‘Protecting Heritage in an Ever-Changing World’
The Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities is hosting the World Heritage Young Professionals Forum 2018 as an integral part of the 42nd session of the World Heritage Committee, and in the framework of the UNESCO World Heritage Education Programme, under the theme of ‘Protecting Heritage in an Ever-Changing World’ from 17 to 26 June 2018 in Manama (Bahrain).
The Forum aims to transmit the values of World Heritage highlighting the potential that World Heritage education has for facilitating sustainable development. It is addressed to young professionals who are invited to reflect upon the complexity of preserving heritage in a constantly evolving world with the help of international experts.
Following a call for applications launched in March 2018, 30 young professionals coming from 30 different countries have been selected to attend this Forum and to participate in different activities foreseen such as: workshops, visits, practical hands-on activities, experts presentations and debates. Please download the following Programme for further information on the activities: Programme of the Youth Forum
At the end of the Forum, a Declaration to convey the message of the young professionals to the international community will be produced and presented to the World Heritage Committee.
For further information please refer to the website related to the 42nd Committee session and World Heritage Young Professionals Forum held in Manama, Bahrain: http://42whcbahrain2018.bh/young-heritage-professionals-forum-2018/.