The Bureau was pleased to note that the Australian Cabinet has decided not to allow mining at Coronation Hill, located in an area that is being considered for nomination as an extension to this World Heritage site as part of Stage III of the expansion. The Australian observer informed the Bureau that the proposed Stage III of the extension of Kakadu National Park would add approximately another 6,000 to this site and wished to know whether or not the nomination of this extension needed to follow the procedure to submit a new nomination. The Bureau recalled that each of the stages I and II of the nomination of this site also covered equally large areas. The Bureau informed the Australian observer that since the proposed extension would increase the size of the World Heritage site by a third and that the original nomination of 1981 is now substantially modified, it would be considered as a new nomination.
Decision 15 BUR VI.26
Kakadu National Park (Australia)
Decision Code
15 BUR VI.26
States Parties 1
Properties 1
State of conservation reports
1991 Kakadu National Park