Recommendation: 7 EXT.COM/BUR 2.3
The World Heritage Bureau,
- Having examined the technical cooperation assistance request made by India regarding an improved geographic information system (GIS) for Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (DHR), as presented in Documents WHC-04/7EXT.COM/6 and WHC-04/7EXT.COM/6 Add,
- Noting that in accordance with Decision 28 COM 10A, four requests for technical cooperation will be submitted to the Chairperson / Committee in 2005 for a total amount US$ 104,915;
- Considering that only an amount of US$ 160,000 is available for cultural properties under technical cooperation assistance in the 2005 budget;
- Taking into account ICOMOS' comments as well as the amount of international assistance provided to the DHR in recent years (US$ 58,000);
- Recommends to the Committee not to approve this request for technical cooperation.