State of Conservation
Properties concerned
States Parties with SOC reports
Property Category:Culturalclose
Date end:1997close
Site | State Party | Year | Threats* | Danger List |
abu menaAbu Mena | egypt |
1992 | Management activities, | No |
ajanta cavesAjanta Caves | india |
1997 | Management activities, | No |
ancient city of bosraAncient City of Bosra | syrian arab republic |
1997 | Management activities, | No |
ancient city of damascusAncient City of Damascus | syrian arab republic |
1997 | Management activities, | No |
ancient city of damascusAncient City of Damascus | syrian arab republic |
1996 | Management activities, | No |
ancient city of damascusAncient City of Damascus | syrian arab republic |
1994 | Management activities, | No |
ancient city of damascusAncient City of Damascus | syrian arab republic |
1993 | Management activities, | No |
ancient city of damascusAncient City of Damascus | syrian arab republic |
1992 | Management activities, | No |
asante traditional buildingsAsante Traditional Buildings | ghana |
1997 | Management activities, | No |
bahla fortBahla Fort | oman |
1997 | Management activities,
Other Threats: Degradation of the structures |
Yes |
bahla fortBahla Fort | oman |
1996 | Management activities,
Other Threats: Degradation of the structures |
Yes |
bahla fortBahla Fort | oman |
1995 | Management activities,
Other Threats: Deterioration of the structures |
Yes |
bahla fortBahla Fort | oman |
1994 | Management activities,
Other Threats: Degradation of the structures |
Yes |
bahla fortBahla Fort | oman |
1993 | Management activities,
Other Threats: Degradation of the structures |
Yes |
boyana churchBoyana Church | bulgaria |
1994 | Management activities, | No |
city of potosiCity of Potosí | bolivia (plurinational state of) |
1996 | Management activities, | No |
city of potosiCity of Potosí | bolivia (plurinational state of) |
1995 | Management activities, | No |
city of potosiCity of Potosí | bolivia (plurinational state of) |
1993 | Management activities, | No |
elephanta cavesElephanta Caves | india |
1997 | Management activities, | No |
ellora cavesEllora Caves | india |
1997 | Management activities, | No |
historic areas of istanbulHistoric Areas of Istanbul | turkiye |
1997 | Management activities,
Other Threats: Need to monitor movements which could affect the structure of the building |
No |
historic areas of istanbulHistoric Areas of Istanbul | turkiye |
1994 | Management activities,
Other Threats: Need to monitor movements which could affect the structure of the building |
No |
historic cairoHistoric Cairo | egypt |
1997 | Management activities, | No |
historic cairoHistoric Cairo | egypt |
1995 | Management activities, | No |
historic cairoHistoric Cairo | egypt |
1993 | Management activities, | No |
historic centre of bukharaHistoric Centre of Bukhara | uzbekistan |
1997 | Management activities, | No |
historic centre of limaHistoric Centre of Lima | peru |
1993 | Management activities,
Other Threats: Need to improve the environment of the convent |
No |
historic centre of saint petersburg and related groups of monumentsHistoric Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments | russian federation |
1993 | Management activities,
Other Threats: Steady deterioration of the city's pysical environment; Large-scale rehabilitation project for the Hermitage |
No |
historic centre of salvador de bahiaHistoric Centre of Salvador de Bahia | brazil |
1993 | Management activities, | No |
historic ensemble of the potala palace, lhasaHistoric Ensemble of the Potala Palace, Lhasa | china |
1996 | Management activities, | No |
historic town of zabidHistoric Town of Zabid | yemen |
1997 | Management activities, | No |
historic town of zabidHistoric Town of Zabid | yemen |
1996 | Management activities, | No |
ħal saflieni hypogeumĦal Saflieni Hypogeum | malta |
1995 | Management activities, | No |
ħal saflieni hypogeumĦal Saflieni Hypogeum | malta |
1994 | Management activities, | No |
ħal saflieni hypogeumĦal Saflieni Hypogeum | malta |
1990 | Management activities, | No |
itchan kalaItchan Kala | uzbekistan |
1997 | Management activities, | No |
jesuit missions of the chiquitosJesuit Missions of the Chiquitos | bolivia (plurinational state of) |
1993 | Management activities, | No |
kathmandu valleyKathmandu Valley | nepal |
1997 | Management activities,
Other Threats: Need for restoration/consolidation works |
No |
kathmandu valleyKathmandu Valley | nepal |
1996 | Management activities,
Other Threats: Need for restoration/consolidation works |
No |
kathmandu valleyKathmandu Valley | nepal |
1995 | Management activities,
Other Threats: Need for restoration/consolidation works |
No |
kathmandu valleyKathmandu Valley | nepal |
1994 | Management activities,
Other Threats: Need for restoration/consolidation works |
No |
kathmandu valleyKathmandu Valley | nepal |
1993 | Management activities,
Other Threats: Need for restoration/consolidation works |
No |
kathmandu valleyKathmandu Valley | nepal |
1992 | Management activities,
Other Threats: Need for restoration/consolidation works |
No |
kathmandu valleyKathmandu Valley | nepal |
1991 | Management activities,
Other Threats: Need for restoration/consolidation works |
No |
maya site of copanMaya Site of Copan | honduras |
1997 | Management activities,
Other Threats: Attention to be paid to the conservation of stone and stuccos |
No |
monastery of batalhaMonastery of Batalha | portugal |
1990 | Management activities,
Other Threats: Poor quality of the stone and weaknesses in the resistance; Cracks; Consolidation work is not undertaken |
No |
monastery of the hieronymites and tower of belem in lisbonMonastery of the Hieronymites and Tower of Belém in Lisbon | portugal |
1990 | Management activities,
Other Threats: Poor quality of the stone and weaknesses in the resistance; Cracks; Consolidation work is not undertaken |
No |
old town of galle and its fortificationsOld Town of Galle and its Fortifications | sri lanka |
1997 | Management activities, | No |
petraPetra | jordan |
1997 | Management activities,
Other Threats: Conservation of antiquities |
No |
petraPetra | jordan |
1996 | Management activities,
Other Threats: Conservation of antiquities |
No |
quseir amraQuseir Amra | jordan |
1994 | Management activities,
Other Threats: Cracks in the surface of the vaults |
No |
rangiri dambulla cave templeRangiri Dambulla Cave Temple | sri lanka |
1997 | Management activities, | No |
rock-hewn churches, lalibelaRock-Hewn Churches, Lalibela | ethiopia |
1997 | Management activities, | No |
rock-hewn churches, lalibelaRock-Hewn Churches, Lalibela | ethiopia |
1996 | Management activities, | No |
sacred city of kandySacred City of Kandy | sri lanka |
1997 | Management activities, | No |
tchogha zanbilTchogha Zanbil | iran (islamic republic of) |
1995 | Management activities,
Other Threats: absence of a viable method for sustainable conservation of the mud-brick structures; structural problems |
No |
town of luang prabangTown of Luang Prabang | lao people's democratic republic |
1997 | Management activities, | No |
town of luang prabangTown of Luang Prabang | lao people's democratic republic |
1996 | Management activities, | No |
trinidad and the valley de los ingeniosTrinidad and the Valley de los Ingenios | cuba |
1993 | Management activities, | No |
* :
The threats indicated are listed in alphabetical order; their order does not constitute a classification according to the importance of their impact on the property.
Furthermore, they are presented irrespective of the type of threat faced by the property, i.e. with specific and proven imminent danger (“ascertained danger”) or with threats which could have deleterious effects on the property’s Outstanding Universal Value (“potential danger”).
** : All mission reports are not always available electronically.