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World Heritage Convention

73 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Year start: 1985close
Year end: 1985close
By Year
The Fifth General Assembly of States Parties to the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage met in Sofia, Bulgaria, on 4 November 1985, during the 23rd session of the General Conference. Sixty-eight of the eighty-seven States which were parties to the Convention as at 4 November 1985 and which thus had the right to vote, were represented at the meeting, namely : Afghanistan, Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Benin, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada, Colombia, Cuba, Cyprus, Democratic Yemen, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, ...
7. The General Assembly elected by acclamation H. Exc. Mr. Gough Whitlam (Australia), as Chairman, the representatives of Bangladesh, Hungary, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and Madagascar as Vice-Chairmen and H. Exc. Mr. Marino Jaramillo (Colombia) as Rapporteur.
9. The General Assembly examined document CLT-85/CONF.009/2 by which the accounts of the Fund were submitted to the Assembly in accordance with the Financial Regulations of the World Heritage Fund. The attention of the Assembly was drawn to the accounts for the financial period which terminated on 31 December 1983 given in annex I of the document, to the interim statement for the financial period 1984-1985 drawn up as at 31 July 1985 set out in annex II, as well as to the summary of contributions received as at 31 July 1985 from States Parties given in annex III. The Assembly was informed ...
11. The General Assembly decided unanimously to maintain for the financial period 1986-1987 the amount of the mandatory contributions to be paid to the World Heritage Fund foreseen in Article 16, paragraph 1, of the Convention at 1 % of the contributions of States Parties to the Regular Budget of Unesco.
12. The General Assembly was called on to elect 7 Members of the World Heritage Committee to replace the following 7 Members whose term of office was due to expire at the end of the 23rd Session of the General Conference : Argentina, France, Italy, Pakistan, Panama, Senegal and Switzerland.13. The list of States Parties which had submitted their candidature was read out before the Assembly. The candidatures of Argentina and Costa Rica were withdrawn in favour of Ecuador and Mexico and that of Egypt in favour of Yemen. In conformity with article 16, paragraph 5 of the Convention, the list ...
17. The representatives of Bulgaria, Greece, India, Mexico, United Republic of Tanzania and Yemen assured the General Assembly of the firm intention of their countries to contribute actively to the work of the World Heritage Committee and to the implementation of the Convention. The representative of the United States of America emphasized his country's continued support for the World Heritage Convention which it regarded as a unique basis for increased inter­national cooperation for the protection of sites of outstanding universal significance. After describing the measures taken in his ...
19. Before declaring the meeting closed, the Chairman referred to the low level of resources in the World Heritage Fund which was, in his opinion, due to the facts that certain of the largest contributors to the Regular Budget of Unesco were not parties to the Convention and that certain of those States paying voluntary contributions had not paid the full amount which they had the moral obligation to pay. He expressed the hope that full and regular contributions would be made to the Fund so that the World Heritage Committee could fulfil its responsibilities under the Convention. The ...
The Bureau recommended that the Committee approve these two requests, respectively US$ 20,000 for Talamanca-La Amistad (Costa Rica) and US$ 40,000 for Darien National Park (Panama).
5. At the request of the IUCN representative, an item was added to the agenda concerning the status of conservation of natural properties included in the World Heritage List and the List of World Heritage in Danger. The agenda, thus amended, was adopted by the Committee.
6. Mr. Amini Aza MTURI (United Republic of Tanzania) was elected Chairman of the Committee by acclamation. Mr. Alex T. Davidson (Canada) was elected Rapporteur, and the representatives of the following States Parties were elected Vice-Chairmen, also by acclamation: Algeria, Bulgaria, India, Mexico and Norway. 7. The outgoing Chairman, Mr. J. Gazaneo (Argentina), congratulated the new Chairman and members of the Bureau on their election. He wished to convey some recent information to the Committee and make a few suggestions for the future. Mr. Gazaneo informed the Committee that an ...
8. The Secretary, Mr. B. von Droste, Director, Division of Ecological Sciences, reported on activities undertaken since the Committee's eighth session held in Buenos Aires from 29 October to 2 November 1984. He began by reviewing the general status of implementation of the Convention, announcing that six new States, viz. in chronological order, Qatar, New Zealand, Sweden, Dominican Republic, Hungary and Philippines had adhered to the Convention, bringing the number of States Parties to 88. The Convention thus continued to arouse the interest of an increasing number of States. It was to be ...
13. The Secretariat presented the report of the ninth session of the Bureau and an amendment to that report proposed by the representative of Algeria. The Committee took note of the report as amended.
14. Introducing agenda item 6, the Secretariat recalled the Bureau's proposals as contained in the report of the ninth session. It was pointed out that, in addition to the question of the growing number of nominations, the real problem raised by development of the Convention was that of monitoring the status of conservation of properties included on the List. 15. In regard to the Bureau's proposed measures to reduce the number of nominations to be processed each year, the Committee was of the view that it was preferable not to lay down strict rules but rather to appeal to States that ...
25. The representative of IUCN recalled that this question had been first raised at the eighth session of the Committee at Buenos Aires (Argentina) in 1984 and that the Committee had requested IUCN to consult with ICOMOS and the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) to organise a task force on this subject. The meeting of this task force had taken place at the headquarters of ICOMOS (Paris) on 11 October 1985. 26. The representative of IUCN presented document SC-85/CONF.008/3, which summarized the main points of discussion of the task force and its conclusions, ...
29. The Committee examined 37 nominations to the World Heritage List, taking account of the Bureau's recommendations, and of the evaluations of ICOMOS and IUCN for each property. The Committee decided to include 30 culturaland natural properties on the World Heritage List. These are presented under section A below. The Committee decided to defer its decision on the two nominations presented under section B, and not to include the four properties presented under section C. Section D covers one property whose nomination has been withdrawn.
Quebec (Historic area) 300 Canada C(iv)(vi) The Mayor of Quebec thanked the Committee for this inscription on the World Heritage List, pointing out that such an event would provide considerable support to the various Canadian authorities concerned, who will pursue their efforts to preserve the site.
Pont du Gard (Roman aqueduct) 344 France C(i)(iii)(iv) The Committee drew the attention of the French authorities to the importance of strictly protecting the site's surroundings.
Kaziranga National Park 337 India N(ii)(iv) The Committee encouraged the Indian authorities to provide a legal basis to protect the buffer zone south of the Park (Mikir Hills and the Karbi Plateau). The Committee expressed concern over the proposed construction of a railway along the southern boundary of the park and asked that environmental impact studies be carried out.
Manas Wildlife Sanctuary 338 India N(ii)(iii)(iv) The Committee expressed its satisfaction that the Indian and Bhutanese governments had cancelled plans for the construction of a hydro-electric dam on the Manas River which would have had severe impacts on the integrity of this property. The Committee furthermore encouraged the Government of Bhutan to adhere to the World Heritage Conven­tion and to nominate the contiguous Manas Wildlife Sanctuary in Bhutan which could then form a transfrontier World Heritage ...
Petra 326 Jordan C(i)(iii)(iv) The Committee noted that the boundaries of the site corresponded to those of the Petra National Park.
Sites: Petra
Rock-art sites of Tadrart Acacus 287 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya C(iii) The Committee noted the statement of the representative of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya by which he expressed his agreement with the amendment to the report of the 9th session of the Bureau presented by the representative of Algeria and indicating notably that scientific and technical co-ordination between their two countries for the protection of Tadrart Acacus and Tassili N'Ajjer would be possible.
The Medina of Marrakesh 331 Morocco C(i)(ii)(iv)(v) The Committee recommended that the Moroccan authorities ensure that Marrakesh conserve its exceptional character as a fully preserved historic town. In this connection it would be advisable to avoid any breaching of the ramparts, to protect carefully the medina and especially the facades of its buildings and its gardens, and also to ensure the protection of the surroundings of Marrakesh, in particular the palm grove, the Menara and the gardens of Bab Djedid, by strictly enforcing the management plan adopted in ...
Huascaran National Park 333 Peru N(ii)(iii) The Committee wished to point out to the Peruvian authorities that the inscription concerned only the Huascaran National Park. The Committee, furthermore, encouraged the Peruvian authorities to intensify their efforts in the management of the Park, and particularly to update the management plan.
Göreme National Park and the rock sites of Cappadocia 357 Turkey C(i)(iii)(v) N(iii) The Committee encouraged the Turkish authorities to proceed with the legal formalities for the setting up of a Göreme National Park.
The historic mosque city of Bagerhat   321 Bangladesh C(iv) The Committee recommended to the Bangladesh authorities that they pursue a preservation and management plan in accordance with the conclusions of the Unesco mission sent to the site in 1983.
Royal palaces of Abomey 323 Benin  C(iii)(iv) The Committee stressed the importance of careful restoration in order to preserve the authenticity of the property.
Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Congonhas 334 Brazil C(i)(iv) The Committee expressed the wish that the integrity of this site be preserved, in particular      by ensuring that it is surrounded by a large protection zone, and noted with satisfaction a statement by the Mayor of Congonhas giving assurances that the relevant authorities would take strict care to preserve its surroundings.
Iguaçu National Park 355 Brazil The Committee noted that the Bureau had recommended the inscription of this property and had suggested that it could be considered as a single transfrontier property along with the contiguous Iguazu National Park in Argentina, inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1984. The Secretariat informed the Committee that the Brazilian authorities had requested the Committee to postpone the examination of this nomination. The representative of Brazil explained that the authorities wished to study the points raised by the Bureau in its report. It was ...
Jerash 324 Jordan The Committee decided to defer inscription of the property pending receipt of information on the exact boundaries of the proposed site, a management plan and assurances regarding the restoration policy, which should be compatible with universally accepted standards. The Committee was of the view that an ICOMOS mission should visit Jerash to discuss these matters with the Jordanian authorities and that a nomination duly completed should be submitted at the Bureau's next session.
Kerak Castle325JordanWhile recognizing the great importance of this site, the Committee was of the opinion that there were more representative examples of crusader castles. It also asked that ICOMOS conduct a comparative study on this type of property.
Coco Island National Park 329 Costa Rica The Committee recognized the interest of this property for its flora, and its importance in the Costa Rican context, but felt that it did not fulfill criteria established by the World Heritage Committee for inclusion in the World Heritage List.
Abbey of St. Nicolas de Tolentin de Brou 346 France While recognizing the great importance of this site, the Committee was of the opinion that there were more representative examples of late Gothic architecture.
Tabaqat Fahl (Pella) 328 Jordan While recognizing the great importance of this site, the Committee considered that there were more representative examples of the various categories of property with which Pella is associated (neolithic vestiges, Greco-Roman cities, monuments of the Omayyad and Mameluke periods).
The representative of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya informed the Committee of the withdrawal of the nomination of the archaeological site of the city of Ptolemais.  
30. Taking account in particular of the considerable damage caused by the 1984 tornado and the urgency of the work needed to preserve the site, the Committee decided to include the Royal Palaces of Abomey (Benin) on the List of World Heritage in Danger.
31. The Secretary introduced document SC-85/CONF.008/5 which included statements on mandatory and voluntary contributions to the World Heritage Fund. With regard to the mandatory contributions, he noted that many States Parties had responded to the appeals to pay their arrears before the General Assembly of States Parties held during the 23rd Unesco General Conference on 4 November 1985. With regard to voluntary contributions, he quoted the report of the Committee to the Unesco General Conference (23 C/86) recalling Article 16 paragraph 4 of the Convention which stipulates that these ...
38. The Committee thanked IUCN for these comprehensive reports and for regularly providing information on the status of natural properties. It furthermore welcomed the proposal of ICOMOS to submit similar reports, as far as its means would allow, in the near future. 39. Finally, the Committee welcomed document SC-85/CONF.008/INF.2 reporting on the measures taken by Yugoslavia to implement the World Heritage Convention and encouraged other States Parties to prepare such national reports for submission to the Committee.
Djoudj National Park, Senegal: The immediate situation of this Park, which is threatened by a large hydro-agricultural project, has been alleviated by the construction of a temporary canal. The longer term solutions were investigated by IUCN, Unesco, the Senegalese and Mauritanian authorities at a special workshop held in Senegal in July 1985. The main conclusions of this meeting included the agreement to establish the contiguous area to Djoudj in Mauritania known as Diawling as a national park and to eventually nominate this site with Djoudj as a transfrontier World Heritage property. ...
Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania: The Tanzanian authorities had organised a commission of enquiry into the management of this property but as yet the conclusion had not yet been made known. However, with the financial support of NORAD (Norway), a major technical workshop was being held in December 1985 to study improving the management of this property. IUCN considered that this progress was positive and indicated that Ngorongoro could perhaps be removed from the List of World Heritage in Danger by 1987.
Garamba National Park, Zaire: The representative of Zaire, the President Delegate General of the Zaire Institute for the Conservation of Nature (IZCN), presented the Committee with an up-to-date report on the progress of work undertaken by IZCN and the consortium formed by Unesco-World Heritage, IUCN/WWF and the Frankfurt Zoological Society. The main objective of the project is to safeguard the population of endangered northern white rhinoceros in the park. The project was progressing well and the equipment provided with support of the World Heritage Fund had helped to strengthen the ...
Tai National Park, Ivory Coast: IUCN reported that the situation had not improved since its reports of 1982 and 1984. The Secretariat had written to the Ivory Coast authorities indicating the possibility of nomination to the List of World Heritage in Danger but to date no response had been received. The Committee requested the Secretariat to continue its contacts and inform the Bureau of progress in this respect.
Ichkeul National Park, Tunisia: The critical situation of this park, as reported to the Bureau at its 9th session had not altered and IUCN noted that if compensatory measures to re-establish the water regime of this Park were not taken very soon, the property would lose its international importance for migratory wildfowl. IUCN therefore strongly recommended the inclusion of this Park in the List of World Heritage in Danger. The Tunisian authorities had not responded to the Secretariat's request for further information, however, the representative of Tunisia informed the Committee that he ...
Los Glaciares, Argentina: Part of this Park was being considered for re­appropriation for a settlement scheme by the Province of Santa Cruz and the second phase of this project could result in the excision of a further 20,000 ha which included an important habitat for the humeal deer. The Argentine representative confirmed this report and indicated that this problem was in fact of concern to the central government authorities, who wished to take this matter up with the Provincial Government. The Committee requested the Secretariat to contact the Argentine authorities to obtain more ...
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, Australia: In reply to the Bureau's request for further information on the impacts of the construction of a road on the fringing reef adjacent to Cape Tribulation National Park, the Australian authorities had provided a comprehensive report which outlined a 3 year scientific research programme costing approximately 1 million $ to determine any short or possible long-term damage these reefs. The Committee expressed its satisfaction with this programme although it noted the comment by the IUCN representative that 3 years would be necessary before any ...
Wood Buffalo National Park, Canada: It was recalled that, when inscribing this property on the World Heritage List in 1983, the Committee had drawn the attention to the harmful consequences of the possible construction of a dam on the Slave River to the natural characteristics of this property. The Committee was informed that the plans for such a dam had been definitively cancelled and expressed its satisfaction to both the Provincial and National Canadian authorities.
Galapagos National Park, Ecuador: A man-caused fire on Isabela Island in March 1985 had resulted in an international appeal to aid the efforts of the Ecuadorian Government and Park authorities to extinguish the blaze, which had burnt over 30,000 ha. A contribution of US$10,500 from the World Heritage Fund under emergency assistance had been provided, in addition to contributions from WWF-Germany and the United Kingdom and contributions in kind from the Province of Quebec (Canada) and the United States. There had been no serious losses of animal species and it was reported that the fire ...
Simen National Park, Ethiopia: The management plan for this park, which resulted from a workshop supported by the World Heritage Fund, had been finalised. However, the situation described by IUCN at the 8th session of the Committee in 1984 had not developed further and no further information had been obtained.
Durmitor National Park, Yugoslavia: This property had been threatened by the construction of a dam on the Tara River, however, due to public pressure from within and without Yugoslavia, this proposal had been cancelled. The Committee noted its satisfaction that this threat had now been removed and congratulated the Yugoslav authorities on making the best use of the Convention to support efforts to protect this property.
Pirin National Park, Bulgaria: The construction of a hotel and a ski-resort at the head of the Vihren Valley within this Park was being undertaken, against strong opposition by local conservation groups. The representative of IUCN requested whether an environmental impact assessment had been made for these developments. The representative of Bulgaria confirmed these developments and informed the Committee that she would request the Pirin National Park authorities to provide a full report which she would transmit to the Bureau at its next ...
41. The Committee approved two requests concerning properties inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger: - Benin - Royal Palaces of Abomey: $20,000 - Zaire: Garamba National Park: $20,000 The Committee authorized the Bureau to approve an additional amount of $20,000 under technical cooperation for this property subject to the receipt of an appropriate request.
42. The Committee approved the following requests for technical cooperation: Costa Rica - Talamanca La Amistad Reserve: $40,000The Committee noted that $20,000 of this amount concerned training activities. Panama - Darien National Park: $27,000The Committee decided not to support the construction of park guard stations within the Park as it was considered that this activity should be covered under the national counterpart contribution. Sri Lanka - Anuradhapura: $28,000The Secretariat informed the Committee that the Sri Lankan authorities had previously submitted a request for a total ...
43. The Secretary introduced document SC/CONF.008/07 on promotional activities and drew the Committee's attention to several points, including the exhibit of photographs of World Heritage sites, the information material produced during the current year and the contribution of States Parties in promoting the Convention. On the whole, the contribution of States to public information for their own nationals was still somewhat_ limited. However, the presence of the Mayors of Quebec, Congonhas, Segovia and Santiago de Compostela at the current session was evidence of the growing interest ...
51. The Committee decided to hold its tenth session in November 1986, leaving it to the Bureau to decide on the exact dates. It noted with gratitude the invitation by Brazil to host the tenth session, but felt that in view of the Organization's current situation, it would be preferable to hold the meeting in Paris at Unesco Headquarters and consider this offer again for another session at a later date.
52. One delegate requested the Committee to look at ways of ensuring a better turnover in the membership of States Parties on the Committee, for example by recommending that States confine their membership of the Committee to one or two successive terms of office. The Committee decided to submit this matter to the Bureau for consideration.