The World Heritage Committee,
1. Having examined Document WHC-06/30.COM/7A,
2. Recalling Decision 29 COM 7A 23, adopted at its 29th session (Durban, 2005),
3. Commends the State Party and the UNESCO Japan Funds-in-Trust project for the progress made to elaborate a comprehensive management plan for the existing World Heritage property;
4. Urges the State Party to accelerate its efforts to clearly redefine the World Heritage protective zones which fully reflects the Outstanding Universal Value of Bam and its Cultural Landscape;
5. Requests the World Heritage Centre in cooperation with ICOMOS and the State Party, to define benchmarks for the possible removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger, and to encourage training programmes through the assistance of international donors;
6. Requests the State Party to submit to the World Heritage Centre by 1 February 2007, a progress report on the implementation of the recommendations mentioned in paragraphs 4 and 5, as well as on the state of conservation of the property for examination by the Committee at its 31st session in 2007; and
7. Decides to retain Bam and its Cultural Landscape (Islamic Republic of Iran) on the List of World Heritage in Danger.