Taka Bonerate National Park
Ministry of Emvironment
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The sole responsibility for the content of each Tentative List lies with the State Party concerned. The publication of the Tentative Lists does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever of the World Heritage Committee or of the World Heritage Centre or of the Secretariat of UNESCO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its boundaries.
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The Bonerate National Park is home to the third biggest atoll in the world after Kwajifein in the Marshall Isles and Suvadiva in the Moldiva Isles. The total area of the atoll is about 220,000 hectares with coral reefs spreading over 500km2. The national park includes an area of 530,765 ha. Taka Bonerate is a Bugis’s name that somewhat has a meaning ‘Coral Piled Up On Sand’. There are 15 islands in taka Bonerate National Park where visitors can enjoy diving, snorkelling and marine tours.