World Heritage Centre World Heritage Centre - Committee Decisions 90 en Copyright 2024 UNESCO, World Heritage Centre Wed, 02 Oct 2024 23:17:07 EST UNESCO, World Heritage Centre - Decisions 20 BUR IV.7 Srebarna Nature Reserve (Bulgaria) The Bureau recalled that the World Heritage Committee at its nineteenth session examined a monitoring report prepared by the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention. This report indicated that the new water control structure allowed for an inflow of water on a small scale and that a colony of the Dalmatian Pelican had been re-established. The report concluded, however, that the integrity of the site had not yet been adequately restored. The Committee, therefore, decided to retain the site on the List of World Heritage in Danger and requested the Bulgarian authorities to prepare a status report on their efforts to restore the site, to be presented in three years’ time.

Pending the status report which the Committee requested the Bulgarian authorities to submit in 1998, the Bureau recommended the Committee to retain this property on the List of World Heritage in Danger.

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20 BUR IV.7 Plitvice Lakes National Park (Croatia) Following an endorsement by the last session of the World Heritage Committee, a multinational rapid assessment mission was organized by the Centre and the Croatian authorities from 5 to 9 May 1996. The mission reviewed the state of conservation of the site, identified impact and damages caused by armed conflict to park facilities infrastructure, reviewed the legislative, administrative and management frameworks, assessed the socioeconomic situation of the site with regard to tourism potential and proposed summary recommendations. The full report of the mission was presented to the Bureau as Information Document WHC-96/CONF.202/INF.13. The Bureau took note of the report and the specific recommendation made concerning the List of World Heritage in Danger.

The Bureau commended the Croatian authorities for their initial rehabilitation activities and recommended to the Committee to maintain the property on the List of World Heritage in Danger because, although there was no longer threat of armed conflict to World Heritage values, there were potential and ascertained threats such as visitor impacts, water contamination and other conditions identified in the mission report.

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20 BUR IV.7 Sangay National Park (Ecuador) The Bureau recalled that the site was placed on the List of World Heritage in Danger in 1992 due to threats from poachers, boundary encroachment and the adverse impacts of unplanned road construction. It furthermore recalled that at its last session, the World Heritage Committee called for an Environmental Impact Assessment of the road construction in the Park and requested information from INEFAN, the National Park administration, on road modifications, a land tenure study and steps for an updated management plan. Meanwhile, a copy of the land tenure study which was concluded in March of this year and the terms of reference for the elaboration of a new management plan were received. IUCN provided additional information from its Quito Office that the construction company is no longer in charge of the road construction, which was taken over by the military. The Director of the Centre informed the Bureau that discussions have taken place with the Vice President of Ecuador during a recent mission to the country.

The Bureau commended INEFAN on its actions but at the same time reiterated the Committee's concerns about the road construction and its request for an Environmental Impact Assessment.

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20 BUR IV.7 Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve (Guinea/Côte d'Ivoire) The Bureau recalled that the site was included on the List of World Heritage in Danger in 1992 because of negative impacts from a proposed iron-ore mining project and threats due to the arrival of a large number of refugees from neighbouring countries.

The Bureau took note of a Round Table on Mount Nimba which was held in Conakry (Guinea) on 17 and 18 April 1996 organized by the Ministry for Energy and Environment in collaboration with the "Mission Française de Cooperation et d'Action Culturelle". The Round Table included representatives of the following donor countries and organizations: France, Germany, Japan, Canada, the Wallonian Region of Belgium, The World Bank, UNDP, the European Union, and USAID. The Bureau took note of the recommendation that UNESCO considers supporting the establishment of a working group to create an "International Foundation for Mount Nimba".

The Bureau commended the States Parties for their efforts. However, given the uncertainties concerning the adequate management of the site, and the shortcomings with regard to the on-site management, the Bureau recommended to the Committee to retain the site on the List of World Heritage in Danger.

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20 BUR IV.7 Manas Wildlife Sanctuary (India) The Bureau recalled that the site was included in the List of World Heritage in Danger in 1992 and that at the nineteenth session of the Committee the Observer of India invited members of the World Heritage Committee and the Director of the Centre to visit New Delhi, Assam and Manas. IUCN informed the Bureau that a member of the Rhino Specialist Group has recently visited the site and a full report will be available at the next session of the Bureau. The scheduling of a mission to the site is under discussion.

In the absence of any precise information, uncertainties remain concerning the state of conservation of the site, the Bureau reiterated its request to the State Party for a detailed updated report. In the meantime, the Bureau recommended to the Committee to retain the site on the List of World Heritage in Danger.

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20 BUR IV.7 Aïr-et-Ténéré Reserve (Niger) The Bureau recalled that the site was inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger in 1992 as it was affected by civil disturbances and that a peace agreement was signed on 9 October 1994. In 1995 a dialogue was established between the parties, which has paved the way for a return to a normal situation and may allow for a detailed evaluation of the state of conservation of the site as well as the development of an action programme for its recovery.

The Bureau was informed that an IUCN project of 1 Million US$ is underway at the site to assist in re-establishing the management regime and that a report from the project will be available in August 1996. The Delegate of Niger underlined that a mission would be necessary to evaluate the situation.

The Bureau recommended that the 20th extraordinary session of the Bureau in November 1996 may wish to examine the report that will be provided by IUCN on the site, and subsequently may wish to consider whether the site should remain on the List of World Heritage in Danger.

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20 BUR IV.7 Everglades National Park (United States of America) The Bureau recalled that the site was inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger in 1993 and that the World Heritage Committee at its last session examined a detailed monitoring report, presented by the State Party, which outlined the long­term restoration work necessary to restore the balance of the Everglades ecosystem. The State Party presented a preliminary monitoring report dated May 1996 outlining the Government's efforts to protect the site. The report acknowledges that despite significant progress made (acquisition of additional land, improved ecological indicators), the Park remains seriously in danger.

Due to the long-term nature of the rehabilitation activities and further to the conclusions of the Committee, the Bureau recommended that the site remain on the List of World Heritage in Danger until further rehabilitation is demonstrated.

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20 BUR IV.7 Yellowstone National Park (United States of America) The Bureau recalled that, at its nineteenth session, the World Heritage Committee decided that, on the basis of both ascertained dangers and potential threats, Yellowstone National Park be inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger and that the State Party should provide the Committee with reports on the results of the Environmental Impact Statement and mitigating actions. In such a report dated May 1996, the State Party advised the Centre about the different remedial actions taken. This includes long-term control programmes to counter the non-native lake trout introduction, public meetings to analyze visitor management, and the preparation of the Environmental Impact Study (EIS) for the proposed New World Mine; the final EIS is not expected to be completed before autumn 1996.

The Bureau recommended that the site be retained on the List of World Heritage in Danger until such time as the mining-related Environmental Impact Study required under domestic law is completed and considered, and actions taken on other issues previously identified.

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20 BUR IV.7 Virunga National Park (Zaire) The Bureau recalled that Virunga National Park was included on the List of World Heritage in Danger in December 1994, due to the tragic events in Rwanda and the subsequent massive influx of refugees from that country. Virunga National Park, situated on the border between Rwanda and Uganda, has been destabilized by the uncontrolled arrival of refugees, causing deforestation and poaching within its boundaries.

The Centre wrote to the authorities requesting that the World Heritage Committee be informed about any action to be undertaken to stop poaching operations within the site and to improve control in the Park. The Centre and IUCN are in contact with several NGOs working in the area and a mission was organized together with WWF to the site in order to evaluate its state of conservation and to strengthen cooperation between the different international assistance agencies working to protect the site. The mission was carried out from 15 to 30 April 1996 and the report indicates serious threats to the site, including impacts due to the location of refugee camps involving more than 700,000 persons in the vicinity of the Park (deforestation, poaching etc.). The report indicates detailed recommendations for an urgent safeguarding plan, collaboration between different organizations (WWF, GTZ, UNHCR, DNDP, GEF and UNESCO) as well as specific recommendations for international assistance requests to be submitted by the authorities.

Taking into account the presence of thousands of refugees, the Bureau expressed its concern about the continuing degradation of the Park and recommended to the Committee to retain the site on the List of World Heritage in Danger.

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20 BUR IV.7 Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks (Canada) The Bureau recalled that the World Heritage Committee at its nineteenth session discussed a report presented by IUCN, which underlined the infrastructural developments in the "Bow Corridor" and their impact on the integrity of the site. IUCN advised the Centre that it had submitted a brief to the Task Force which is due to report in September 1996.

The Bureau recommended that the Bureau at its twentieth extraordinary session in November 1996 examines the Task Force report.

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20 BUR IV.7 Galapagos National Park (Ecuador) The Bureau considered the report of the mission led by the Chairman of the World Heritage Committee (1-11 June 1996) to examine the situation of the Galapagos Islands and to formulate recommendations to improve the situation. The Bureau commended the Ecuador Government for its support to that mission and fully endorsed the recommendations contained in the report (see INF.12).

The Bureau concluded that serious problems exist, such that immediate remedial actions are essential to safeguard the values of the World Heritage site and the surrounding marine areas, while recognizing the considerable efforts already made.

i) Notably, the Bureau calls upon the President and the Congress of Ecuador to enact "special legislation" as an emergency measure, as discussed on the mission, most importantly to halt immigration from the mainland to the islands and to ensure the protection of the marine area surrounding the islands of the Galapagos.

ii) The Bureau requests that its Chairman transmit the mission report to the Ecuadorian authorities, outlining the threats to the site and actions necessary to redress the serious situation. The Bureau offers its continued collaboration and assistance in dealing with these problems and welcomes generous offers of assistance in training and preparing management schemes from the United States and Australia.

iii) The Bureau recommends further that the World Heritage Committee examines the measures taken by the authorities of Ecuador in the months to come on which the authorities are requested to report by 1 November 1996. The Committee will examine this information and decide whether the site should be inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger.

Upon adoption of the above text by the Bureau, the Delegate of Ecuador expressed his great satisfaction about the recognition of the problems that the management of Galapagos Islands is confronted with and the cooperative spirit with which the Bureau addressed this issue. He declared his gratitude for all international assistance provided to the Galapagos. He furthermore informed the Bureau that the President of Ecuador has received the final version of the special legislation for the Galapagos Islands and will submit it to the Congress within the shortest delay possible.

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20 BUR IV.7 Simen National Park (Ethiopia) The Centre and IUCN have received a report on a Field Study on the flora and fauna of the Simen Mountains prepared by the University of Berne (Switzerland). The report indicates a deterioration of the Walia ibex population and that other large mammals (such as bushbuck and bushpig) have become extremely rare. In addition, IUCN stressed the serious situation at the ite, including the loss of biodiversity, the encroachment at the borders of the site, and the impacts of the road construction. An Action Plan for the site was proposed by the University of Berne. The report of the University of Berne was made available to the Bureau members and the following three main recommendations of this report were endorsed by the Bureau:

1) Support a planning and coordination meeting at the regional level, involving major stakeholders of the Simen Park area, with the general objective to update management planning of the Park and its buffer zone.

2) Organize a technical mission by the World Heritage Centre in the near future, i.e. September/October 1996, with the objective of assisting in the formulation of a possible submission to the Centre for technical assistance for (1) above.

3) Within the World Heritage Centre's mandate for better monitoring of African conservation sites, provide financial support for the finalization of the recent Simen Mountains Baseline Studies carried out in 1994-96, in order to make available to all stakeholders the informatioon collected in the studies for the above planning meeting.

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20 BUR IV.7 Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve (Honduras) The Bureau recalled the detailed monitoring report prepared by an IUCN mission to the site in November 1995. This report noted the threats to the site, including agricultural intrusion and the implementation of land reform programmes. IUCN informed the Bureau that the Minister of Environment is in agreement with the findings. A number of follow-up actions, including the inscription of the site on the List of World Heritage in Danger, was recommended. The Centre received a brief state of conservation report dated 30 April 1996 from the Honduran Minister of Environment, which indicated the actions taken by the Government and various NGOs, as well as projects submitted for technical assistance.

On the basis of the report provided by IUCN's regional office, the Bureau recommended the Committee to inscribe this property on the List of World Heritage in Danger. The Bureau recalled that the report provides eleven points of corrective actions and that the Minister of Environment has endorsed this report, including the recommendation that the site be inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger. The Government of Honduras has submitted a technical assistance request and the Bureau recalled that priority should be given to international assistance requests for sites on the List of World Heritage in Danger.

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20 BUR IV.7 Komodo National Park (Indonesia) The Bureau requested the Centre to write a letter of appreciation to the Indonesian authorities expressing satisfaction on the actions taken and commending them for the detailed state of conservation report received for Komodo National Park from the Directorate General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation of the Ministry of Forestry dated February 1996.

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20 BUR IV.7 Whale Sanctuary of El Viscaino (Mexico) The Bureau urged the State Party to keep the Committee informed about the proposed expansion of the industrial salt production project and to ensure the integrity of the site.

The Delegate of Mexico informed the Bureau that in July 1994 the ESSA Salt Mining Company submitted to the National Institute of Ecology an environmental impact study proposal to extend its installations. This proposal was refused by the National Institute of Ecology (INE) in February 1995. On 23 June 1995 the ESSA Company expressed interest in submitting a new study for evaluation by the INE.

In 26 February 1996, INE created a Committee comprising seven national and foreign experts, which held a first meeting in March 1996, participated in a public conference attended by nearly 300 persons and presented 42 documents to define aspects to be included in the new environmental impact study.

The Minister of the Environment, Natural Resources and Fish (SEMARNAP), has indicated, through the National Institute of Ecology, that the proposal could only be authorized on the understanding that it respects the legislation and the ecological standards in force.

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20 BUR IV.7 Arabian Oryx Sanctuary (Oman) The Centre received a progress report, dated March 1996, on the ongoing planning activities for the site and a schedule of activities. IUCN noted several recent developments in the Sanctuary that are of concern: (1) the poaching of thirteen Oryx and (2) the construction of a reverse osmosis plant which has resulted in significant damage to the desert habitat. The Bureau requested the Centre to contact the Omani authorities encouraging them to provide the definition of the final boundaries of the site and expressing concern over the poaching and construction activities.

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20 BUR IV.7 Huascaran National Park (Peru) The Bureau reiterated the request issued by the World Heritage Committee that a cultural resources inventory of the site be carried out and clarifications be provided on the road developments which may threaten the integrity of the site.

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20 BUR IV.7 Skocjan Caves (Slovenia) The Bureau reiterated the request issued by the World Heritage Committee to the authorities to provide a map of the revised boundaries of the site and encouraged the State Party to finalize new legislation and to prepare a management plan.

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20 BUR IV.7 Ichkeul National Park (Tunisia) The Bureau was informed that the report of IUCN will be presented to the twentieth extraordinary session of the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee and examined at that time.

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20 BUR IV.7 Ha Long Bay (Vietnam) The Bureau reiterated the request issued by the World Heritage Committee for information on the potential threats and the measures being taken to ensure that they are minimized.

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