World Heritage Centre World Heritage Centre - Committee Decisions 90 en Copyright 2024 UNESCO, World Heritage Centre Thu, 10 Oct 2024 18:32:36 EST UNESCO, World Heritage Centre - Decisions 9 GA 1-6 Opening of the General Assembly by the Director-General or his representative
  • The Ninth General Assembly of States Parties to the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage was held in Paris, at UNESCO Headquarters, on 29 and 30 October, during the twenty-seventh session of the General Conference.
  • One hundred and fifteen of the one hundred and thirty-six States Parties to the Convention were represented at this meeting.
  • The representatives of two intergovernmental organizations and two non-governmental organizations attended the meeting as observers.
  • The list of participants is given is Annex I of this document.
  • In accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly, the Secretariat of the Assembly was ensured by the World Heritage Centre of UNESCO.
  • In his opening address, the Assistant Director-General for Culture, representing the Director-General, spoke of the progress made in the implementation of the World Heritage Convention to which 136 States are now party; as from the Committee's sixteenth session, the World Heritage List included 378 properties in 86 countries. The success of the Convention could also be measured by the growing interest in it shown by the media and the general public, and by the numerous initiatives for publications, films, exhibitions, etc., to which it has given rise. He recalled that the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the Convention had been celebrated enthusiastically by most of the States and the events organized on this occasion had further increased public interest. The Convention also encouraged the involvement of new partners, as, for instance, the Organization of World Heritage Finally, he reminded the States Parties of their obligation to preserve properties inscribed on the World Heritage List, and of the World Heritage Committee's increasing efforts to ensure regular monitoring of the state of these properties, with the assistance of ICOMOS, IUCN and ICCROM, and also, on a broader scale, with competence drawn from the different regions of the world.
  • ]]> Fri, 29 Oct 1993 00:00:00 EST
    9 GA 7 Election of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairpersons and Rapporteur of the General Assembly Fri, 29 Oct 1993 00:00:00 EST 9 GA 8 Adoption of the Agenda of the General Assembly Fri, 29 Oct 1993 00:00:00 EST 9 GA 9 Report of the Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee Fri, 29 Oct 1993 00:00:00 EST 9 GA 10-12 Examination of the statement of accounts of the World Heritage Fund, including the status of the States Parties' contributions

    State Party                             Amount (US $)                                        Year of contribution

    Ethiopia                                              618                                                             1992-1993

    Hungary                                           5,563                              end of 1992 and part of 1993

    Mozambique                                     618                                                              1992-1993

    Senegal                                             309                                                                        1992

    Portugal                                          3,090                                                            part of 1993

    11. The General Assembly then took note of the statement of accounts of the World Heritage Fund for the financial period ending 31 December 1991, the interim statement of accounts for the period 1992-1993 as at 30 September 1993, and the summary of .contributions received from States Parties as at 28 October 1993. The Assembly also took note of the information provided by the Secretariat concerning contributions received since 28 October 1993. During examination of the budget, the General Assembly was informed that the Secretariat was working towards improving the budget's presentation and that this matter would be examined in detail by the World Heritage Committee at its seventeenth session. The Representative of Thailand expressed the wish that the Director-General provide the World Heritage Centre with sufficient financing and personnel so it would not be necessary to finance temporary assistance at the Secretariat under the World Heritage Fund.

    12. The General Assembly unanimously decided that the amount of mandatory contributions to the World Heritage Fund for the period 1994-1995, calculated in US dollars, would be maintained at 1 per cent of contributions made by States Parties to the regular programme of UNESCO, in accordance with Article 16, paragraph 1, of the Convention, as had been decided at eight previous General Assemblies.

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    9 GA 13-28 Elections to the World Heritage Committee
    14. On the decision of the Chairman, the elections were held by secret ballot. The delegates of Germany and the Philippines were appointed tellers.

    15. The results of the first ballot were as follows:

    Number of States Parties eligible to vote                                                                          136

    Number of States absent                                                                                                     36

    Number of abstentions                                                                                                             0

    Number of invalid ballot papers                                                                                             3

    Number of votes recorded                                                                                                     97

    Number of votes constituting the majority required to be elected                                     49

     No candidate received the required majority of votes, thus no State Party was elected.

    16. In accordance with the Rules of Procedure, the second ballot was to be limited to those States which had obtained the greatest number of votes, provided that the number of States did not exceed twice the number of seats remaining to be filled which was seven seats. The second ballot was thus organized between the fourteen following candidates: Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Guatemala, India, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Lebanon, Mozambique, Niger, Poland, United States.

    17. The results of the second ballot were:

    Number of States Parties eligible to vote                                                                          136

    Number of States absent                                                                                                        43

    Number of abstentions                                                                                                             0

    Number of invalid ballot papers                                                                                             4

    Number of votes recorded                                                                                                     89

    Number of votes constituting the majority required to be elected                                     45

    States which obtained the required majority of votes were:

    Japan:                                    49

    France:                                  47

    United States:                      46

    The Chairman thus declared the above States Parties elected to the World Heritage Committee.

    18. Four seats remaining to be filled, the following States, having obtained the greatest number of votes, were maintained as candidates for the third ballot: Brazil, Canada, India, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Niger, Poland.

    19. The results of the third ballot were as follows:

    Number of States Parties eligible to vote                                                                          136

    Number of States absent                                                                                                        43

    Number of abstentions                                                                                                             0

    Number of invalid ballot papers                                                                                             3

    Number of votes recorded                                                                                                     90

    Number of votes constituting the majority required

    to be elected                                                                                                                            46

    Niger, having polled 46 votes, was declared elected by the Chairman.

    20. Three seats remained to be filled. Amongst the States having obtained the greatest number of votes: Brazil, Canada, India, Italy, Lebanon, Jordan, Poland, the latter two candidates had obtained the same number of votes. In accordance with the Rules of Procedure, an eliminatory vote was held between Poland and Jordan.

    21. The results of this eliminatory vote were:

    Number of States Parties eligible to vote                    136

    Number of States absent                                                67

    Number of abstentions                                                     0

    Number of invalid ballot papers                                      1

    Number of votes recorded                                              68

    Poland, having obtained the greatest number of votes (41) , was maintained as a candidate for the fourth ballot.

    22. The results of the fourth ballot were:



    States Parties eligible to vote




    States absent








    invalid ballot papers




    votes recorded




    votes constituting the majority required to be elected


    No candidate having obtained the required majority of votes, no State Party was elected, and a fifth ballot was held with the same candidates.

    23. The results of the fifth ballot were:

    Number of States Parties eligible to vote                                                                          136

    Number of States absent                                                                                                        68

    Number of abstentions                                                                                                             0

    Number of invalid ballot papers                                                                                             1

    Number of votes recorded                                                                                                     67

    Number of votes constituting the majority required to be elected                                      34

    Italy, having polled 36 votes, was declared elected by the Chairman.

    24. Two seats remaining to be filled, the following States, having received the greatest number of votes, were maintained as candidates for the sixth ballot: Brazil, Canada, Lebanon, Poland.

    25. The results of the sixth ballot were:

    Number of States Parties eligible to vote                                             136

    Number of States absent                                                                       77

    Number of Abstentions                                                                         0

    Number of invalid ballot papers                                                            1

    Number of votes recorded                                                                      58

    Number of votes constituting the majority required                                30

    No candidate having obtained the required majority, no State Party was elected, and a seventh ballot was held with the same candidates.

    26. The results of the seventh ballot were:

    Number of States Parties eligible to vote                                                                         136

    Number of States absent                                                                                                        35

    Number of abstentions                                                                                                             0

    Number of invalid ballot papers                                                                                            1

    Number of votes recorded                                                                                                  100

    Number of votes constituting the majority required to be elected                                  51

    Lebanon, having polled 51 votes, was declared elected by the Chairman.

    27. One seat remaining to be filled, the following States, having obtained the greatest number of votes, were maintained as candidates for the eighth ballot: Brazil and Canada.

    28. The results of the eighth ballot were:

    Number of States Parties eligible to vote                                                                         136

    Number of States absent                                                                                                        47

    Number of abstentions                                                                                                             0

    Number of invalid ballot papers                                                                                            2

    Number of votes recorded                                                                                                    87

    Brazil, having polled 47 votes, was declared elected by the Chairman.

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    9 GA 29-33 Conclusions and Closure of the session
    30. Under other matters, the General Assembly recommended that its future sessions devote more time to debates of substance aimed at defining general policy directives for the implementation of the Convention.

    31. The Representative of Colombia informed the General Assembly that the seventeenth session of the World Heritage Committee would be held in her country, in Cartagena, and invited all the States Parties to attend the meeting.

    32. Finally, the General Assembly adopted the following declaration and requested that it be widely diffused:

    "The Representatives of the States Parties to the World Heritage Convention, meeting at UNESCO on 29 and 30 October 1993, in the framework of their General Assembly:

    Express their grave concern in the face of the multiplication of risks brought about by armed conflict, turmoil and acts of terrorism, which increasingly threaten the very existence of the world cultural and natural properties;

    Urgently request all State Parties to the Convention to make use of the media, to strengthen educational programmes and cultural events, and to encourage all populations world-wide to respect the cultural and natural heritage of their fellow men".

    33. The Chairman then closed the ninth session of the General Assembly of the States Parties to the World Heritage Convention.

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