World Heritage Centre World Heritage Centre - Committee Decisions 90 en Copyright 2024 UNESCO, World Heritage Centre Fri, 11 Oct 2024 11:21:39 EST UNESCO, World Heritage Centre - Decisions 14 BUR IV.A.19-21 Mont Saint Michel and its Bay (France) 19. The IUCN Regional Councilor for Europe informed the Bureau that the series of measures to prevent the increasing siltation of the Bay, as announced by President Mitterrand in 1983, had not yet been taken. The salt marshes were currently encroaching upon the Bay at a rate of 30 ha per year which, according to previous studies, could mean that Mont Saint Michel would no longer be an island by the end of 1991, thereby degrading the natural setting of the cultural monuments of Mont Saint Michel. In addition, the authorities responsible for the development of the region, namely the two departments and the townships on the coastline, which were not all included in the area included in the List, did not always perceive the natural and cultural values of this site. In consequence, there were increasing threats of activities which were incompatible with the maintenance of its integrity such as the construction of pig farms and large-scale amusement parks.

20. The Bureau accordingly requested the Secretariat to contact the French authorities in order to remind them of their national obligation under the Convention to ensure the protection of the natural and cultural values of the site, which included not only the Mount but also the Bay.

21. In particular, the Bureau expressed the wish that the necessary technical measures to halt siltation be taken to maintain the insularity of the site and furthermore recommended that the boundaries of the inscribed area be re-examined to include the townships along the coastline in order to create a peripheral area where only activities compatible with the world heritage state of the site would be permitted. Finally, the Bureau noted with satisfaction the invitation extended to Unesco, ICOMOS and IUCN by the observer from France to participate in a round-table meeting on 26 June 1990 at which all the partners concerned with the conservation of Mont Saint Michel and its Bay would be present to study the various technical operations required to safeguard the site. The Bureau expressed the wish that this complex matter be also studied by international experts and requested the French authorities to report back to the Committee on the results of that meeting and on all the measures that had been planned to meet its concerns.

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14 BUR IV.A.22-24 Mount Nimba (Guinea and Cote d'Ivoire) 22. The Bureau recalled that at the time of the inscription of this site on the World Heritage List in 1981, the Committee was aware of the pending threat to exploit the rich iron ore deposit situated in the northern part of the Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve in Guinea. A project now existed which was of great interest to the steel industry for Europe, Japan and the United States, and which was to be financed essentially by mining consortia from France, Japan and the United States. It would involve the extension of an existing railway from the Liberian side of Mount Nimba, the construction of a moving pavement to transport the ore from the summits of the northern part of Mount Nimba and an open cast mine with a surface area of some 200 ha. The World Bank, which was also involved in the financial support of the project, was conscious of the world heritage status of the site and had drawn up terms of reference for an environmental impact assessment. IUCN, on its part, had refused to take the leadership of this assessment since the mining activity would obviously seriously jeopardize the integrity of the natural ecosystems for which this site was included in the World Heritage List. The Bureau was further informed of the recent launching, at the request of the Guinean Government, of a Unesco/UNDP project aimed at studying the ecosystems of the site in view of improving protection and management. It was certain that the data collected from this study could provide a basis for an environmental impact assessment.

23. The Bureau was informed that following a private visit of the French mining company concerned, the Secretariat had addressed a letter dated 8 June 1990 to the Permanent Delegate of France to Unesco informing him of the situation and recalling France's obligation under Article 6.3 of the Convention to avoid taking any measures which would damage a world heritage site located in another State Party. A similar letter had been addressed on 8 June 1990 to the Permanent Delegate for Guinea, recalling the responsibility of Guinea to protect its world heritage site.

24. The observer from France informed the Committee that he would take up this matter with the competent authorities in his country. The Bureau expressed its concern over this threat which clearly highlighted the economic factors involved in safeguarding world heritage properties. The Bureau, conscious of the fact that the Guinean Government would in fact receive relatively little income from the exploitation of the iron ore of Mount Nimba (as had been indicated by the World Bank at the time of the last Committee session), requested the Secretariat to contact the Guinean authorities as well as the other States Parties concerned, to ask them to forgo this project in the light of their obligations under the World Heritage Convention, and to review the economic consequences.

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14 BUR IV.A.29-31 Hierapolis-Pamukkale (Turkey) 29. The Bureau was concerned that the site was being degraded by unregulated tourism and water pollution and hence requested the Secretariat to contact the Turkish authorities and request them to (a) declare this site a national park as soon as possible, as the Committee had recommended at the time of its being listed in 1988; and (b) host a national workshop for discussing the various threats faced by this site in order to develop a management plan for the site.

30. The Bureau also noted information pertaining to the state of conservation of Hawaiian Volcanoes National Park (United States), Canadian Rockies National Park (Canada), Keoladeo National Park (India), Tasmanian Wilderness (Australia), Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve (Honduras) and Wood Buffalo National Park (Canada).

31. The Bureau noted that for most of the sites, the reported threats to integrity originated from national agencies with interests other than conservation. The Bureau therefore encouraged States Parties to ensure greater inter-agency co-ordination to ensure the conservation of sites. The Bureau stressed that the impacts of tourism, particularly nature-tourism, needed special attention. The Bureau also requested that the Secretariat and IUCN should continuously monitor international assistance provided from the World Heritage Fund to ensure that funds are used for the most urgent conservation needs of world heritage sites.

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14 BUR IV.A.14 Tasmanian Wilderness (Australia) The Bureau noted that, following the distribution of the report of the thirteenth session of the Committee, the Secretariat had received advice by the Australian authorities that, although it was not strictly correct to say that legislation had been passed to revoke all mining rights within the World Heritage site, they guaranteed that no activity would take place which might threaten the world heritage values of the Tasmanian Wilderness.

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14 BUR IV.A.15 La Amistad/Talamanca (Costa Rica) The Bureau noted the need to review the original boundaries of this site. Several Indian Reserves, included in the original nomination had since then been degraded by coal mining and road construction projects and were not being managed for conservation objectives. The lack of definition of conservation areas had resulted in a native resident, who attempted to prevent illegal hunting, being recently shot and killed. The Bureau recommended that the Chairman contact the Costa Rican authorities to express condolences to the affected family on behalf of the Committee. The Bureau also requested the Costa Rican authorities to contact IUCN to define the boundaries of the World Heritage portion of the site excluding areas which were not of outstanding universal value. Furthermore, the Bureau suggested that if the La Amistad National Park of Panama, nominated by Panama in 1989, is inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1990, then the Costa Rican authorities co-operate with their counterparts in Panama in proposing the listing of this transborder park as a single site.

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14 BUR IV.A.16 Tai National Park (Côte d'Ivoire) The Bureau noted that the Chairman had approved US $7,500 under preparatory assistance for drawing up a technical co-operation project for buffer zone development which could benefit local people resident around this park. In the meantime, however, the Bureau was concerned about reports of heavy commercial poaching in the area, particularly on Maxwell's duikers. The Bureau was informed that a meeting is scheduled to be held in Abidjan, Côted'Ivoire, on 27 June 1990, with Unesco, UNDP and several national agencies, at which proposals for launching a pilot project for the conservation of this site would be discussed. Depending on the outcome of this meeting the Bureau requested that the Secretariat contact the Ivoirian authorities to encourage them to nominate this site for inclusion in the List of World Heritage in Danger.

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14 BUR IV.A.17 Galapagos (Ecuador) The Bureau was specifically concerned with the capturing of about 40,000 sharks, using locally captured sea-lions as baits, in the marine waters surrounding the Galapagos world heritage site. Although the capture of sharks had been temporarily halted following protests from international agencies, the effectiveness of the ban was uncertain. The Bureau recalled that preparatory assistance from the World Heritage Fund had been provided in 1987 for nominating the marine areas surrounding the Galapagos National Park for inclusion as part of the world heritage site but noted that no such nomination has thus far been received by the Committee. The Bureau was also concerned thatthe number of tourists using the area is 100 per cent greater than the estimated carrying capacity for the area and is likely to continue to increase. The Bureau noted that the Chairman of the Committee had approved US $14,000 during April 1990 for a technical co-operation project to study the problem of excessive frequentation of this site by tourists. The Bureau recommended that the Secretariat request the Ecuadorian authorities to (a) extend the boundaries of the world heritage site to include the surrounding marine areas; and (b) submit a technical report on the study of over-visiting of the site for the consideration of the Committee at its fourteenth session in December 1990.

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14 BUR IV.A.18 Olympic National Park (United States) The Bureau noted with satisfaction that, as requested by the Committee at the time of the inscription of this site in 1981, the American authorities had completed amendments to the legislation and added a coastal strip and a number of offshore rocks and islands to the park. The Bureau commended the American authorities for their effective implementation of the recommendations of the Committee and requested that the extensions to the park be formally proposed for inclusion in the World Heritage List. The Bureau, however, noted with concern the negative impacts of the 'Nestucca Oil Spill' which had occurred 90 km from the park's coastal zone and expressed the wish that the American authorities be prepared for similar events in the future with contingency plans to mitigate their negative impacts.

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14 BUR IV.A.25 Manas Wildlife Sanctuary (India) The Bureau recalled that this site had been invaded by people belonging to the Bodo tribe about a year ago and was concerned to note that the reserve was still occupied and that illegal removal of vegetation and poaching of animals continued. The local staff also seemed to have abandoned the park. The Bureau requested the Secretariat to continue its efforts to obtain a report on the state of conservation of this site from the Indian authorities before the forthcoming session of the World Heritage Committee. On the basis of the information received the Committee may wish to recommend that the Indian authorities nominate this site for inclusion in the List of World Heritage in Danger.

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14 BUR IV.A.26 Royal Chitwan National Park (Nepal) The Bureau was informed that a US $30 million irrigation project, to be implemented with the assistance of a Japanese company and the Asian Development Bank, could divert about 75 per cent of the waters of the Rapti River which forms the northern boundary of the park and that no study on the environmental impact of this irrigation project had so far been undertaken. The Bureau recalled that a sum of US $80,000 had been provided during 1988-1989 from the World Heritage Fund for this site and was concerned whether the implementation of these projects was effectively ensuring the conservation of this national park. The Bureau requested the Secretariat to (a) contact the Nepalese authorities as well as the Asian Development Bank to express its concerns regarding the negative impacts which the proposed irrigation project could have on the integrity of this site; (b) seek necessary clarifications about the implementation of world heritage technical co-operation projects; and (c) encourage the State Party to nominate this site for inclusion in the List of World Heritage in Danger.

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14 BUR IV.A.27 Manovo-Gounda Saint Floris National Park (Central African Republic) The Bureau recalled that when this site was entered on the World Heritage List at the twelfth session of the Committee, in Brasilia (Brazil), in December 1988, the Committee had noted that the integrity of the site was under serious threat but had definite prospects of rapid amelioration through the implementation of a 10-year project costing US $27 million to be financed by EEC. Hence, the Committee, at its twelfth session requested IUCN to monitor progress in the implementation of the EEC project and report on the extent to which the protection of the integrity of this site had improved. The Bureau was deeply concerned to note that despite the availability of EEC funds and the expressed commitment of the Ministry of Water, Forests, Hunting, Fishing and Tourism to improve the state of conservation of this site, project implementation had been very slow and heavy commercial poaching and conflicts between local people and a commercial hunting operator continued to threaten the park. The Bureau requested the Secretariat to contact the Ministry of Water, Forests, Hunting, Fishing and Tourism to register its concern and encourage it to explore ways and means of accelerating the implementation of a management scheme for the park and arrest any further decline in the values for which this park had been included in the World Heritage List.

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14 BUR IV.A.28 Niokolo-Koba National Park (Senegal) The Bureau recalled that during 1989, both the Bureau and the Committee had expressed concern regarding the proposed construction of a major highway, based on an existing track, across the park, which could greatly jeopardize its natural values. Following the Committee session in December, President Diouf of Senegal had written to the Director-General of Unesco assuring Senegal's commitment to safeguarding the natural heritage of this site. The representative of Senegal informed the Bureau that since President Diouf's letter, a decree had been promulgated creating a technical committee which would undertake a comparative ecological and socio-economic study of the proposed route across the park and of the alternative route to the north outside the park boundaries (which had been recently marked out by the national park service). The terms of reference and the list of members of this technical committee had been drawn up. The Bureau welcomed the invitation of the representative of Senegal that Unesco and IUCN should send representatives to a meeting in July 1990 in Dakar to launch the comparative study. The Bureau requested that the Unesco and IUCN representatives at this meeting ensure that the Committee's concerns were taken into account and eventually help identify potential funding sources for the additional costs of the route outside the park.

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14 BUR IV.B.42 Palace and Park of Versailles (France) At its thirteenth session, in December 1989, the Committee had expressed concern regarding the felling of trees in the park of Versailles Palace. The French observer informed the Bureau that, since that time, violent storms had devastated the park, bringing down more than 1,200 trees which, most fortunately, had not damaged in their fall any of the sculptures or buildings. The French observer added that the administration of both the park and the buildings at Versailles was now under the responsibility of a single department, which, together with all the other parties concerned, was giving serious thought to ways of repairing the damage and restoring the estate without spoiling the historical and aesthetic character of Versailles; the aim was to devise a management plan that would be satisfactory to all those concerned.

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14 BUR IV.B.43 Venice and its Lagoon (Italy) In the course of its fourteenth session the Bureau was informed of the Italian authorities' decision not to confirm the proposal to have Venice selected as the site of the Universal Exhibition for year 2000. The members of the Bureau welcomed the news and expressed great satisfaction at the decisive role played by the Committee in that regard

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14 BUR IV.B.44 Kathmandu Valley (Nepal) One member of the Bureau expressed concern about the state of conservation of the Kathmandu Valley monuments. The Secretariat informed the Bureau that assistance had been granted as a matter of urgency to the Nepalese authorities so that they could carry out the necessary conservation works, which had already been started. The Bureau asked for a report to be made to it on that site in December, in the context of the monitoring report.

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14 BUR IV.B.45 Memphis and its Necropolis – the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur (Egypt) One member of the Bureau expressed concern regarding the project for the development of the Pyramids Plateau in Egypt, which included the building of a great wall between the archaeological area and a village settlement and the fitting out of an open-air 'Son et Lumiere' theatre. The Bureau shared the concern expressed that the construction works might endanger that unique site; it therefore asked the Secretary to send a letter to the Egyptian Minister of Culture drawing his attention to the need to preserve the integrity of that site, which had been included in the World Heritage List. The Bureau also recommended that the Committee keep itself informed of developments and take a firm stand against any project that might be detrimental to the site. Finally, the Bureau asked that all relevant reports received by the Secretariat should be brought to the attention of the Committee in December.

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14 BUR V.47 Requests for International Assistance 47. The Bureau recommended that the Committee approve a request for technical assistance submitted by Yugoslavia for the purchase of computer and photographic equipment and equipment for the restoration of the mural paintings of the Monastery of Studenica, at a total cost of US$51,000.

Concerning that same site, the Bureau asked the Yugoslav authorities to give it their formal assurance that the project to build a dam near the monastery had been abandoned.

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14 BUR V.48 Requests for International Assistance 48. The Bureau considered a request by the United Republic of Tanzania for the purchase of a Land Rover and radio equipment at a cost of US$49,782 for use at the archaeological and palaeontological site of Olduvai in the Ngorongoro conservation area.

The Bureau agreed in principle to make a favourable recommendation to the Committee concerning that request. However, before finalizing its recommendation, the Bureau asked the Tanzanian authorities to provide it with information, in time for it to be considered before the next session of the Committee, concerning the comprehensive plan to safeguard and develop the palaeontological site Olduvai and concerning the purposes for which the requested vehicle would be used in the context of the comprehensive development plan.

In addition, the Bureau asked that it be informed of any funds that might be granted by other international institutions or organizations specifically for the conservation of the Olduvai site.

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