The Bureau was satisfied to note that the Sub-Secretario Forestal y Recursos Naturales y Renovables which is responsible for the management of this site has been successful in halting a proposed road construction project in order to bring together the relevant provincial and national agencies to discuss the environmental impact of the project and plan mitigating measures. In this regard, the Bureau commended the Ecuadorean authorities for having obtained official approval for including substantial areas south of the World Heritage site into the National Park. The Bureau, however, was concerned about the information reported by the representative of IUCN regarding heavy poaching of wildlife, illegal livestock grazing and encroachment in this World Heritage site. The Bureau requested the World Heritage Centre to contact the Ecuadorean authorities and suggest that they invite international and/or regional experts to join Ecuadorean specialists to assess impacts of the road construction project and threats to the integrity of this site. The Bureau recommended that on the basis of more information received on the potential impact of the road construction project and threats, the World Heritage Committee, at its forthcoming session in December 1992, decide whether or not this site ought to be included on the List of World Heritage in Danger.
Decision 16 BUR V.21
Sangay National Park (Ecuador)
Decision Code
16 BUR V.21
States Parties 1
Properties 1
State of conservation reports
1992 Sangay National Park