World Heritage Centre World Heritage Centre - Committee Decisions 90 en Copyright 2024 UNESCO, World Heritage Centre Fri, 11 Oct 2024 10:58:08 EST UNESCO, World Heritage Centre - Decisions 12 BUR VII.14 State of conservation 14. The representative of IUCN reported on the status of three natural sites, two of which are inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger, as follows:

Manu National Park (Peru): A commercial discovery of natural gas had beenmade next to the park and further exploration work was imminent. This work would bring in many workers and settlers next to the western boundary of the park and could result in encroachments and associated problems. The Bureau requested the Secretariat to contact the Peruvian authorities and to seek* further explanation.

Djoudj National Park (Senegal): The water supply to this park which wasmodified by dam construction was now being assured by a sluice which had been built with the support of the World Heritage Fund. A management plan was also under preparation with funds from WWF. Although there was still a need to improve the management of this site, the Bureau recognized that the main threats were under control and requested the Secretariat to contact the Senegalese authorities with a view to removing this site from the List of World Heritage in Danger.

Ngorongoro Conservation Area (Tanzania): The general situation of this sitehad greatly improved. Equipment had been made available through the World Heritage Fund and IUCN was working to strengthen policy, planning and train­ing activities for the site with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism of Tanzania. The Bureau requested the Secretariat to contact the Tanzanian authorities with a view to removing this site from the List of World Heritage in Danger.

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12 BUR VII.16 State of conservation 16. The Permanent Delegate of Iran to Unesco made a statement regarding the damages incurred by the Meidan Emam (Meidan Nagh Cheh Jahan) at Isphahan which was hit by a rocket during the recent attacks on Iranian cities. In the Permanent Delegate's opinion, the Meidan Emam should be considered for the List of World Heritage in Danger.

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12 BUR IX.18/19 Requests for technical co-operation and training 18. The Bureau examined document SC-88/CONF.007/9 presenting requests for technical cooperation and training under the World Heritage Fund.

19. The following requests were approved by the Bureau:

1. Consultancy services for the preparation of a plan for Royal Chitwan National Park (Nepal) and purchase of equipment for implementing 3 prototype projects recommended by the plan: $30,000

2. Financial contribution to the purchase of a "UNIMOG", an all-terrain vehicle, for use in field training activities at the Mweka College of African Wildlife Management (Tanzania): $30,000

3. Purchase of 2 portable micro-earthquake systems and a micro-climatological device for the Temple of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae (Greece): $30,000

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12 BUR IX.20 Requests for technical co-operation and training 20. The Bureau approved US$25,000 for training in Madagascar under the conditoin that the training workshop will have a special focus on the "Tsingy de Bemaraha" are nominated for inscription on the World Heritage List. The Bureau requested that this workshop be used to revise the nomination of the Tsingy de Bemaraha.

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12 BUR IX.21/22 Requests for technical co-operation and training 21. The Bureau recommended that the Committee approve the following requests:

1. Equipment for a visitors' centre and an all-terrain vehicle for Tassili N'Ajjer National Park (Algeria): $53,000

2. Equipment essential for better patrolling the Virunga National Park (Zaire): $40,000

3. Equipment and spare parts for a Toyota vehicle to strengthen anti-poaching measures in Garamba National Park (Zaire): $50,000

22. The Bureau recommended that the Committee be informed of other international assistance projects for these World Heritage sites, such as projects funded by the EEC.

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12 BUR IX.23 Requests for technical co-operation and training 23. The Bureau recommended that the Committee approve the following request, on the understanding that further details be provided on the amounts requested:

Equipment for restoring the World Heritage properties of Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa and Sigiriya (Sri Lanka) and for training activities pertaining to those sites.

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12 BUR IX.24 Requests for technical co-operation and training 24. Since ICOMOS was not yet in a position to provide accurate evaluation of the threats to the integrity of the following 2 properties, the Bureau recommended that the Committee's decision on the 2 requests be taken after further study has been carried out:

1. Urgent measures for strengthening the foundations of the wall and to study methods of reconstructing doors, windows and other wooden elements at Bahla Fort (Oman).

2. Equipment and technical assistance needed for restoration work at Wieliczka Salt Mine (Poland).

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12 BUR IX.25 Requests for technical co-operation and training 25. With regard to a request received from Brazil, submitted on 16 June 1988 for $30,000 towards a project for the conservation and management of the Jesuit missions of the Guarani, the Bureau agreed with the Chairman's suggestion that the approve project components up to an amount of $20,000. The remaining $10,000 for the project, which would bring its value to a total of $30,000, should be requested from the Committee at its next session.

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