culture nad Tourism of Ukraine
1 Observatorna St., Mykolayiv, Ukraine, South-eastem Europe, northern Black Sea region
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The Mykolayiv Astronomical Observatory is a cultural property of national level, the oldest naval observatory in south-eastern Europe. It was founded in 1821 by the Commander-in-chief of the Black Sea Fleet Admiral O.S. Greyg. The Observatory was built to the design of the Chief Architect of the Black Sea Admiralty F.I.Wunsch. Its ensemble consists of the Main Observatory Building built in the style of Classicism in 182 1-1 829, astronomic pavilions of the early 20-th c. where historic astronomic instruments and other museum exhibits are kept. There are also three modem pavilions with working telescopes used for research and observations, outbuildings and service premises for scientific laboratories and management functions and needs, housing of 4 buildings, as well as historic and cultural park landscape. The total area of the ensemble is 7,l hectares including 2,l hectares of built-up area.
Statements of authenticity and/or integrity
The property has kept its authenticity to the present day. The original layout, plans, materials and structure have come down to us intact. By the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian RSR JV9 970 of 24 August, 1963, the property is included in the National Inventory of the Monuments of History and Culture as a monument of architecture with national status.In the Observatory, the 19' th c. unique astronomic instruments have been preserved to the present day. There are: a meridian circle and a portable vertical circle of the Repsold Company, a collection of astronomical clocks of the 18-th - 19-th cc., the 17-th - 19-th cc. books on astronomy.
Comparison with other similar properties
The historic-and-astronomical complex of the Mykolayiv Astronomical Observatory has no analogues in Ukraine.In the world, the best known analogues to the Mykolayiv Observatory are the Royal Observatory of Great Britain in Greenwich established in 1675 and the USA Naval Observatory established in 1830.
The Mykolayiv Astronomical Observatory which will mark its 200 th anniversary in 2021 is still being used as originally.