The World Heritage Committee approves the following international assistance requests.
Preparation of the Management Plan for Los Katios National Park
US$43,000 for funding under the remaining funds allocated for natural heritage Technical Co-operation of 2002, subject to IUCN supporting the additional clarifications provided by the State Party relative to the budget breakdown and workplan.
Sites: Los Katíos National Park
The World Heritage Committee approves the following international assistance requests.
Organisation of the Regional Workshop "African Heritage and Sustainable Development"
US$59,070 for funding in 2002, allocating US$ 20,000 from Technical Co-operation reserved for Natural Heritage and US$ 39,070 from Training for 2002, provided that a detailed budget breakdown is submitted by the State Party and approved by the IUCN, ICOMOS and ICCROM.
The World Heritage Committee approves the following international assistance requests.
Creation of a training centre at the Kasbah of Algiers
US$50,000, for funding in 2003 provided that the State Party clarifies the points raised by ICCROM.
Sites: Kasbah of Algiers
Training for national and local authorities in the implementation of the World Heritage Convention in Afghanistan, particularly focusing on the elaboration of Tentative Lists and the formulation of nomination dossiers of potential World Heritage properties
US$42,860 as part of the US$50,000 Emergency Package for 2002.
The World Heritage Committee approves the following international assistance requests.
Virtual Congress on World Heritage Management for Asia and the Pacifi Architecture for Sustainable World Heritage Tourism
US$12,300 for funding in 2002. The Committee requests the Centre to utilize US$10,000 from the Programme Initiative for Tourism.
The World Heritage Committee approves the following international assistance requests.
Reinforcement of the capacities of the Department for Protection and Restoration of Monuments, Turkmenistan to conserve Ancient Merv
US$38,814 for funding in 2003 for this activity.
The World Heritage Committee approves the following international assistance requests.
Restoration of the medersa "Rachid" at Bukhara and creation of an international training centre for the conservation of architectural heritage
US$21,960 for funding in 2003.
The Committee requests the State Party to provide clarifications concerning the programmes for the theoretical courses and practical ...
Sites: Historic Centre of Bukhara
The World Heritage Committee,
1. Notes that the currently applied procedures and mechanism for the application of international assistance, and in particular emergency assistance, need improvement to increase effectiveness and efficiency;
2. Decides to examine ways and means of enhancing the system for the allocation of international assistance within the framework of the "Revision of the Operational Guidelines", with a view to assure direct links between International Assistance and the Committee's Strategic Objectives of "Credibility, Conservation, Capacity building and ...
The World Heritage Committee,
1. Decides to convene an extraordinary session of the World Heritage Committee at UNESCO Headquarters in March 2003, in accordance with rules 2.2 and 9.3 of the Rules of Procedure;
2. Adopts the provisional agenda for the extraordinary session of the World Heritage Committee (Annex III), limiting the agenda of the session to those items of the present session on which discussion and/or decision was deferred, with an additional item on the selection of the nominations to be examined by the Committee in 2004 if more than 30 complete new nominations, in ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Thanks the Government of China for their kind and generous invitation to host the 27th session of the World Heritage Committee in Suzhou, China from 30 June - 5 July 2003; 2. Decides that items relating to the implementation of the Convention should be discussed as early as possible in the agenda for the meeting;3. Adopts the provisional agenda for the 27th session of the World Heritage Committee (Annex IV).
The World Heritage Committee,
Requests the World Heritage Centre to revise the March 1999 Operational Guidelines to reflect the revised calendar and cycle for World Heritage Statutory Meetings as adopted by the Committee at its 24th session (Cairns, 2000). The revision should reflect the new 1 February deadline for receipt of state of conservation reports, international assistance requests and nominations from States Parties [17].
[17] See related decisions 26 COM 18 and 26 COM 26.
The World Heritage Committee, Adopts the decisions presented in WHC-02/CONF.202/25, with amendments as agreed.
The 26th session of the World Heritage Committee was closed on 29 June 2002 by the Chairperson, Mr Tamás Fejérdy (Hungary). He thanked the Committee for their work and also thanked the Spanish authorities for having provided Spanish interpretation at this session in addition to the working languages.The World Heritage Committee thanked the Chairperson and also the Hungarian authorities for their hospitality and the excellent organisation of the session.