World Heritage Centre World Heritage Centre - Committee Decisions 90 en Copyright 2024 UNESCO, World Heritage Centre Thu, 10 Oct 2024 19:03:11 EST UNESCO, World Heritage Centre - Decisions 10 EXT.COM 2 The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Having examined Document WHC-11/10EXT.COM/2,
  2. Adopts the Agenda included in the above-mentioned Document.
]]> Wed, 09 Nov 2011 00:00:00 EST
10 EXT.COM 3 The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Recalling its Decision 35 COM 18, adopted at its 35th session (UNESCO, 2011),
  2. Elects Malaysia as Vice-Chairperson of the 36th session of the World Heritage Committee whose mandate will be until the end of the 36th session of the Committee (June/July 2012);
  3. Elects Ms Beatriz Hernandez, Mexico, as Rapporteur of the 36th session of the World Heritage Committee, whose mandate will be until the end of the 36th session of the Committee (June/July 2012).
]]> Wed, 09 Nov 2011 00:00:00 EST
11 EXT.COM 2 Adoption of the Agenda of the 11th extraordinary session of the World Heritage Committee The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Having examined Document WHC-15/11EXT.COM/2,
  2. Adopts the Agenda included in the above-mentioned Document.
]]> Thu, 19 Nov 2015 00:00:00 EST
11 EXT.COM 3 Elections to the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Recalling its Decision 39 COM 17, adopted at its 39th session (Bonn, 2015),
  2. Elects the United Republic of Tanzania as Vice-Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee whose mandate will be until the end of the 40th session of the Committee (July 2016).
]]> Thu, 19 Nov 2015 00:00:00 EST
11 EXT.COM 4 Other business No Decision.

]]> Thu, 19 Nov 2015 00:00:00 EST
12 EXT.COM 2 Adoption of the Agenda 1. Having examined Document WHC/17/12EXT.COM/2,
2. Adopts the Agenda included in the above-mentioned Document.]]> Wed, 15 Nov 2017 00:00:00 EST
12 EXT.COM 3 Elections of the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee 1. Recalling its Decision 41 COM 16, adopted at its 41st session (Krakow, 2017),
2. Elects in accordance with Rule 13.1 of the Rules of Procedure, its Bureau with the following composition:

  • Chairperson: H.E. Sheikha Haya Rashed Al-Khalifa (Bahrein)
  • Vice-Chairpersons: Azerbaijan, Brazil, China, Spain, Zimbabwe
  • Rapporteur: Ms Anna Zeichner (Hungary)
whose mandates will begin at the end of the 12th Extraordinary session of the Committee (UNESCO, 2017) until the end of the 42nd session of the Committee (2018);
3. Decides that the Bureau of the 43rd session of the World Heritage Committee (2019) will be elected at the end of the 42nd session of the World Heritage Committee (2018) in accordance with Rule 13.1 of the Rules of Procedure;
4. Also decides that its 42nd session will take place in Manama (Bahrain) from 24 June to 4 July 2018.]]> Wed, 15 Nov 2017 00:00:00 EST
12 EXT.COM 4 International assistance requests The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Having examined Document WHC/17/12EXT.COM/4,
  2. Decides to approve the International Assistance request from Palau entitled “Responding to the threat of feral cat introduction to the Rock Island Southern Lagoon World Heritage area”, for an amount of US$ 139,505 under the Emergency Assistance budget.
]]> Wed, 15 Nov 2017 00:00:00 EST
13 EXT.COM 2 Adoption of the agenda 1. Having examined Document WHC/19/13EXT.COM/2,
2. Adopts the Agenda included in the above-mentioned Document.]]> Thu, 28 Nov 2019 00:00:00 EST
13 EXT.COM 3 Elections of the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee 1. Recalling its Decision 43 COM 16, adopted at its 43rd session (Baku, 2019),
2. Elects Guatemala as Vice-Chairperson of the 44th session of the World Heritage Committee whose mandate will begin at the end of its 13th extraordinary session (UNESCO, 2019) and will continue until the end of its 44th session (Fuzhou, 2020).]]> Thu, 28 Nov 2019 00:00:00 EST
14 EXT.COM 2 Adoption of the Agenda The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Having examined Document WHC/20/14EXT.COM/2,
  2. Adopts the Agenda included in the above-mentioned Document.
]]> Mon, 02 Nov 2020 00:00:00 EST
14 EXT.COM 3 Suspension of Rule 2.1 of the Rules of Procedure of the World Heritage Committee The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Decides to suspend Rule 2.1 of its Rules of Procedure.
]]> Mon, 02 Nov 2020 00:00:00 EST
14 EXT.COM 4 Dates of the 44th session of the World Heritage Committee The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Having examined Document WHC/20/14.EXT.COM/4,
  2. Recalling the extreme exceptional circumstances that prevailed in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide,
  3. Also recalling Decision COM/BUR.1.3 by which the Bureau of the 44th session of the World Heritage Committee, taking into account the prevailing sanitary situation worldwide, including travel restrictions, considered that the conditions for a session of the World Heritage Committee in 2020 were not met,
  4. Decides to hold an extended 44th session in June/July 2021 in Fuzhou (China);
  5. Also decides that all items and sub-items that were foreseen for examination in 2020 and 2021 by its previous decisions, be examined at its extended 44th session in 2021;
  6. Requests the Advisory Bodies to propose an exceptional extension of the deadlines in accordance with the Operational Guidelines and without creating a precedent for the completion of pending Evaluation missions for nominations to be presented for examination by the World Heritage Committee in the year 2021, so as to allow the largest number of files, from the broadest geographical base, to be examined at its extended 44th session;
  7. Further decides that nominations presented for examination of the World Heritage Committee in the year 2021 that could not be examined at its extended 44th session be examined at its 45th session, without prejudice to the nominations presented for examination of the World Heritage Committee in 2022, in accordance with the timeframe foreseen in Paragraph 168 of the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention;
  8. Further recalling Decision 43 COM 17 by which it adopted the Provisional Agenda of its 44th session that should have been held in 2020, adopts the following amended Provisional Agenda for its extended 44th session to be held in 2021 [amendments in bold]:

Provisional Agenda of the extended 44th session in 2021:

Opening session

  1. Opening session
  2. Admission of Observers

3A.    Adoption of the Agenda

3B.    Adoption of the Timetable


4.      Report of the Rapporteur of the 43rd session of the World Heritage Committee (Baku, 2019)

5A.    Report of the World Heritage Centre on its activities and the implementation of the World Heritage Committee’s decisions

5B.    Reports of the Advisory Bodies

5C.    Progress report on Priority Africa, Sustainable Development and World Heritage

5D.    World Heritage Convention and Sustainable Development

6.       Follow-up to the World Heritage Capacity-Building Strategy and Progress report on the World Heritage-related category 2 centres

Examination of the state of conservation

7.       State of conservation of World Heritage properties

7A.    State of conservation of World Heritage properties inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger

7B.    State of conservation of World Heritage properties inscribed on the World Heritage List

7C.    Draft Updated Policy Document on the impacts of Climate Change on World Heritage properties

Establishment of the World Heritage List and of the List of World Heritage in Danger

8.       Nomination process

8A.    Tentative Lists submitted by States Parties

8B.    Nominations to the World Heritage List

8C.    Update of the World Heritage List and the List of World Heritage in Danger

8D.    Clarifications of property boundaries and areas by States Parties

8E.    Review and approval of retrospective Statements of Outstanding Universal Value

Global Strategy for a representative, balanced and credible World Heritage List

9A.    Upstream Process

Periodic Reports

10A. Report on the results of the Third cycle of the Periodic Reporting exercise in the Arab States

10B. Report on the results of the Third cycle of the Periodic Reporting exercise in Africa

10C.  Progress report on the implementation of the Action Plan(s) for the 2nd Cycle of Periodic Reporting in the other regions

10D.  Progress report on the Third Cycle of Periodic Reporting in the other regions

Working methods and tools

11.     Follow-up to Recommendations of Evaluations and Audits on Working Methods and outcomes of the ad-hoc working group
12.     Revision of the Operational Guidelines

Financial and administrative matters

13.    International Assistance
14.    Presentation of the final accounts of the World Heritage Fund for 2018-2019, Report on the execution of the budget for the biennium 2020-2021, Budget proposal of the World Heritage Fund under the biennium 2022-2023 and follow-up to Decision 43 COM 14
15.    Other business

Closing session

16.   Election of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairpersons and Rapporteur of the 45th session of the World Heritage Committee
17.   Provisional Agenda of the 45th session of the World Heritage Committee
18.   Adoption of Decisions
19.    Closing session

9.     Takes note of the invitation by the Russian Federation to host the World Heritage Committee session in 2022.]]> Mon, 02 Nov 2020 00:00:00 EST
15 EXT.COM 2 Adoption of the Agenda The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Having examined Document WHC/21/15EXT.COM/2,
  2. Adopts the Agenda included in the above-mentioned Document, and decides to add an item 4 concerning the dates and place of its 45th session.
]]> Mon, 29 Mar 2021 00:00:00 EST
15 EXT.COM 3 Dates and modalities for the holding of the extended 44th session of the World Heritage Committee The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Having examined Document WHC/21/15.EXT.COM/3,
  2. Recalling the extreme exceptional circumstances that prevailed in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide and that still prevail in 2021,
  3. Also recalling Decision 14 EXT.COM 4 by which it decided to hold an extended 44th session in June/July 2021 in Fuzhou (China),
  4. Decides that the extended 44th session will be held from 16 to 31 July 2021[1];
  5. Also decides that the extended 44th session will be held according to Format B, as described in Document WHC/21/15.EXT.COM/3, section III.B (“online session”), and adopts the corresponding timetable contained in Annex 3 of the above-mentioned document;
  6. Also adopts the Methods of work for the extended 44th session of the World Heritage Committee, as described in Annex 4 of the above-mentioned document;
  7. Strongly encourages the convening of informal meetings and negotiations as appropriate on draft decisions and amendments before the session of the Committee and further reiterates the importance of respecting the 24 hours’ time limit of Rule 23.3 of the Rules of Procedure;
  8. Requests the Secretariat to propose practical arrangements for casting of the vote, should it become necessary to hold a secret ballot during an online session, to be sent to the Committee members for consultation and approbation by correspondence before the extended 44th session, and also requests the Secretariat to prepare a document clarifying the protocols of an online meeting.

[1] Keeping in mind that 20 July 2021 shall not be a working day.

]]> Mon, 29 Mar 2021 00:00:00 EST
15 EXT.COM 4 Dates and place of the 45th session of the World Heritage Committee in 2022 The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Decides to suspend Rule 4.1 of its Rules of Procedure;
  2. Also decides that its 45th session will take place in Kazan, Russian Federation, in June/July 2022;
  3. Underlines that the decision of the place for the 45th session is made during the 15th extraordinary session of the Committee due to the exceptional situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and should not create a precedent to Rule 4.1 of the Rules of the Procedure.
]]> Mon, 29 Mar 2021 00:00:00 EST
16 EXT.COM 2 Adoption of the agenda The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Having examined Document WHC/21/16EXT.COM/2,
  2. Adopts the Agenda included in the above-mentioned Document.
]]> Fri, 26 Nov 2021 00:00:00 EST
16 EXT.COM 3 Elections to the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Recalling Decision 44 COM 16, adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/Online, 2021),
  2. Elects Italy as Vice-Chairperson of the 45th session of the World Heritage Committee, whose mandate will begin at the end of the 16th extraordinary session of the Committee (UNESCO, 2021) and will continue until the end of the 45th session of the Committee (Kazan, 2022);
  3. Elects Argentina as Vice-Chairperson of the 45th session of the World Heritage Committee, whose mandate will begin at the end of the 16th extraordinary session of the Committee (UNESCO, 2021) and will continue until the end of the 45th session of the Committee (Kazan, 2022);
  4. Elects Shikha Jain (India) as Rapporteur of the 45th session of the World Heritage Committee, whose mandate will begin at the end of the 16th extraordinary session of the Committee (UNESCO, 2021) and will continue until the end of the 45th session of the Committee (Kazan, 2022).
]]> Fri, 26 Nov 2021 00:00:00 EST
17 EXT.COM 2 Adoption of the agenda The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Having examined Document WHC/22/17.EXT.COM/2,
  2. Adopts the Agenda included in the above-mentioned Document.
]]> Mon, 12 Dec 2022 00:00:00 EST
17 EXT.COM 3 Suspension of Rule 2.1 of the Rules of Procedures The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Having examined Document WHC/22/17.EXT.COM/3,
  2. Recalling that the 45th session of the World Heritage Committee, initially scheduled from 19 to 30 June 2022, was postponed by the Bureau on 21 April 2022,
  3. Considers that the conditions to hold its 45th session in 2022, as foreseen in Decision 44 COM 16, are not met;
  4. Decides to suspend Rule 2.1 of its Rules of Procedure for the 2022 ordinary session;
  5. Decides to meet again in extraordinary session in the course of January 2023 to take a decision on the date, the venue and the outcome document of the Open-ended Working Group on sites of memory associated with recent conflicts, and consider the provisional agenda of its 45th session, as well as any other matter.
]]> Mon, 12 Dec 2022 00:00:00 EST