World Heritage Centre World Heritage Centre - Committee Decisions 90 en Copyright 2024 UNESCO, World Heritage Centre Wed, 02 Oct 2024 03:15:23 EST UNESCO, World Heritage Centre - Decisions 2 EXT.COM 2 Election of the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee elected Mr. Francesco Francioni (Italy) as Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee and Mr. Noel Fattal (Lebanon) as Rapporteur. The Vice-Chairs elected were: Benin, Ecuador, Japan, Morocco and the United States of America.]]> Wed, 29 Oct 1997 00:00:00 EST 3 EXT.COM III.1 Introduction to the Extraordinary Session The Chairperson drew the attention of the Committee to the two main documents of relevance to their deliberations. WHC-99/CONF.205/5 entitled "Report on the state of conservation of Kakadu National Park, Australia" provided a summary of information and deliberations concerning Kakadu up until the date of finalization of the document at the end of May. WHC-99/CONF.205/INF.4 included the record of the deliberations of the twenty-third session of the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee (5-10 July 1999).

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3 EXT.COM III.2 Introduction to the Extraordinary Session The Chairperson reminded Committee members that a mission was sent to Kakadu National Park in late 1998, at the request of the twenty-second session of the Bureau in June 1998. The mission was led by the former Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee, Professor Francioni of Italy. Professor Francioni reported on the mission at the twentysecond session of the Committee in Kyoto in 1998.

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3 EXT.COM III.3 Introduction to the Extraordinary Session The mission report (WHC-99/CONF.205/INF.3A) focused primarily on ascertained and potential dangers to the World Heritage values of Kakadu National Park posed by the Jabiluka mining proposal, and presented a total of 16 recommendations.

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3 EXT.COM XI.1 Decision of the Third Extraordinary Session of the World Heritage Committee concerning Kakadu National Park, Australia The Committee,

(a) Emphasizes the importance of Articles 4, 5, 6, 7 and 11 of the 1972 UNESCO World Heritage Convention. In particular the Committee emphasizes Article 6 (1) which states that:

Whilst fully respecting the sovereignty of the States on whose territory the cultural and natural heritage (...) is situated, and without prejudice to property right provided by national legislation, the States Parties to this Convention recognize that such heritage constitutes a world heritage for whose protection it is the duty of the international community as a whole to cooperate.

(b) Recalls that the twenty-second session of the World Heritage Committee in Kyoto (1998) expressed "grave concern" over the ascertained and potential dangers to the World Heritage cultural and natural values of Kakadu National Park posed by the proposal for uranium mining and milling at Jabiluka;

(c) Notes that the deliberations of the twenty-third session of the Bureau and of the third extraordinary session of the Committee demand the continuous serious consideration of the conditions at Kakadu National Park by the Committee with reference to Section III, in particular Paragraph 86 of the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage;

(d) Expresses its deep regret that the voluntary suspension of construction of the mine decline at Jabiluka until the twenty-third session of the Committee (requested by the twenty-second session of the Committee) has not taken place;

(e) Is gravely concerned about the serious impacts to the living cultural values of Kakadu National Park posed by the proposal to mine and mill uranium at Jabiluka. The Committee is of the opinion that confidence and trust building through dialogue are crucial for there to be any resolution of issues relating to the proposal to mine and mill uranium at Jabiluka. In particular, a more substantial and continuous dialogue needs to be established between the Australian Government and the traditional owners of the Jabiluka Mineral Lease, the Mirrar Aboriginal people;

(f) Is concerned about the lack of progress with the preparation of a cultural heritage management plan for Jabiluka;

(g) Continues to have significant reservations concerning the scientific uncertainties relating to mining and milling at Jabiluka.

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3 EXT.COM X1.2 Decision of the Third Extraordinary Session of the World Heritage Committee concerning Kakadu National Park, Australia The Committee,

(a) Recognizes, with appreciation, that the Australian Government, Australian Supervising Scientist, advisory bodies (IUCN, ICOMOS and ICCROM) and independent scientific panel (ISP) established by the International Council of Science (ICSU) have provided the reports requested by the twenty-second session of the Committee (Kyoto, 1998);

(b) Acknowledges that there are indications that a new dialogue between the Mirrar Aboriginal people and the Australian Government has begun in relation to issues concerning the Jabiluka uranium mine and mill. The Committee considers this to be an essential step in finding a constructive solution to the issues raised by the UNESCO mission to Kakadu National Park and encourages the Australian Government to intensify their efforts in this regard and pursue with vigor the deepening of its dialogue with the Mirrar Aboriginal people;

(c) Notes that the Australian Government has stated (in document WHC-99/CONF.205/INF.3G entitled "Protecting Kakadu National Park" submitted by the Australian Government) that "full scale commercial mining at Jabiluka would only be reached about 2009 following the scaling down of production at the Ranger mine so that two mines would not be in full production simultaneously". The Committee further notes that the Minister for Environment and Heritage has stated that there shall be no parallel commercial scale operation of the Ranger and Jabiluka uranium mines located in enclaves surrounded by, but not included, in Kakadu National Park. The Committee considers that it is the clear responsibility of the Australian Government to regulate the activities of a private company, such as Energy Resources of Australia, Inc, in relation to the proposed mining and milling activities at Jabiluka to ensure the protection of the World Heritage values of Kakadu National Park;

(d) Notes that the Australian Supervising Scientist (ASS) has assessed the report of the independent scientific panel (ISP) established by the International Council of Science (ICSU) and seeks a dialogue with the ISP to resolve outstanding questions relating to scientific issues concerning mining and milling at Jabiluka.

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3 EXT.COM XI.3 Decision of the Third Extraordinary Session of the World Heritage Committee concerning Kakadu National Park, Australia With consideration of 1 and 2 above, the Committee will remain vigilant in reviewing and assessing the progress made by the Australian Government. To this end the Committee requests that the Australian Government submit a progress report on the following issues by 15 April 2000 for examination by the twenty-fourth session of the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee:

(a) progress made with cultural mapping of the Jabiluka Mineral Lease and the Boyweg-Almudj site and its boundaries and the completion of the cultural heritage management plan with the necessary co-operation of the Mirrar, and appropriate involvement of other stakeholders and ICOMOS and ICCROM;

(b) progress in the implementation, in response to the Kakadu Region Social Impact Study (KRSIS), of a comprehensive package of social and welfare benefits, together with the Northern Territory Government, for the benefit of the Aboriginal communities of Kakadu (including the Mirrar);

(c) more precise details of the output and scale of any parallel activities at the Ranger and Jabiluka uranium mines as well as on any legal provisions taken in that respect.

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3 EXT.COM XI.4 Decision of the Third Extraordinary Session of the World Heritage Committee concerning Kakadu National Park, Australia To resolve the remaining scientific issues, such as those raised in the ISP report, the Committee asks ICSU to continue the work of the ISP (with the addition of any additional members) to assess, in co-operation with the  supervising Scientist and IUCN, the Supervising Scientist's response to the ISP report. The report of the ISP's assessment should be submitted to the World Heritage Centre by 15 April 2000 for examination by the twenty-fourth session of the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee in 2000.

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4 EXT.COM 2 Election of the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee elected Mr. Abdelaziz Touri (Morocco) as Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee and Ms. Anne Lammila (Finland) as Rapporteur. The Vice-Presidents elected were: Australia, Greece, Hungary, Mexico, and Zimbabwe.]]> Sat, 30 Oct 1999 00:00:00 EST 5 EXT.COM II.4 Election of the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee elected Mr Henrik Lilius (Finland) as Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee and Mr Francisco Lopez Morales (Mexico) as Rapporteur. The Vice-Presidents elected were: Egypt, Greece, Hungary, South Africa and Thailand.]]> Thu, 01 Nov 2001 00:00:00 EST 6 EXT.COM 1 Openning of the Session The 6th extraordinary session of the World Heritage Committee was opened by Mr Tamás Fejérdy, (Hungary) Chairperson on 17 March 2003 at UNESCO Headquarters. He welcomed Mr Koïchiro Matsuura the Director-General of UNESCO and the 21 members of the Committee: Argentina, Belgium, China, Colombia, Egypt, Finland, Greece, Hungary, India, Lebanon, Mexico, Nigeria, Oman, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Saint Lucia, South Africa, Thailand, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Zimbabwe4.

73 States Parties to the World Heritage Convention who are not members of the Committee were represented as observers: Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Benin, Brazil, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Eritrea, France, Gabon, Germany, Grenada, Haiti, Holy See, Honduras, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Kuwait, Latvia, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Lithuania, Madagascar, Malaysia, Monaco, Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saudi Arabia, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Togo, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Republic of Tanzania, United States of America, Venezuela and Vietnam.

The Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to UNESCO also participated at this session as an observer.

Representatives of the Advisory Bodies to the Committee, namely the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of the Cultural Property (ICCROM), the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and the World Conservation Union (IUCN) also attended the session.

The World Heritage Committee,

Accepts the presence of individuals and representatives of the following international governmental organizations (IGOs), international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and non- governmental organizations (NGOs) at the session:

  • Bird Life International
  • Ms Alessandra Borchi, LUISS University of Rome
  • Kulturarv utan Gränser / Cultural Heritage without Borders
  • Europa Nostra
  • European Center of Byzantine and Postbyzantine Monuments (EKBMM)
  • National Heritage Trust Fund Mauritius
  • Ms Dominique Sewane (Consultant)
  • United Nations Foundation (UNF)
  • The Wilderness Society (Australia)
  • Yachay Wasi
The List of Participants at the 6th extraordinary session is included as Annex I to this document.
4 The Members of the Bureau are : T. Fejérdy (Chairperson, Hungary), B. Selfslagh (Rapporteur, Belgium), China, Egypt, Greece, Mexico and South Africa]]> Mon, 17 Mar 2003 00:00:00 EST
6 EXT.COM 2 Adoption of the Agenda The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Noting the invitation it has received to attend the information meeting on the Draft Declaration concerning the Intentional Destruction of Cultural Heritage to be held on 18 March from 10 to 12 a.m;
  2. Decides to cancel its session planned at the same time as the information meeting to allow those delegations who wish to participate in that meeting to do so;
  3. Noting the linkages between agenda items 3, 4, 5 and 6 of its extraordinary session ;
  4. Decides to work in plenary to the extent possible;
  5. Adopts the Agenda and Timetable as presented in WHC-03/6 EXT.COM/2 Rev 1.
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6 EXT.COM 3 Revision of the Rules of Procedure of the World Heritage Committee The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Adopts the Rules of Procedure as revised by the World Heritage Committee and included as Annex II to this document.
  2. Decides that it enter immediately into effect, with the exception of Rule 13.1. and for which the following transition provisions will be used:
    1. At the beginning of its 27th ordinary session (Suzhou, June/July 2003), the World Heritage Committee will elect a Bureau whose term will start at that session until the opening of the 28th ordinary session of the Committee (June 2004);
    2. At the beginning of its 28th ordinary session (June/July 2004), the World Heritage Committee will elect a Bureau whose term will start at that session and will last until the end of the 29th ordinary session (June 2005). Among the members of the Bureau, the Committee will designate a first Chairperson whose six-month mandate will extend from the 28th ordinary session (June 2004) until 31 December 2004, as well as a second Chairperson whose six-month mandate will extend from 1 January 2005 to the end of the 29th ordinary session in June 2005;
    3. New Rule 1 of the Rules of Procedure will enter into force starting from the 29th ordinary session of the Committee (June 2005).
  3. Requests the World Heritage Centre to include a Table of Contents to make the revised Rules of Procedure more user-friendly, and to arrange for the printing and distribution of the revised Rules of Procedure in advance of the 27th session of the World Heritage Committee (Suzhou, China, 29 June -5 July 2003).
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6 EXT.COM 4 Policy and legal issues concerning inscription of properties on the List of Lorld Leritage in Danger and the potential deletion of properties from the World Heritage List The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Decides to maintain in the revised Operational Guidelines existing text from the July 2002 Operational Guidelines concerning:
    1. reactive monitoring (paragraph 68),
    2. the development of a programme of corrective measures (paragraphs 22, 46b, 86, 87 and 89),
    3. inscription on the List of World Heritage in Danger (paragraphs 80-93) and,
    4. possible deletion from the World Heritage List (paragraphs 46-56).
  2. Requests the World Heritage Centre to re-order the text in the revised Operational Guidelines to ensure a logical and consistent presentation of the procedures for management and monitoring, reactive monitoring of the state of conservation of World Heritage properties, inscription on the List of World Heritage in Danger and deletion from the World Heritage List.
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6 EXT.COM 5.2 World Heritage Basic Texts The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Taking note of the proposal by the Belgian Delegation (presented in Figure 1 of document WHC-02/CONF.202/15) for the preparation of a compilation of World Heritage Basic Texts like the Basic Texts of UNESCO and of the positive comments on this proposal received from States Parties in responses to Circular Letter CL/WHC.12/02 concerning the revision of the Rules of Procedure;
  2. Requests the World Heritage Centre, to prepare an outline and publication plan (including budget) for a compilation of World Heritage Basic Texts in English and French (to include the World Heritage Convention, the Budapest Declaration, the Operational Guidelines, the Rules of Procedure of the World Heritage Committee, the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly of States Parties to the World Heritage Convention and the Financial Regulations of the World Heritage Fund) for presentation to the 28th session of the World Heritage Committee in 2004;
  3. Further requests the World Heritage Centre, working in collaboration with the Advisory Bodies, to present to the 28th session of the World Heritage Committee in 2004 a budgeted proposal for the preparation of guidance documents for the protection of World Heritage properties that would supplement the Operational Guidelines. These could include detailed guidance on the nomination and management of certain types of World Heritage properties, case studies of best practices, or guidance on other particular related issues.
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6 EXT.COM 5.3 Handbook on the World Heritage Convention The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Taking into account the proposal made by the World Heritage Centre to prepare a handbook on the World Heritage Convention similar to the Handbook on the Convention of Biological Diversity presented during the 26th ordinary session of the Committee, Budapest, 2002 (document WHC-02/CONF.202/15, section VII, paragraphe 36); 
  2. Invites the World Heritage Centre, in consultation with interested States Parties and the Advisory Bodies, to develop an outline, publication plan (including budget and potential publisher) and a proposal for financing a Handbook on the World Heritage Convention in English and French for presentation to the 28th session of the World Heritage Committee in 2004.
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6 EXT.COM 5.4 New numbering system for the combined criteria (i) to (x) The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Requests the World Heritage Centre to ensure that all future publications of the World Heritage List indicate the criteria according to which properties were inscribed on the List using the new numbering system for the combined criteria (i) to (x).
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6 EXT.COM 5.5 Visual Identity The World Heritage Committee,

Decides that the proposed World Heritage Visual Identity will not be included on the agenda for the 27th session of the World Heritage Committee (Suzhou, June/July 2003).

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6 EXT.COM 5.1 Revision Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention The World Heritage Committee,

1. Thanking the Drafting Group and all other experts, representatives of States Parties to the World Heritage Convention, the Advisory Bodies and the World Heritage Centre for work accomplished to date on the revision of the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention;

2. Taking note of the Report of the March 2002 Drafting Group on the Revision of the Operational Guidelines presented as document WHC-03/6 EXT.COM/INF.5A;

3. Considering that the 3rd Draft Revised Operational Guidelines presented in document WHC-03/6 EXT.COM/INF.5B represents a substantial effort, but that further work is required to reflect the recent decisions of the Committee (in particular Decisions 6 EXT.COM 3 and 6 EXT.COM 4 and 6 EXT.COM 7) and to make them more userfriendly;

4. Recalling the decision of the 25th session of the Committee to allocate US $ 50,000 from the World Heritage Fund in 2003 for the revision of the Operational Guidelines and the subsequent decision 26 COM 24.2 (paragraph 3) to reduce this amount to US $ 22,000;

5. Taking into account decision 6 EXT COM 5.2 relating to the preparation of a volume of the Basic Texts of the Convention;

6. Requests the World Heritage Centre, working in collaboration with the Advisory Bodies, to carry out the tasks itemized below in the Technical Annex in order to present revised user-friendly Operational Guidelines to the World Heritage Committee for adoption at its 27th session (Suzhou, China 29 June-5 July 2003);

7. Decides to include an item on the adoption of the revised Operational Guidelines on the agenda of the 27th session of the Committee (Suzhou, China 29 June-5 July 2003).


 (with reference to the third draft Revised Operational Guidelines, document WHC-03/6 EXT.COM/INF.5B)


1.1       Revise the text to take into account the discussions and many suggestions for drafting changes made during the plenary at the 6th extraordinary session of the World Heritage Committee (17-22 March 2003) as reflected in the record of the meeting (WHC-03/6 EXT.COM/INF.8).

1.2       Revise the text on the basis of the following decisions taken by the 6th extraordinary session of the Committee:


6 EXT.COM 3 (Revision of the Rules of Procedure of the World Heritage Committee);

6 EXT.COM 4 (Policy/Legal issues); and

6 EXT.COM 7 (Nominations to be examined by the World Heritage Committee in 2004).

1.3       Prepare a clear document, finding a balance between the inclusion of obligatory texts and the removal of text that is not relevant (see Decision 6 EXT.COM 5.2.).

1.4       Check that the provisions of the revised Guidelines are capable of implementation, consistent with the Convention, do not include information that is not relevant, avoid reproducing the Convention and other existing texts and clarify all references to the Bureau.

1.5       Improve the presentation of the revised Guidelines, ensure consistency of language and check concordance between the English and French texts, finalise references and cross-references, paragraph numbering and ensure that there are no contradictions.

1.6       Define and be consistent in the use of the terms:

  • "conservation" and "protection";
  • "outstanding universal value", "criteria",          "values", "attributes",    "qualities" and        "characteristics;
  • "management approach", "management system", "management plan" and              "management and/or planning control";             and
  • "property" and "site".

1.7       Integrate references to the Budapest Declaration (2002) and, replace when appropriate, references to the Strategic Orientations (1992).



  1. Maintain paragraphs 122-125 on the World Heritage Fund of the July 2002 Operational Guidelines.



3.1       Amend section II.B "Tentative Lists" to

  1. a) provide greater clarity as to the purpose of Tentative Lists, the purpose and process for harmonizing Tentative Lists at a regional level and,
  2. b) make a clear distinction between the "comparative analysis" to be prepared by States Parties and included in their nominations and the "comparative studies" prepared by the Advisory Bodies and other experts that are used as comparative context for the evaluation of properties nominated for inclusion in the World Heritage List.

3.2.      In section II.C “Criteria for the inclusion of properties on the World Heritage List”:

 a) combine the six cultural and four natural criteria previously included in paragraphs 24 (a) and 44 (a) respectively, into a single list of criteria (i) to (x) reordering them so that the former natural criterion (iii) becomes criterion (vii);  

  1. b) revise criterion(v):

 "(v) is an outstanding example of a traditional human settlement, land-use, or sea-use which is representative of a culture (or cultures), or human interaction with the environment especially when it has become vulnerable under the impact of irreversible change";

  1. c) revise criterion (vi):

"(vi) be directly or tangibly associated with events or living traditions, with ideas, or with beliefs, with artistic and literary works of outstanding universal significance" The Committee considers that this criterion should preferably be used in conjunction with other criteria.

3.3       Amend paragraph II.C.3 to read:

"Properties nominated for inclusion on the World Heritage List must satisfy the conditions of authenticity and/or integrity.

3.4        Maintain text from paragraph 25 of the July 2002 Operational Guidelines stating that "Nominations of immovable property which are likely to become movable will not be considered".

3.5        Maintain elements of paragraphs 44(b)(v) and 44(b)(vi) of the July 2002 Operational Guidelines (relating to operational plans, boundaries that may coincide with existing or proposed protected areas and multiple management zones) as appropriate.

 3.6       Amend paragraph II.C.11 to read:  

“ Examining the conditions of integrity, therefore  requires assessing the extent to which the property :

  • includes all elements necessary to express its outstanding universal value;
  • is of adequate size to ensure the complete representation of the features and processes which convey the property’s significance;
  • suffers from adverse effects of development and/or neglect."

 3.7       Revise paragraph II.C.13 as follows: 

"II.C.13            For all properties nominated under criteria (vii) to (x), bio-physical processes and landform features should be relatively intact. However, it is recognized that no area is totally pristine and that all natural areas are in a dynamic state, and to some extent involve contact with people. Human activities, including those of traditional societies and local communities, often occur in natural areas.  These activities may be consistent with the outstanding universal value of the area where they are ecologically sustainable.”

3.8       Consider the proposal made by the Delegation of Belgium to reorder the Nomination Format referred to in paragraph II.D.1 in the following way:

  1. Identification of property
  2. Description of property
  3. Justification of outstanding universal value, and identification of its indicators
  4. Justification of criteria of authenticity and/or integrity, and identification of its indicators
  5. Constraints and factors that are affecting or could affect the property, and identification of its indicators
  6. Protection and management systems
  7. Documentation
  8. Contact Information
  9. State Party's Signature


3.9       Introduce in paragraph II.D.5 the following timetable for the receipt of nominations:

30 September        Voluntary deadline for receipt of draft nominations from States Parties by the World Heritage Centre

15 November        World Heritage Centre to respond to the nominating State Party concerning the completeness of the nomination, and, if incomplete, to indicate the missing information required to make the nomination complete.

1 February            Date by which nominations must be complete and  received by the World Heritage Centre to be transmitted to ICOMOS and /or IUCN for evaluation.

3.10      Clarify the procedures, timeframe and requirements for the content, submission and processing of nominations on an emergency basis.

3.11      Clarify the procedures, timeframe and requirements for the content, submission and processing of renominations of existing properties using new criteria, as well as for referred, deferred and withdrawn nominations.

3.12      Ensure that a clear indication of what is a "complete" nomination is provided.

3.13      With reference to decision 6 EXT.COM 3, include a mechanism by which the Advisory Bodies, through the World Heritage Centre, can obtain additional information from a State Party between two Committee sessions, during the process of evaluation of a nomination of property for inscription on the World Heritage List.



 4.1       Amend paragraph III.A.3 to read:

 "World Heritage properties may support a variety of ongoing and proposed uses that are ecologically and culturally sustainable. The State Party and partners must ensure that such sustainable use does not adversely impact the outstanding universal value, authenticity and integrity of the property." 

4.2       Move the text on Periodic Reporting to a new section of the Operational Guidelines to clearly differentiate day-to-day management and monitoring by the State Party and reactive monitoring from the six-year cycle of Periodic Reporting for which States Parties are requested to prepare reports on their overall implementation of the Convention as well as on their World Heritage properties.



5.1       Revise the text with reference to decision 26 COM 25.3 and the need to ensure interaction and complementarity of Regional Programmes as follow-up to the Periodic Reports whilst maintaining for the time being the existing types of International Assistance with the addition of "Research" to "Training Assistance."

5.2       Revise paragraph IV.B.4 (d) to read:

"Legislative, administrative and, wherever possible, financial commitment of the recipient State Party to the activity;"



  1. Move the text on "Information" (paragraphs V.V.1 to V.B.6) to a separate sub-section. Integrate in this new sub-section, all necessary provisions concerning information and documentation (including II.H on "Archiving and documentation of nominations") and make cross-references as appropriate.



  1. Delete this Annex. Organize joint distribution of the Convention and the Operational Guidelines (see also decision 6 EXT.COM/5.2)



  1. Maintain this Annex until all countries have joined the World Heritage Convention.


  1. No changes foreseen.



10.1      No changes foreseen pending the preparation of updated guidelines in the future.

10.2      Explain the difference between a mixed cultural and natural heritage property and a cultural landscape.



  1. Include references to expert meetings on authenticity held before and after the Nara meeting in 1994.



12.1      Written comments on this Annex can be provided to the World Heritage Centre by States Parties by 7 April 2003.

12.2      Move all guidelines concerning the nomination of properties for inclusion in the World Heritage List to Section II "Establishment of the World Heritage List" and only keep the Nomination Format in Annex 6.

12.3      Change the title of the Annex to "Format for       nominations for inclusion in the World Heritage List".

12.4      Enhance the presentation of this Annex.

12.5      Consider reordering the Nomination Format as indicated by the Delegation of Belgium (see paragraph 3.8 above)

12.6      Ensure that the references to management requirements and monitoring are consistent with the text in paragraphs II.C. 23 and 24. 



  1. No changes foreseen.



14.1      Move guidelines concerning Periodic Reporting to the main text of the Guidelines and keep only the Format in Annex 8.

14.2      Change the title of the Annex to "Format for the Periodic Reporting on the application of the World Heritage Convention"



15.1      Increase the budget ceiling of the requests for the approval of the Chairperson to that which formerly was approved by the Bureau :

            - up to US$ 75,000 for Emergency Assistance,

            - up to US$30,000 for Preparatory Assistance,

            - up to US$30,000 for Training and research assistance, and

            - up to US$30,000 for Technical co-operation.

15.2      Clarify that Emergency Assistance is made available to World Heritage properties. It may be made available, if necessary, to more than one World Heritage property in a single State Party.

15.3      For "Training and Research Assistance" payment of dues to the World Heritage Fund for the previous year is obligatory.

15.4      Indicate which fields in the International Assistance form are compulsory for completion.

15.5      Include the criteria used by the Advisory Bodies to evaluate International Assistance requests.



  1. Remove footnote and all references to the proposed user's manual "The World Heritage Visual Identity"  


  1. To be added. 


  1. Websites for UNESCO, World Heritage Centre and Advisory Bodies to be included in the Bibliography. 


  1. To be included at the beginning of the Guidelines


  1. To be added.


  1. To be added.
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6 EXT.COM 6 Revised structure of the budget of the world heritage fund The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Welcomes the proposed structure which reflects the Strategic Objectives adopted by the Committee at its 26th ordinary session (Budapest, 2002) and that it is coherent with the structure of the budget proposed in the Draft Programme and Budget of UNESCO, 2004-2005 (32 C/5);
  2. Thanks the Working group and the World Heritage Centre for their constructive and collaborative proposal for a new budget structure of the World Heritage Fund;
  3. Adopts the revised Budget Structure consisting of Tables 1, 2 and 3 and Attachments 1 to 5, and included as Annex III to this document;
  4. Requests the World Heritage Centre to use the revised Budget Structure in the preparation of the 2004-2005 budget of the World Heritage Fund to be presented to the 27th ordinary session of the World Heritage Committee (Suzhou, China, 29 June -5 July 2003).
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