World Heritage Centre World Heritage Centre - Committee Decisions 90 en Copyright 2024 UNESCO, World Heritage Centre Sun, 29 Sep 2024 18:24:29 EST UNESCO, World Heritage Centre - Decisions 15 COM X Promotional Activities 42. The Committee noted with satisfaction the various promotional activities undertaken in 1991 and presented in Document SC-91/CONF.002/6. These activities related to the production and dissemination of information material, support to national activities organized by States Parties to the Convention, as well as participation in special events relating to cultural and natural heritage. In particular, the Committee noted that due to co-operation with States Parties, the production of information material in additional languages had been possible, and that the production of new supporting materials, such as illustrated sheets on World Heritage sites for sale by correspondence, were being actively considered. The Committee was also informed that in compliance with its recommendation, the question of the commercial diffusion of video-cassettes co­produced by TRANSTEL Company and UNESCO had been studied by the Secretariat and TRANSTEL, and possible solutions had been identified to ensure this diffusion and to improve the presentation of these films on TV networks.

43. The Committee also noted that, at the request of the Secretariat and with the support of the World Heritage Fund, the first issue of the new bulletin of the UNDP-UNESCO Regional Project for Cultural Heritage and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean would be entirely devoted to a presentation of all the World Heritage sites of the region. This bulletin, mainly destined for decision-makers and donors, would provide up-dated information on the sites on the eve of the twentieth anniversary of the Convention. A draft version of this bulletin was distributed to the Committee, which will be completed by all States of the region before its publication in English, French and Spanish in June 1992.

44. The Committee approved the proposals for 1992 presented by the Secretariat: firstly, to fulfill its general informative mission, it is foreseen to continue to produce, update and disseminate general information material concerning the Convention and on World Heritage sites through different means such as brochures, films, video­disks, publications, etc. For publications, the committee noted that private initiatives should be encouraged as they are less costly and more flexible than co-edition with UNESCO and the income could be directly granted to the World Heritage Fund. Proposals for 1992 also concern the production of more specialized material so as to contribute towards the efforts of the Committee to ensure better monitoring of the state of conservation of properties inscribed on the World Heritage List. This material will be targeted on the one hand to populations living in or near inscribed sites and to visitors to the sites, and on the other to site managers.

45. As a first step, the elaboration of guidelines for the management of tourism in World Heritage sites will be carried out from case studies and in co-operation with the competent international organizations.

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15 COM XI Preparation of the Celebration of the Twentieth Anniversary of the Adoption of the World Heritage Convention 46. The Committee took note of the report of the Secretariat on the progress made in the preparation for the commemoration in 1992 of the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Convention presented in Document SC-91/CONF.002/7, consisting, on the one hand, of an evaluation of the implementation of the Convention and the elaboration of a strategy for the future, and on the other, of the organization of promotional events at UNESCO Headquarters and elsewhere.

47. With regard to the evaluation, the basis of the work had been prepared during 1991 and an outline submitted to the Committee. A first version of the report would be sent to the members of the Committee during January 1992. The Committee noted that this first version would be completed in the light of national reports which should be received early next year. At the same time, a draft strategy would be prepared by the Secretariat and presented to the Bureau at its next session. Following discussions of the Bureau, it may prove necessary to consult a small group of experts in order to assist the Secretariat to finalize the text of the strategy which will be submitted to the next session of the Committee for adoption.

48. Throughout the session, the members of the Committee indicated that the celebration of the 20th anniversary was the opportunity for an in-depth reflection on the Convention which could even lead, according to one member of the Committee, to the possible revision of its text, as noted in the Resolution of UNESCO's General Conference of 6 November 1991 on this question. According to this Committee member, the most important questions to be studied concerned the restrictions that the Convention imposed on interventions by the Committee, which could be compared to the right of intervention often evoked for questions of human rights and more recently environmental protection. In particular, the Committee was faced with this problem when it wished to inscribe a property on the List of World Heritage in Danger without waiting to receive a formal nomination and a request for technical assistance from the State Party concerned. Such cases recurred several times during the debates of the session of the Committee.

49. More generally, reflection should be given to the ethical dimension of the Convention, particularly taking into account the increase of poverty and the ignorance it engenders, both of which are destructive elements for heritage, and to the universality of heritage and cultural diversity, in order to seek a better balance within the World Heritage Committee, and in the World Heritage List between different regions and cultures of the world. In this respect, the need for a global study on cultural properties was recalled as an important part of the overall reflection to be undertaken in connection with the 20th anniversary.

50. With regard to natural heritage, a revision of criteria, including the incorporation of a criterion for geological sites, should be envisaged, particularly in the light of discussions which will take place during the Fourth World Parks Congress, to be held in Caracas, Venezuela, in February 1992, during a one-day workshop organized on the World Heritage Convention. The question of landscapes will also be raised and discussions on this subject will contribute towards the elaboration of criteria for landscapes. The possibility to bestow a World Heritage value to certain areas of Antarctica which, according to IUCN, deserve to be inscribed on the World Heritage List, should also be evoked taking into account the fact that the Convention at present is not applicable to this continent because of problems related to national sovereignty.

51. The Committee was also of the opinion that the twentieth anniversary should be the occasion to recall to the States Parties their obligations under the Convention, particularly the setting-up of national structures and payment of their contributions to the World Heritage Fund, and to encourage them to organize events during 1992 to make the Convention better known. The Committee also wished to launch an appeal to major private foundations for contributions to the World Heritage Fund and to study the modalities of organizing a World Heritage Day.

52. Finally, the Committee noted that the events to be organized at UNESCO Headquarters, opening with a Gala Evening on 10 or 11 July and terminating in mid-October, will consist of a large exhibition with the participation of many States Parties, and national days or weeks organized by States Parties with the assistance of the Secretariat.

53. The events taking place elsewhere should be implemented by the States Parties themselves, with national or regional workshops or seminars. For its part, the Secretariat will organize one seminar by region, partly financed by UNESCO's Regular Programme budget and taking place in East Africa, Venice (Italy), Indonesia, Quito and the Galapagos (Ecuador) and Fez (Morocco) respectively. These seminars will be open to the press and the different themes to be evoked will also contribute to the overall reflection on the Convention.

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