World Heritage Centre World Heritage Centre - Committee Decisions 90 en Copyright 2024 UNESCO, World Heritage Centre Tue, 08 Oct 2024 21:55:31 EST UNESCO, World Heritage Centre - Decisions 6 EXT.COM 5.2 World Heritage Basic Texts The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Taking note of the proposal by the Belgian Delegation (presented in Figure 1 of document WHC-02/CONF.202/15) for the preparation of a compilation of World Heritage Basic Texts like the Basic Texts of UNESCO and of the positive comments on this proposal received from States Parties in responses to Circular Letter CL/WHC.12/02 concerning the revision of the Rules of Procedure;
  2. Requests the World Heritage Centre, to prepare an outline and publication plan (including budget) for a compilation of World Heritage Basic Texts in English and French (to include the World Heritage Convention, the Budapest Declaration, the Operational Guidelines, the Rules of Procedure of the World Heritage Committee, the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly of States Parties to the World Heritage Convention and the Financial Regulations of the World Heritage Fund) for presentation to the 28th session of the World Heritage Committee in 2004;
  3. Further requests the World Heritage Centre, working in collaboration with the Advisory Bodies, to present to the 28th session of the World Heritage Committee in 2004 a budgeted proposal for the preparation of guidance documents for the protection of World Heritage properties that would supplement the Operational Guidelines. These could include detailed guidance on the nomination and management of certain types of World Heritage properties, case studies of best practices, or guidance on other particular related issues.
]]> Mon, 17 Mar 2003 00:00:00 EST
6 EXT.COM 5.3 Handbook on the World Heritage Convention The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Taking into account the proposal made by the World Heritage Centre to prepare a handbook on the World Heritage Convention similar to the Handbook on the Convention of Biological Diversity presented during the 26th ordinary session of the Committee, Budapest, 2002 (document WHC-02/CONF.202/15, section VII, paragraphe 36); 
  2. Invites the World Heritage Centre, in consultation with interested States Parties and the Advisory Bodies, to develop an outline, publication plan (including budget and potential publisher) and a proposal for financing a Handbook on the World Heritage Convention in English and French for presentation to the 28th session of the World Heritage Committee in 2004.
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7 EXT.COM 11 Mon, 06 Dec 2004 00:00:00 EST 18 BUR VII.15 International assistance for training provided under the World Heritage Fund: review, evaluation and strategy - Review and assessment of cultural heritage training activities (1988-1992) The Bureau approved US$30,000 for the organization of a workshop to be held in 1994-1995 with a selected number of the centre's training partners in the field of the conservation and preservation of the cultural heritage, key individuals and colleagues from UNESCO's Secretariat to provide a sound basis for a fresh strategy.

The Bureau asked the Centre to submit the overall evaluation findings as well as recommendations for a future training strategy to the World Heritage Committee.


]]> Mon, 04 Jul 1994 00:00:00 EST
18 BUR VII.9 International Assistance for training provided by the World Heritage Fund: review, evaluation and strategy - Review and assessment of natural heritage training activities (1988-1992) The Bureau approved US$30,000 for a workshop to be held in 1994-1995 with a selected number of experts, specialists and key individuals, including agreement by the schools, to review the curricula of the courses, management objectives as well as the outcome of the courses.

The Bureau asked that the Centre  submit the evaluation findings as well as  recommendations by the experts for a future training strategy for natural heritage to the World Heritage Committee.

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19 COM XII.1-12 Review of the Proposed Training Strategy XII.1 The Centre presented Document WHC-95/CONF.203/9 in which section A focused on Natural Heritage and section B focused on Cultural Heritage sites.

A. Natural Heritage

XII.2 An Information Document "Strategy for Training in the Field of Natural Heritage" WHC-95/CONF.203/INF.11A was tabled. The session began with a background statement referring to state Party responsibilities in Article 5 (e) of the Convention and to the assistance available for training in Article 22 (c). Training is defined as a broadly encompassing term that includes education, training and promotion.

XII.3 The Centre noted that while there has been general satisfaction with Convention-sponsored training programmes there was a need to put forward a coherent and pro-active programme. The purpose and objectives were established as follows:

"the purposes and objectives of the natural heritage training strategy is to enhance the capacity of all states Parties to identify, protect, conserve and present the natural heritage."

Five objectives were noted.

XII.4 The Centre presented four strategic actions which are spelt out in detail in Document WHC-95/CONF.203/9. It was noted that curricula and other training materials were the major shortcoming in the field of natural heritage. During the discussion it was further noted that there was a need to train teachers and to train the trainers, so as to gain maximum effectiveness. There was also an expression for the need to address the integration of cultural and natural values in training programmes. An additional point was the need for regular, regionally-based seminars, and the Delegate of Niger made a proposal for such a seminar in Africa.

XII.5 A concern was also expressed that care should be taken to ensure a geographic balance in training commitments. There was further concern that training modules must address consideration of ethical, environmental, economic and social relationships between nature conservation, sustainable resource use and local peoples. A text was prepared on this subject and agreed to by the state Parties concerned.

XII.6 At the close of the session the strategy was adopted as a basis for future development of the programme in cooperation with the advisory bodies. A budgetary proposal was presented and was considered under that item of the agenda.

B. Cultural Heritage

XII.7 When presenting the Document WHC-95/CONF.203/9, it was recalled that at the request of the World Heritage Committee, the Bureau during its eighteenth session (July 1994) examined expenditure incurred in the field of training from 1988 to 1992 and concluded that the World Heritage Centre should organize an evaluation seminar to define a new training strategy in the field of cultural heritage conservation. However, no budgetary provisions had been foreseen for this activity and the World Heritage Committee, during its eighteenth session in December 1994, did not recommend this proposal, although it had approved US$ 30,000 for the preparation of a training strategy for managers of cultural sites.

XII.8 Faced with this situation, the Director of the Centre asked ICCROM to prepare a proposal, which was distributed during the nineteenth session of the Bureau in July 1995, then transmitted to a certain number of partners of ICCROM and the Centre. The Document WHC- 95/CONF.203/INF.11B, which reflects the results of these consultations, establishes the conceptual and methodological framework which will serve as a basis for the elaboration of a training strategy. It analyses the content of the training programme and career structures, in relation to the types of properties inscribed on the World Heritage List, without however proposing platforms for actions adapted to each geo-cultural region. However, the Centre and ICCROM considered that the training strategy for cultural properties should take account of the analysis of the specificities of each region and should be based on an evaluation of their needs. It therefore proposes to begin in 1996 an information gathering process at the national and regional levels, in order to better identify the priorities and the regional and sub-regional institutions with which partnership links could be established.

XII.9 In his presentation, the Representative of ICCROM emphasized the complexity of the field of conservation of cultural heritage which is due to its great diversity of cultural heritage in the different parts of the world and which was discussed during the Nara meeting on authenticity in 1994. Among the target groups that should be involved in education and training programmes, he mentioned conservation professionals, technicians and craftpersons, politicians and decision-makers, as well as the public at large and the media, particularly television and the press.

XII.10 He emphasized the necessity to ensure the participation of the states Parties through a process which should include a survey that would be carried out by the states Parties, of their training needs, as well as discussions on regional meetings in order to identify the role of international collaboration in this context. The current programme of ICCROM aims, in fact, at the capacity-building of institutions and professional networks all over the world. ICCROM's aim is to identify areas with similar problems and concerns in order to launch thematic programmes. An example is a programme being developed by ICCROM on the conservation management of historic towns; an international training programme on the conservation of World Heritage cities shall be organized in 1997.

XII.11 During the course of the debate thirteen members of the Committee and the Representative of ICOMOS intervened and expressed their satisfaction with both documents, prepared respectively by the World Heritage Centre and ICCROM. They underlined the importance of training, being a necessary and indispensable condition for the conservation of cultural heritage and approved the regional and thematic approach that was being proposed. Having regretted the imbalance of training programmes between Europe and the rest of the world, they expressed their concern that this situation be remedied, which in the view of one member of the Committee, is one of the reasons of the weak representation of Africa on the World Heritage List. Two delegates requested that the Mediterranean as a region should receive greater attention. Some speakers also mentioned the complementarity of international courses for the training of trainers, regional courses for conservators, architects and other specialists and national courses for the training of technical personnel. They encouraged the Centre to pursue the in situ training and to include the craftsmen who are the holders of precious and indispensable knowledge in conservation of more fragile structures, such as earth or wood. Some interventions highlighted the use of educational videos and long-distance teaching.

XII.12 The Committee supported the proposals for the establishment of an inventory of conservation needs based on questionnaires which will be sent to national authorities responsible for heritage protection, and requested that regional training institutes be identified and participate in the elaboration of programmes which combine theoretical and practical approaches adapted to local realities. Moreover, the Committee requested the Centre to adopt an "integrated" approach, and elaborate training programmes for both managers of natural and cultural sites. This reflection should be carried out in cooperation with the advisory bodies (IUCN, ICOMOS and ICCROM). A member of the Committee, having noted that the World Heritage Fund was unable to respond to all the training needs, requested that efforts be made to seek additional funding for training activities. The Committee supported the proposals for 1996 and expressed the wish that a budgetary allocation be made for the implementation of this strategy.

XII.13 At the end of the debate, the Chairperson requested the Director of the Centre to rectify the imbalance in the field of training, and to grant substantial assistance to African States Parties. The Director of the Centre undertook to request the advisory bodies, during the meeting which will be held in February 1996 at the Centre, in Paris, to make proposals for training programmes for managers of cultural and natural sites. He said that a budgetary line would be foreseen to implement a veritable training strategy for cultural properties.

]]> Mon, 04 Dec 1995 00:00:00 EST
20 COM XI.7 Progress Report on the Training Strategy XI.7 Several Committee members expressed their full satisfaction with the proposed training strategy for cultural heritage. They took note of Information Document WHC- 96/CONF.201/INF.15 before approving a recommendation on the principles which should guide training activities in the field of natural and cultural heritage which is attached in Annex IV. They announced their intention to increase the 1997 budget line earmarked for training. The Representative of ICCROM proposed that ICCROM coordinate the training initiatives in order to avoid duplication.

]]> Mon, 02 Dec 1996 00:00:00 EST
24 COM XIV.2 Requests for International Assistance: Technical Co-operation XIV.2 Requests for International Assistance

The Bureau met during the twenty-fourth session of the Committee after the budget for Technical Assistance for year 2001 under Chapter III was approved, to take decisions or recommend decisions to the Committee concerning international assistance requests. The attention of the Committee and Bureau was drawn to document WHC-2000/CONF.204/17 and 6 requests for decision by the Committee and 14 requests for decision by the Bureau were examined and took the following decisions. All decisions taken by the Bureau and Committee concerning these requests are listed below:

(ii) Technical Co-operation

Natural Heritage

No. 2001 - 459 Senegal

"Fight against Salvinia molesta in the Delta of the Senegal River at Djoudj National Bird Sanctuary"

Following the recommendation of the Bureau, the Committee approved a sum of US$ 130,475 for implementing phase 1 of the 3-phased mitigation project under the following conditions:

  • the States Party pay its dues to the World Heritage Fund;
  • the State Party provide a detailed budget breakdown for the sum of US$ 85,715 foreseen as expenditures for clearing the Lake Lamentin that meets the approval of the Centre and IUCN;
  • the State Party, Centre and IUCN establish benchmarks and indicators that can determine success of first phase mitigation operations and guide planning of future steps, including any changes in phase 2 and 3 activities as currently foreseen; and
  • the State Party, Centre and IUCN develop a plan for financing activities beyond the first phase attracting resources from potential donors other than the World Heritage Fund thereby minimising the demands on the World Heritage Fund for supporting second and third phase operations.

Furthermore, the Committee decided that this sum of US$ 130,475 be allocated from the emergency assistance budget for 2001 rather than from the technical cooperation allocation for natural heritage for the year 2001.

No. 2001-461 Costa Rica

"Education and Protection in the Conservation Area of Guanacaste at the Area de Conservación Guanacaste"

Following the recommendation of the Bureau, the Committee approved US$ 40,000 for this activity for covering expenses for educational (US$ 17,600) and protection (US$ 22,400) activities as proposed by the State Party.

Cultural Heritage

No. 2001-439 Cuba

"Continuation of the Consolidation and Rehabilitation of the Ruinous Third Cloister of Santa Clara's Convent of the Old Havana and its Fortifications site"

Taking into account the previous contribution to the renovation of the building of US$ 30,000, the Committee approved a contribution of US$ 35,000 subject to the State Party paying its dues to the Fund, following the recommendation of the Bureau.

No. 2001-446 Dominican Republic

"Study on Cultural Tourism in the Historic Centre of Santo Domingo"

The Bureau approved US$ 24,207 for this activity subject to the State Party paying its dues to the Fund and requesting the State Party to bear the costs of the secretarial costs.

]]> Mon, 27 Nov 2000 00:00:00 EST
24 COM XIV.2 Requests for International Assistance: Training XIV.2 Requests for International Assistance

The Bureau met during the twenty-fourth session of the Committee after the budget for Technical Assistance for year 2001 under Chapter III was approved, to take decisions or recommend decisions to the Committee concerning international assistance requests. The attention of the Committee and Bureau was drawn to document WHC-2000/CONF.204/17 and 6 requests for decision by the Committee and 14 requests for decision by the Bureau were examined and took the following decisions. All decisions taken by the Bureau and Committee concerning these requests are listed below:

(iii) Training

Natural Heritage

No. 2001-458 Cameroon

"Three fellowships for African specialists in Protected Area/Wildlife Management for the Academic Year 2001 - 2002"

Following the recommendation of the Bureau, the Committee approved a sum of US$ 45,000 for three fellowships for African specialists in Protected Area/Wildlife Management for the academic biennium 2001 - 2003 at the Gaorua School for Training Specialists in Wildlife, Cameroon.

No. 2001-431 Malawi

"Capacity Building for Lake Malawi National Park"

In accordance with the recommendation of the twenty-fourth session of the Bureau, the Committee approved a sum of US$ 37,094 for the proposed activity.

No. 2001 - 457 United Republic of Tanzania

"Three fellowships for African specialists in Protected Area/Wildlife Management for the Academic Year 2001 - 2002"

The Bureau approved a sum of US$ 30,000 for supporting three fellowships at Mweka College of African Wildlife Management for the academic year 2001-2002

Cultural Heritage

No: 2001-445 Pakistan

"Training Course for physical, chemical and biological technical analysis of the problems related to the conservation of brick & stone archaeological monuments"

The Bureau approved an amount of US$ 22,000, subject to the State Party implementing this activity as a sub-regional activity, in close co-operation with ICCROM, the UNESCO Bangkok Office and the World Heritage Centre.

No: 2001-442 Norway

"Culture, Heritage Management and Tourism: Models for Co-operation among Stakeholders. Workshop to elaborate models of co-operation"

The Bureau stated that such requests should be submitted through the host country or with their endorsement.

While the Bureau expressed its appreciation for the initiative of the Government of Norway and the UNESCO Regional Advisor for Culture in the Asia-Pacific Region, it requested the host country to submit the request in consultation with Norway, the UNESCO Regional Advisor for Culture in the Asia-Pacific and the World Heritage Centre.

No. 2001-426 Russian Federation

"International Workshop on the preservation and conservation of wooden structures on the example of the restoration project of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Kizhi Pogost"

No.: 2001-460 Russian Federation

"International Training Workshop for decision-makers on the World Heritage from Eastern and Central Europe"

The Bureau, temporarily waiving the application of Operational Guidelines paragraph 121, deferred examination of the two requests from the Russian Federation, in view of the outstanding dues of the State Party since 1992, amounting to US$ 1,514,246.

No. 2001-430 Mexico

"Course on Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites in the Humid Tropics"

ICCROM informed the Bureau that the request addresses issues of great importance through an approach which is well designed, has accurate costs, is committed to postevent dissemination of training materials, and programmed to strengthen regional exchange and co-operation. However, ICCROM also noted that it would be useful to build on lessons learnt in past similar courses in Latin America, supported by the World Heritage Committee, notably PAT 96 and PAT 99. While this course may well be a pilot experience on the humid tropics, many of the issues involved are common to management of archaeological sites everywhere. Indeed, it would be useful to examine precedents beyond Latin America, in the Cultural Triangle of Sri Lanka for example, where many innovative approaches to management of archaeological sites in the tropics have been developed. Moreover, ICCROM informed the Bureau that it would be useful to see the nine modules in the proposed course linked within an explicit framework promoting integrated conservation and management.

The Bureau approved US$ 20,900 for this activity, recommending the State Party to take into due consideration the comments provided by ICCROM.

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24 COM XV.1-11 Training Strategy - Global Training Strategy XV.1 The Chair stated that this agenda item has two components, the Global Training Strategy and the establishment of a Heritage Partnership Programme. The Secretariat presented working document WHC-2000/CONF.204/18 indicating that there were two recommendations for adoption by the Committee, the first on a Global Training Strategy for Cultural Heritage, prepared by ICCROM, and the second, recommendations for follow-up activities to the Strategic Action Plan for Training in the Field of Natural Heritage. The Centre drew the attention of the Committee to the substantive 66-page document Global Training Strategy for Cultural Heritage prepared by ICCROM, which is provided in full as information document WHC-2000/CONF.204/INF.16, to complement the summary of ICCROM's reflection contained in working document CONF.204/18.

XV.2 The Secretariat reported that the meeting between the World Heritage Centre, ICCROM and interested States Parties and other advisory bodies to develop "the Regional Training Strategy and Programme Matrix and Related Action Plan", which ICCROM proposed to host was not held due to the Special Session of the Bureau in Budapest. She emphasized the increasing awareness of the importance of training, especially national-level capacity building and how the target audience for training evolved along with the changed notion of heritage. Stating that training forms an essential part of UNESCO's fundamental task to support national capacity building in the fields of competence of the Organization, the Secretariat informed the Committee of the main orientation of past and ongoing training activities incorporating them in the heritage conservation supported by UNESCO. Due to difficulties in obtaining donor support for specialized national and regional training institutions for heritage conservation, UNESCO shifted its focus to site-based on-the-job training activities inserted in the operational projects entrusted to the Organization to coordinate or execute, and to building partnerships with existing institutions to insert teaching in heritage management and conservation skills. In this regard, she expressed the Centre's appreciation for the newly established world heritage studies programmes at the Technical University in Cottbus, Germany, Cilento National Park, Italy; Beijing University, China, Waseda University, Japan, and indicated that the Francois Rabelais University in Tours, France will soon be starting a programme on world heritage and cultural landscape.

XV.3 Stressing the need for coherence and complementarity in the numerous on-going initiatives and activities, the Centre expressed its appreciation for the collaboration of ICCROM in the development of this Global Training Strategy for Cultural Heritage which was fully endorsed by the Centre. ICCROM's newly appointed Director-General, Dr. Nicholas Stanley-Price, introduced the Global Training Strategy for World Cultural Heritage and stressed ICCROM's interest in strengthening its role as an Advisory Body to the World Heritage Committee. The detailed presentation, made by ICCROM staff Herb Stovel and Nobuko Inaba, emphasized the importance of bringing the 6 year development of the Strategy to a close, given the advent of the periodic reporting process, and its expected strategic outputs for training. The ICCROM presentation covered historical development of the strategy as initially requested by the Bureau in June 1994, a brief review of ICCROM activities in support of the Convention in 2000, and outlined and elaborated on key elements of the proposed strategic approach.

XV.4 These key elements included a "framework of principles" developed in expert discussions over several years and used to define a "strategic orientation" for the training strategy, priority actions within international strategies and programmes, indicative areas of action within regional strategies and programmes, a funding and implementation strategy and particular roles and responsibilities within a World Heritage training system. The funding and implementation strategy proposed included administrative measures (enhancing use of internal assessment and periodic reporting review tools), measures concerning more focussed use of the World Heritage Fund, and measures to attract and guide external funding. The presentation of roles and responsibilities within an overall World Heritage training system elaborated on the role assigned to ICCROM as "priority partner in training" by the Committee in 1996, stressing ICCROM's co-ordination role, its quality control role, its role as builder of networks for World Heritage training, its role in development of training materials for delivery by others, and the importance of its role in developing training proposals with the World Heritage Centre.

XV.5 The delegates strongly welcomed the Strategy for providing a coherent framework, for emphasizing the link to periodic reporting and for stressing the importance of the practical guidelines. Some Delegates expressed a feeling that the existence of three different documents (two working documents and one information document) rather than a consolidated one, caused confusion. The Committee asked the Secretariat and ICCROM to produce one integrated document for consideration by the Bureau at the twenty-fifth session.

XV.6 The Committee, upon reviewing the actions proposed by the Centre in document CONF/ 204/18, adopted the following:

  • For institutional teaching: continue identification of partners in collaboration with ICCROM, ICOMOS and relevant divisions of UNESCO; streamline Forum UNESCO network and activities;
  • For individual scholarships and study tour opportunities: joint evaluation by ICCROM-World Heritage Centre on UNESCO fellowship programme and solicit more financial contributions and institutional partnerships.
  • For inventory of cultural resources and mapping: to establish modalities of cooperation with international, regional and bilateral development cooperation agencies
  • For conservation of historic monuments and archaeological sites: in cooperation with national conservation agencies, ICCROM, UNESCO, Nordic World Heritage Office (NWHO), Nara Cultural Heritage Protection Office (ACCU/Nara) and Forum UNESCO, to develop a more systematic approach to identify on-site, on-the-job training opportunities at World Heritage Sites; develop a proposal for an international or regional UNESCO-ICCROM recognized diploma or certificate which would include on-site training towards these diplomas, and, to identify means to ensure multi-year funding to stabilize such training courses.

XV.7 The Committee, upon examining the proposed Global Training Strategy for Cultural Heritage adopted the following priority actions:

Strategic orientation

  • To be most effective, a global training strategy must be composed of complementary regional training strategies. Towards this end, continuing attention must be given to monitoring, updating and refining regional training strategies.
  • Training for World Heritage is best improved by strengthening provisions for conservation training at all levels and in all related disciplines globally. Training programmes specifically set up to focus on World Heritage site conservation may cause unnecessarily duplication of effort. Rather, existing and new conservation training programmes should be encouraged to integrate World Heritage components and perspectives.
  • The Committee, Centre, and Advisory Bodies should ensure appropriate monitoring and follow-up of training activities carried out within the Global Training Strategy. Information on training activities should be archived as a planning tool for future activities.
  • The "checklist and criteria for review of requests of training assistance" developed by ICCROM should be reviewed and adopted by the Committee to ensure consistent and transparent review of training requests.
  • The "framework of principles" to guide planning and development of proactive training initiatives should be reviewed and adopted by the Committee.
  • Results of the periodic reporting process should be used to update and adapt, as necessary, the global and regional training strategies.

The Committee should integrate these results into its overall strategic planning process

International training perspectives


  • Training institutions which have already developed World Heritage components should be utilized by the Committee to the fullest extent possible to deliver training activities.
  • In regions where such specialization does not yet exist, the Committee should encourage leading regional institutions to develop programmes with significant World Heritage focus.
  • Training programmes should be linked to the whole process of World Heritage protection including preparation of tentative lists, nominations and monitoring after inscription.
  • Although specific needs can best be addressed by looking at the local and regional context, the exchange of information and practices at the international level plays an important development and testing role for new approaches and ideas.

Priority Actions

  • Establishment of a network of existing international/regional/national training institutions concerned with World Heritage.
  • Development of a series of off-the-shelf training modules and supporting materials to improve implementation of the Convention, particularly in relation to preparing nominations and to carrying out periodic reporting and related state of conservation monitoring for sites.
  • Continued development of the Management Guidelines series published by ICCROM, UNESCO, and ICOMOS to include areas not yet covered (e.g., archaeological sites).
  • Development of simplified "technical notes" and advice, linked to the above Management Guidelines series, for site managers.
  • Explore development of a capacity-building programme based on continuing exchange of teams of professionals, site managers and national decisionmakers from "well-represented" and "underrepresented" countries, which would treat, in line with regional periodic reporting results, development of draft tentative lists, nominations, state-of-conservation monitoring reports, and analysis of best management practices.
  • Development of trainers' workshops and programmes, intended to strengthen the capacity of training leaders (including site managers) to develop and deliver needed training for improved implementation of the World Heritage Convention.

Natural Heritage

XV.8 The Secretariat introduced the natural heritage component of the document WHC-2000/CONF.204/18 as reported on pages 13 - 15 of that document.

XV.9 IUCN agreed with the five points of action recommended by the Secretariat for adoption by the Committee. IUCN considered training to be an important tool for achieving the goals and objectives of the Convention and informed the Committee that it will start discussions with the Centre to find better ways to implement the Strategic Action Plan for Training Specialists in Natural Heritage as adopted by the eighteenth session of the Committee (Berlin, 1995). IUCN also offered to assist the Committee and the Centre to elaborate a Global Training Strategy for Natural Heritage similar to that developed by ICCROM for cultural heritage.

XV.10 The Delegate of Canada encouraged the Committee and the Centre to accept the offer of IUCN to develop Global Training Strategy for Natural Heritage. If developed, this natural heritage component, together with that developed by ICCROM for cultural heritage, will constitute a complete training strategy for the Convention.

The Committee requested the Centre to co-operate with IUCN and other relevant partners in order to:

  • Re-inform States Parties of the Strategic Action Plan for Training in the field of Natural Heritage adopted by the Committee in 1995, stressing that the Plan will determine the activities eligible for financial support from the World Heritage Fund beginning from 2001;
  • Communicate with Regional Training Institutes such as Mweka College, Tanzania and Garoua College, Cameroon, to review the annual fellowship-support granted to them so far and initiate negotiations with them as well as with other new, training institutes in Africa to redesign training support to African site personnel using World Heritage Regional Training Workshops as recommended by Action 2 of the Plan that could benefit a larger number of personnel each year;
  • Review links between the Strategic Action Plan for Training in the field of Natural Heritage and the recommendations of the CONNECT (Capacity Building for Outreach, Natural Heritage Networking, Education, Co-operation and Training) Task Force meeting with a view to design and develop pilot projects and actions which have significance for natural heritage training, education and outreach;
  • Expand partnerships for designing and developing training, educational, networking and outreach actions benefiting World Natural Heritage sites and develop pilot initiatives that could attract financing from both public and private sector sources other than the World Heritage Fund; and
  • Report on measures taken to implement the abovementioned recommendations, including significant achievements made and difficulties and constraints encountered and proposals for a 3-year work programme, to the twenty-fifth session of the Committee in 2001.

XV.11 The Chairperson requested that the Centre should also, in accordance with the proposal made by the Delegate of South Africa, place significant emphasis on the Training of Trainers as a way to ensure sustainability of knowledge and skills transfer and a more cost-effective use of the limited resources provided by the World Heritage Fund for training specialists in natural heritage.

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25 COM XVIII.3 Technical Co-operation approved by the Bureau XVIII.3.1 CULTURAL United Republic of Tanzania

Preparation of a Management Plan for the Ruins of Kilwa Kisiwani Songo Mnara and the extension to Kilwa Masoko: The Bureau approved US$24,320 for this activity, subject to the approval by the Chairperson of a detailed budget breakdown.


Rehabilitation of the traditional hydraulic system in M'Zab Valley and the organization of a training workshop: The Bureau approved US$25,000 for this activity, subject to the State Party paying its arrears to the World Heritage Fund.


Rehabilitation and restoration of Bab Agnaou in the Medina of Marrakesh: The Bureau approved this request for US$22,984 requesting the computer equipment to be financed by the State Party.


Regional Conference on "Alternatives to Historical Reconstruction in UNESCO World Heritage Cities" (16- 18 May 2002): The Bureau approved US$28,000 for this activity, requesting the State Party to make all efforts in publishing the results of the Conference to complement the UNESCO World Heritage Cities Programme.

]]> Tue, 11 Dec 2001 00:00:00 EST
25 COM XVIII.4 Training Assistance approved by the Bureau XVIII.4.1 NATURAL Senegal

Regional workshop for training in wetlands inventory methodologies: The Bureau was informed that IUCN, although endorsing the Workshop, had requested further information on the profile of participants, and had also noted the usefulness of involving the IUCN Senegal Office in projects in Djoudj or Diawling National Parks as trainers in addition to Ramsar Convention staff. The Bureau approved US$21,690 for this activity, subject to the State Party submitting the list of participants to be approved by the Chairperson and requesting that the IUCN Senegal Office be invited to participate in this Workshop.


Regional seminar for systematic monitoring for enhanced management of World Cultural Heritage sites in South Asia: The Bureau approved US$26,596 for this activity, requesting the State Party to pay its arrears to the World Heritage Fund.


National seminar for preparing Periodic Reports for Sri Lankan World Cultural Heritage properties to be reviewed by the World Heritage Committee in 2003: ICCROM supported the request. The Bureau approved US$25,000 for this activity.

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25 COM XVIII.6 Technical Co-operation approved by the Committee XVIII.6.1 NATURAL Seychelles

Enhancing the capacity of Aldabra Atoll management: The Secretariat informed the Committee that IUCN, while supporting the request had underlined the importance of ensuring that the boats and the engines purchased have minimal pollution and are easily maintained. The Committee approved US$44,150 for this activity, requesting the Centre to ensure through the UNESCO equipment purchasing unit that the engines purchased have minimum pollution emission and can be maintained.

XVIII.6.2 NATURAL Zimbabwe

Increasing the management capacity of Mosi-oatunya/ Victoria Falls and Mana Pools National Parks: The Centre informed the Committee that the State Party had paid its dues to the World Heritage Fund, and that additional information concerning the assessment of the current situation, particularly concerning existing equipment, had not yet reached the Centre. However, the Committee was informed that the State Party had assured the Centre that this additional information had been transmitted. Therefore, the Committee approved this request for an amount of US$63,708 on the condition that the Centre and IUCN receive the additional information, and the allocation of funds be made upon authorization by the Chairperson.

XVIII.6.3 CULTURAL The Philippines

Emergency Technical Co-operation for the enhancement of the conservation and management of the Rice Terraces of the Philippines Cordilleras: The Centre informed the Committee that the Advisory Bodies supported the request. The Committee approved US$75,000 subject to the State Party paying its dues to the World Heritage Fund, and requested that the national authorities implement the activity in close co-operation with the UNESCO Regional Advisor for Culture in the Asia-Pacific Region (UNESCO Bangkok Office).

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25 COM XVIII.7 Training Assistance approved by the Committee XVIII.7.1 NATURAL Côte d'Ivoire

National workshop on "Research contribution for the development and sustainable management of Taï National Park: The Committee approved US$30,514, requesting the State Party to integrate the recommendations of IUCN in fine-tuning the objectives of the proposed activity, and urging the State Party to pay its arrears to the World Heritage Fund.


AFRICA 2009: Conservation of Immovable Cultural Heritage in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Committee approved this request for the sub-Saharan African Region for an amount of US$100,000, noting that the activity be implemented by the World Heritage Centre, ICCROM and CRATerre-EAG, in accordance with established procedures governing the Africa 2009 training programme.


Workshop on mosaic conservation: The Centre informed the Committee that clarification on the points raised by ICCROM had been provided and that ICCROM supported the activity. The Committee approved this request for US$50,000.


Regional Seminar on the Conservation of Earthen Architecture: ICOMOS and ICCROM noted that the amount requested could be considered high, as the training workshop was only for three days. The Centre informed the Committee that the cost included travel support for participants from the region and that this seminar was an activity that could lead to a general capacity building for earthen architectural conservation in the Arab Region. The Committee approved US$43,340, requesting the World Heritage Centre to co-ordinate the organization of this training activity in close collaboration with CRATerre and the Ministry of National Heritage and Culture of Oman, ensuring that: (i) the detailed technical guidelines concerning baseline conservation, monitoring, and maintenance practices for earthen architecture in the region be included within the final publication; (ii) the proceedings and material resulting from the Workshop be widely distributed; (iii) a follow up strategy be discussed and adopted at the Seminar.


1st Territorial and Urban Conservation Specialization Distance Training Programme (ITUC/ALTD 2002) and 5th Territorial and Urban Conservation Specialization Course (ITUC/BR 2003) (Brazil): The Committee approved this request for US$43,300, requesting the State Party: (i) to follow ICCROM's recommendation to raise the percentage of places for participants from outside Brazil to 25 %; (ii) to submit the results of the group work to the World Heritage Centre after the activity is completed; (iii) to pay its arrears to the World Heritage Fund.


XII CECRE specialization course on the conservation of monuments and rehabilitation of historical cities: The Committee approved this request for US$50,000, requesting the State Party: (i) to include a substantial number of international trainees; (ii) to strengthen presentation of World Heritage themes in the CECRE programme; (iii) to publish the course proceedings at their own expense as assured in previous years; (iv) to pay its arrears to the World Heritage Fund.

]]> Tue, 11 Dec 2001 00:00:00 EST
27 COM 9 World Heritage Global Training Strategy The World Heritage Committee [64],

1. Defers examination of documents WHC-03/27.COM/9 and WHC-03/27.COM/INF.9 to the 28th session of the World Heritage Committee in 2004.

[64]  See also Decision 27 COM 2

]]> Sun, 29 Jun 2003 00:00:00 EST
28 COM 19.1 Mon, 28 Jun 2004 00:00:00 EST 28 COM 19.2 Mon, 28 Jun 2004 00:00:00 EST 29 COM 10 Global Training Strategy The World Heritage Committee,

1. Having examined document WHC-05/29.COM/10,

2. Recalling Decision 7 EXT.COM 11, adopted at its 7th extraordinary session (UNESCO, 2004),

3. Notes that the funding to IUCN foreseen in the Proposed Budget 2006-2007 is inadequate to effectively lead on the implementation of the Global Framework Programme for Capacity Building on Natural Heritage;

4. Allocates an amount of US$40,000 to IUCN under the World Heritage Fund budget-line 1.2 for Advisory Bodies' services in addition to the current proposal of US$65,000 for the biennium 2006-2007, to allow for the acceleration of existing activities in relation to preparation of training manuals and support for training workshops, in addition to the development and implementation of an action plan for raising extra-budgetary funds to support the implementation of the Global Framework Programme for natural heritage training and capacity building, by transferring the equivalent amount from the budget-line 3.2.1 for International Assistance for Training and Research;

5. Requests IUCN to report on progress in this regard to the World Heritage Committee at its 31st session (2007);

6. Urges States Parties and the relevant Non-Governmental Organizations to collaborate with IUCN and provide support to the strategic implementation of the Global Framework Programme for Capacity Building on Natural Heritage.

]]> Sun, 10 Jul 2005 00:00:00 EST
31 COM 14 Implementation of the global framework programme for capacity building on natural heritage The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Having examined Document WHC-07/31.COM/14,
  2. Recalling Decisions 7 EXT.COM 11, adopted at its 7th extraordinary session (UNESCO, 2004) and 29 COM 10, adopted at its 29th session (Durban, 2005),
  3. Takes notes of the document WHC-07/31.COM/14 and, in particular, the activities undertaken from 2005 to 2007 within the Global Framework Programme for capacity building and training for Natural Heritage;
  4. Requests the Director of the World Heritage Centre in close cooperation with IUCN and ICCROM to:
    1. Define a training programme including the institutions and expertise within the States Parties;
    2. Implement the key recommendations and strategic considerations of this document as well as the Action Plan for Fundraising for Natural Heritage Training and Capacity Building.
]]> Sat, 23 Jun 2007 00:00:00 EST
32 COM 7.2 Proposal for the preparation of a revised recommendation concerning the safeguarding and contemporary role of historic areas The World Heritage Committee,

1. Having examined Document WHC-08/32.COM/7.2,

2. Recalling Decision 29 COM 5D, adopted at its 29th session (Durban, 2005) and Resolution 15 GA 7, adopted at the 15th General Assembly of States Parties to the Convention (UNESCO, 2005),

3. Noting decision 179EX/25 regarding a "Proposal by the Director-General for the preparation of a revised recommendation concerning the safeguarding and contemporary role of historic areas" that includes a full preliminary study of the technical and legal aspects of the issue;

4. Commends the Advisory Bodies ICOMOS, ICCROM and IUCN, and partner organizations UIA (International Union of Architects), IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects), IFHP (International Federation for Housing and Planning), OWHC (Organization of World Heritage Cities) and the Aga Khan Trust for Culture for their continued support and participation in this important initiative;

5. Requests the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies to prepare a plan of action and timetable, setting out the timeframe for developing new Orientation Guidelines on management of historic urban World Heritage properties including impact assessment tools, for submission to the Committee at its 33rd session in 2009.

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