N°: 18
Emergency assistance for the natural and culturo-historical region of Kotor after the earthquake
State Party
20,000 USD
Approved amount
26 Oct 1979
Decision Date
Process Step
Amount Requested: 0 USD
Type of Assistance:
Cultural / Emergency
Previous Id: 1979-015
World Bank: UMC
N°: 18
Decision: Approved
Decision by: Committee
Approved amount: 20,000 USD
Decision Date: 26 Oct 1979
Committee Decisions
03COM XVII.b).60
Code: 03COM XVII.b).60
Note was taken of the request from Yugoslavia for emergency assistance, in the form of equipment and consultant services, for the Natural and Culturo-historical region of Kotor. However, the Committee felt that further information should be made available on the equipment required and decided to grant in the first instance $20,000 for consultant services.
Read more about the decision
03BUR XI19
Code: 03BUR XI19
The Bureau decided to recommend that this site be entered on the two lists provided that the Committee agreed with a special procedure for the emergency inscription of properties on the World Heritage List.
The Bureau decided that the technical cooperation request should be examined after the Committee had taken decisions on the above mentioned matters.
Read more about the decision