World Heritage Centre World Heritage Centre - Committee Decisions 90 en Copyright 2024 UNESCO, World Heritage Centre Fri, 18 Oct 2024 20:46:08 EST UNESCO, World Heritage Centre - Decisions 6 GA 1-6 Opening of the General Assembly by the Director-General
  • The Sixth General Assembly of States Parties to the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage met in Paris, on 30 October 1987, during the twenty-fourth session of the General Conference.
  • Seventy-three of the ninety-six States which were Parties to the Convention as at 30 October 1987 and which thus had the right to vote, were represented at the meeting. Their names are given in the attached List of Participants.
  • Representatives of ten States not Parties to the Conven­tion participated as observers in the General Assembly. Repre­sentatives of four Non-Governmental Organizations and of one Intergovernmental Organization also attended the meeting in an observer capacity.
  • The List of Participants to the General Assembly is given in Annex I to this document.
  • In accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly, the Secretariat of the Assembly was assumed by the Secretariat of Unesco.
  • In opening the General Assembly, the Director-General drew attention to the progress achieved in the implementation of the World Heritage Convention. He informed the Assembly that the number of States Parties had increased from 87 to 96 since the last General Assembly and that the number of cultural and natu­ral sites inscribed on the World Heritage List had risen from 186 to 247. He then recalled the role of the Committee, on the one hand in establishing the World Heritage List where it seeks to maintain balance, selectivity and representativity and, on the other hand, in protecting listed sites. He added that the assistance provided to the States Parties under the World Heri­tage Fund for the preservation of their inscribed sites was the most concrete expression of the system of solidarity instituted by the Convention, and he recalled that this assistance mainly depended on the contributions made by the States Parties. In this respect, he informed the Assembly that the budgetary si­tuation of the World Heritage Fund had improved, particularly because many contributions had been paid towards the end of the 1984-1985 biennium and because many States Parties had made ef­forts to pay earlier their mandatory or voluntary contributions during the following biennium. In concluding, the Director-General recalled the bonds of cooperation created by the Convention among States Parties whose common goal was to safe­guard for future generations the most precious legacy of the world.
  • ]]> Fri, 30 Oct 1987 00:00:00 EST
    6 GA 7 Election of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairpersons and Rapporteur of the General Assembly Fri, 30 Oct 1987 00:00:00 EST 6 GA 8 Adoption of the Agenda of the General Assembly Fri, 30 Oct 1987 00:00:00 EST 6 GA 9-11 Examination of the Statement of Accounts of the World Heritage Fund

    Etat partie


    Années de contribution


    (en dollars des Etats-Unis d'Amérique)




    1985, 1986, 1987


    5 109.00

    1986 and 1987


    8 000.26

    2nd payment for 1987


    25 132.22

    Voluntary contribution for 1987


    8 399.04

    1986 and 1987 and advance on future contributions



    1986 and 1987


    1 268.00

    1980-1986 inclusive


    10 905.00

    1983-1987 inclusive




    Libyan Arab Jamahiryia

    9 226.00

    1985 and 1986






    Final payment for 1987


    1 103.85

    Final payment for 1986 and payment for 1987


    12 236.00

    Final payment for 1987 and advance for 1988


    3 284.00



    9 340.84

    Final payment for 1986 and 1st payment for 1987



    1986 and 1987




    10. The General Assembly then took note of the accounts of the World Heritage Fund for the financial period ending 31 December 1985, of the interim statement of accounts for the period 1986­1987 drawn up as at 31 August 1987 and of the summary of contributions received from States Parties as at 31 August 1987. The Assembly also took note of the information provided by the Secretariat concerning the contributions received since 31 August 1987.

    11. Referring to the interim statement of accounts for the financial period 1986-1987, a speaker underlined the high figure of liquid assets which could be used to carry out safeguard projects. In reply to this question, the Secretariat stated that the General Assembly always met a very short time before the session of the Committee, and that the amount of liquid as­sets was normal since it was necessary at the end of each year to have sufficient funds available so as to enable the Committee to adopt a budget corresponding to the activities carried out during the following year. The next session of the Commit­tee would take place early December; at that time and thanks to the funds available, the Committee would be able to respond favourably to the requests for technical cooperation. A dele­gate drew the attention of the Secretariat to the number of unliquidated obligations for 1981-1985 and he suggested that these projects should be re-examined. The Secretariat stated that such was its intention and that this question would be brought to the attention of the Committee in December.

    ]]> Fri, 30 Oct 1987 00:00:00 EST
    6 GA 12 Determination of the amount of the contributions to the World Heritage Fund in accordance with the provisions of Article 16 of the World Heritage Convention The General Assembly unanimously decided that the amount of the mandatory contributions to be paid to the World Heritage Fund during the 1988-1989 period, in accordance with Article 16, paragraph 1 of the Convention, would be maintained at 1 % of the amount of the contributions of States Parties to the Regular Programme of Unesco, as had been decided at the five pre­vious General Assemblies. The representative of India asked whether it was possible for a State Party to pay to the World Heritage Fund a voluntary contribution in addition to the man­datory contribution, for such was her country's intention. The representative of the Director General thanked her for this generous offer and informed her that this was perfectly possible, in accordance with Article 16.1 of the Convention. In addition, the Assembly was informed that voluntary contributions had been regularly paid to the World Heritage Fund by Austria and The Netherlands, States which are not Parties to the Convention, and that a voluntary contribution was paid to the Fund by Monaco, before this State became Party to the Convention.]]> Fri, 30 Oct 1987 00:00:00 EST 6 GA 13 Means of ensuring an equitable representation of different regions and cultures of the world Convention which stipulates that "election of members of the Committee shall ensure an equitable representa­tion of the different regions and cultures of the world", drew the attention of the Assembly to the under-representation of Latin America, Africa and the Arab States within the Committee. Another speaker emphasized the necessity to assure an equitable representation of cultures in the composition of the Committee.]]> Fri, 30 Oct 1987 00:00:00 EST 6 GA 14-21 Elections to the World Heritage Committee
    15. The list-of States Parties which had submitted their candidature was read out before the Assembly. Argentina, the Fede­ral Republic of Germany and the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya withdrew their candidatures. The delegate of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya stated that his country was withdrawing its candidature in fa­vour of Jordan. The delegate of the Federal Republic of Germany explained that his country was withdrawing its candidature be­cause it was very impressed by the candidatures of the United Kingdom and of the United States of America which were thus showing their will to participate in the work of the committee. In conformity with Article 16, paragraph 5 of the Convention, the list of candidates was limited to those States Parties which had paid their contributions to the World Heritage Fund up to and including for 1986. The following States Parties were declared candidates: Brazil, Cuba, France, Guinea, Haiti, Hungary, Italy, Jordan, Mali, Pakistan, Poland, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Tunisia and Yugoslavia.

    16. On the decision of the Chairman, the elections took place by secret ballot. The delegates of Nepal and New Zealand were appointed tellers.

    17. The results of the vote which were announced by the Chairman were as follows :

    First ballot

    Number of States Parties voting                                                                       96

    Number of States absent                                                                                  28

    Number of abstentions                                                                             0

    Number of invalid ballot papers                                                                 2

    Number of votes recorded                                                                                66

    Number of votes constituting a majority to be elected.                                 34

    States obtaining the required majority of votes :

    United States of America                                                                        45

    Brazil                                                                                                     41

    France                                                                                                   41

    Tunisia                                                                                                   39

    Pakistan                                                                                                 38

    Italy                                                                                                       36

    The Chairman declared elected to the World Heritage Com­mittee after the first ballot the following States Parties : Brazil, France, Italy, Pakistan, Tunisia, the United States of America.

    18. In accordance with the Rules of Procedure, the second bal­lot was to be limited to those States which had obtained the greatest number of votes, provided that the number of States did not exceed twice the number of seats remaining to be fil­led. Among the remaining candidates, Cuba and the United Kingdom had obtained the greatest number of votes. A second ballot limited to these two States was thus held.

    19. The delegates of Lebanon and Senegal were appointed tellers.

    20. The results of the vote which were announced by the Chairman were as follows :

    Second ballot :

    Number of States Parties voting                                                                       96

    Number of States absent                                                                                  30

    Number of abstentions                                                                                       0

    Number of invalid ballot papers                                                                        2

    Number of votes recorded                                                                                 64

    Number of votes constituting a majority to be elected                                        33

    Votes obtained :

    Cuba                                                                                                      33

    United Kingdom                                                                                      31

    The Chairman declared Cuba elected to the World Heritage Committee after the second ballot.

    21. After the elections, several delegates declared that, without putting into question the results of the voting, it was possible to note a lack of balance in the distribution of seats to the different geographical groups. The Chairman was asked to see to it that the procedures for the election of the Committee Members be reviewed in order to ensure the universal and cultural representation within the Committee foreseen by the Convention.

    ]]> Fri, 30 Oct 1987 00:00:00 EST
    6 GA 22 Other business Fri, 30 Oct 1987 00:00:00 EST 6 GA 23-24 Closure of the session Convention which provides not only for national protection of cultural and natural sites, but also for international action to safeguard the heritage of mankind. Furthermore, he declared that the points raised by the General Assembly concerning a balanced representation of the regions would be brought to the attention of the World Heritage Committee, and that proposals would be presented to the General Assembly at its next session in 1989.

    24. Before declaring the meeting closed, the Chairman pointed out to the Assembly the rather important rate of absenteeism at this session. This high rate could not but have an influence upon the results of the vote. He then declared closed the Sixth General Assembly of States Parties to the World Heritage Convention.]]> Fri, 30 Oct 1987 00:00:00 EST
    11 BUR VII.27 Technical cooperation 27. The Bureau,

    - reviewed document SC-87/CONF.004/7 on technical cooperation requests submitted by States Parties and

    - made the following recommendations:

    - People's Republic of China

    a) The Bureau noted that the Jixian/Tianjian Area, for which US$30,000 has been requested for supporting geological research, has not been recommended for inscription on the World Heritage List.

    b) In relation to the requests for training of specialists in management of natural heritage (US$80,000) and the research studies on the Imperial Palace (US$35,000) and Caves of Mogao (US$52,000), the Bureau noted that the Secretariat will be examining details with the Chinese authorities and report back to the Committee.

    - Yugoslavia

    The Bureau recommended that the Committee approve the allocation of US$50,000 for the purchase of field and laboratory equipment which would help in ecosystem conservation work at Durmitor National Park.

    - Ecuador

    The Bureau recommended that the Committee approve an allocation of US$70,000 for restoration of monuments in the Historic Centre of Quito, Ecuador, which were damaged by the recent earthquake.

    The Bureau approved the release of US$30,000 immediately, under emergency assistance.

    - Honduras

    In considering the request for US$114,576 for improving the protection of the Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve, the Bureau decided to approve an initial amount of US$30,000.

    As for the remaining amount (US$84,576), the Bureau asked the Secretariat to contact the Honduran authorities to assess priorities for international assistance projects for this natural property which had already received considerable support from the World Heritage Fund.

    - Madagascar

    The Bureau approved US$25,000 for the organization of a workshop on the conservation of tropical forests. In this connection, the Bureau expressed the wish that the meeting would result in the drawing up of nominations to the World Heritage List.

    ]]> Tue, 23 Jun 1987 00:00:00 EST
    11 BUR VII.28 Technical cooperation 28. The Bureau noted that States Parties had submitted only a relatively small number of technical cooperation requests.

    In this connection, the Bureau recalled that States Parties could ask for preparatory assistance to draw up such requests.

    In addition, the Bureau asked the Secretariat to make every effort, including missions to States Parties, to advise on the availability of international assistance under the Fund and to assist in the preparation of receivable requests. Particular attention should be given to designing technical cooperation projects in which the contribution from the World Heritage Fund acted as a catalyst for funding from other sources such as UNDP, the World Bank, WWF, etc.

    ]]> Tue, 23 Jun 1987 00:00:00 EST
    11 BUR VII.29 Technical cooperation 29. The Bureau felt that more background information should be given in the presentation of technical cooperation requests for approval by the Bureau or the Committee in order to allow a better appreciation of the context in which requests were being made under the World Heritage Fund.

    The Bureau recommended that the Secretariat in future present the following elements for each technical cooperation request:

    - international assistance already provided for the property in question and results obtained;

    - a brief description of the different components requested, for example, laboratory equipment, vehicles, expert services, etc. and the respective amounts requested under the Fund;

    - the national counterpart contribution and the sources of other funding;

    - additional information of relevance, for example whether the property in question had been subject of a monitoring report, had been suggested for inscription on the List of World Heritage in Danger, etc.

    ]]> Tue, 23 Jun 1987 00:00:00 EST
    11 BUR VII.30 Technical cooperation 30. Finally, the Bureau considered that in very many cases, States Parties were not sufficiently well informed about the possibilities for requesting international assistance udner the World Heritage Fund.

    The Bureau therefore recommended that the Secretariat prepare an easily understood brochure on how to obtain international assistance under the World Heritage Fund which would be widely distributed to all States Parties.

    ]]> Tue, 23 Jun 1987 00:00:00 EST
    11 BUR VIII.32 Promotional activities 32. In connection with the assistance requested by States Parties for carrying out promotional activities, the Bureau recommended that such assistance should be provided only for the production of general information material on the Convention, and no for the promotion of any particular World Heritage property.

    Furthermore, considering the budgetary allocations set aside for promotional activities, such assistance could only be of modest proportions, complementing national investments. However, the Bureau noted that the Secretariat should be flexible in judging each case accordingly.

    In particular, the Bureau recommended to the Committee a detailed study, in collaboration with the authorities of the People's Republic of China, on the request for the production of a film on World Heritage properties, within and outside of China, to improve the understanding of the Convention among the Chinese public.

    ]]> Tue, 23 Jun 1987 00:00:00 EST
    11 COM III.5 Adoption of the Agenda 5. With a modification in the order of examination of cultural and natural nominations, the Committee adopted the agenda for the session.

    ]]> Mon, 07 Dec 1987 00:00:00 EST
    11 COM IV.6 Election of Chairperson, Rapporteur and Vice-Chairpersons 6. Mr. J.D. Collinson (Canada) was re-elected Chairman of the Committee by acclamation. Mrs. M. Stantcheva (Bulgaria) was elected as Rapporteur and the following members of the Committee as Vice­Chairmen: France, Mexico, Sri Lanka, and Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania.

    ]]> Mon, 07 Dec 1987 00:00:00 EST
    11 COM VII.9 Examination of Nominations: Overview & Withdrawals 9. The Committee examined 61 nominations to the World Heritage List, taking account of the recommendations of ICOMOS and IUCN for each nomination. The Committee decided to include 41 cultural and natural properties on the World Heritage List and one extension, which are presented in section A below. The Committee also decided to defer its decision on 16 nominations, as noted under section B, and decided not to include 4 properties on the World Heritage List (section C). Finally, the Committee noted that the United Kingdom had withdrawn the nominations of Diana's Peak and High Peak, St. Helena, and of St. David's close and Bishop's Palace.

    ]]> Mon, 07 Dec 1987 00:00:00 EST
    11 COM VII.A Inscription: Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (China (People's Rep. of)) Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties


    China (People's Rep. of)


    ]]> Mon, 07 Dec 1987 00:00:00 EST
    11 COM VII.A Inscription: Mogao Caves (China (People's Rep. of)) Mogao Caves


    China (People's Rep. of)

    C(i)(ii)(iii) (iv) (v) (vi)

    The Committee drew the attention of the Chinese authorities to the need to take all necessary measures to safeguard the very vulnerable rock site of Mogao Caves. The Committee would like to be kept informed of all action undertaken to this end.

    ]]> Mon, 07 Dec 1987 00:00:00 EST
    11 COM VII.A Inscription: The Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor (China (People's Rep. of)) The Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor


    China (People's Rep. of)


    The Committee would like to be informed by the Chinese authorities of the plans for the archaeological exploration, presentation and management of the site.

    ]]> Mon, 07 Dec 1987 00:00:00 EST