The Bureau was informed of the project to construct a major highway across the Park, which would be financed by a number of Development Banks. Several impact studies - some contradictory in their conclusions - had been made: the Bureau expressed its preference for the alternative route outside of the Park to the North, which in addition to preserving the natural values of Niokolo-Koba, would serve to link up isolated villages. The Bureau requested the Secretariat to prepare a letter to the highest authority in Senegal recalling this State Party's obligation to protect the natural values for which NiokoloKoba was inscribed on the World Heritage List and expressing the Bureau's strong preference for the alternative route outside the Park.
Decision 13 BUR IV.B.4
Niokolo-Koba National Park (Senegal)
Decision Code
13 BUR IV.B.4
States Parties 1
Properties 1
State of conservation reports
1989 Niokolo-Koba National Park