World Heritage Centre World Heritage Centre - Committee Decisions 90 en Copyright 2024 UNESCO, World Heritage Centre Wed, 02 Oct 2024 22:54:14 EST UNESCO, World Heritage Centre - Decisions 22 GA 1A Opening of the General Assembly No Resolution.

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22 GA 1B Election of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairpersons and Rapporteur of the General Assembly Resolution: 22 GA 1B

The General Assembly,

  1. Elects H.E. Mr. Adam Al Mulla (Kuwait) as Chairperson of the 22nd session of the General Assembly;
  2. Elects Carlo Ossola (Switzerland) as Rapporteur of the 22nd session of the General Assembly;
  3. Elects Bangladesh, Saint Kitts and Nevis and Uganda as Vice-Chairpersons of the 22nd session of the General Assembly.
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22 GA 2A Adoption of the Agenda of the 22nd session of the General Assembly The General Assembly,

  1. Having examined Document WHC/19/22.GA/2A,
  2. Adopts the Agenda included in the above-mentioned Document.
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22 GA 2B Adoption of the Timetable of the 22nd session of the General Assembly The General Assembly,

  1. Having examined Document WHC/19/22.GA/2B,
  2. Adopts the Timetable of its 22nd session as amended.
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22 GA 3 Report of the Rapporteur of the 21st session of the General Assembly (UNESCO, 2017) The General Assembly,

  1. Takes note of the report of the Rapporteur of the 21st session of the General Assembly (UNESCO, 2017).
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22 GA 4 Report of the Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee on the Activities of the World Heritage Committee The General Assembly,

  1. Takes note of the report of the Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee on the activities of the World Heritage Committee.
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22 GA 5 Elections to the World Heritage Committee The General Assembly,

  1. Elects the following 9 States Parties: Egypt, Ethiopia, Mali, Nigeria, Oman, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Thailand as members of the World Heritage Committee.
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22 GA 6 Examination of the Statement of Accounts of the World Heritage Fund, Including the Status of the Contributions of States Parties The General Assembly,

  1. Having examined Documents WHC/19/22.GA/6 and WHC/19/22.GA/INF.6,
  2. Having in particular examined the accounts of the World Heritage Fund for the financial period ended 31 December 2017,
  3. Approves the accounts of the World Heritage Fund for the financial period ended 31 December 2017;
  4. Takes note of the financial statements relating to the World Heritage Fund for the period 1 January 2018 to 30 June 2019.
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22 GA 7 Determination of the Amount of the Contributions to the World Heritage Fund in Accordance with the Provisions of Article 16 of the World Heritage Convention The General Assembly,

  1. Having examined Documents WHC/19/22.GA/7 and WHC/19/22.GA/INF.7,
  2. Recalling Article 16 of the World Heritage Convention,
  3. Also recalling Resolution 20 GA 8,
  4. Decides to set the percentage for the calculation of the amount of the contributions to be paid to the World Heritage Fund by States Parties for the financial period 2020-2021 at 1% of their contributions to the regular budget of UNESCO;
  5. Emphasizing the urgency of securing adequate financial resources to achieve the objectives of the World Heritage Convention to identify and conserve the world’s cultural and natural heritage of Outstanding Universal Value, in particular in light of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and the unprecedented threats such as climate change, natural disasters, and deliberate attacks on cultural heritage in territories affected by armed conflicts and terrorism,
  6. Notes the status of the assessed contributions to the World Heritage Fund as presented in Document WHC/19/22.GA/INF.7 and requests the Secretariat to include the total amount of the (advance) assessed contributions for all States Parties;
  7. Recalls, in this regard, that the payment of assessed annual contributions to the World Heritage Fund is a legal obligation and also carries a moral character incumbent on all States Parties which have ratified the Convention;
  8. Reiterates its plea to the States Parties to pay their annual contributions at the latest on 31 January wherever possible in order to facilitate the timely implementation of the activities financed by the World Heritage Fund;
  9. Requests the Secretariat to address a letter to all States Parties which are in arrears with the payment of their compulsory or voluntary contributions for the current year and the three calendar years immediately preceding it of an amount exceeding 50,000 USD, inviting them to make their payment, asking them whether a plan of payment would facilitate the settlement of their arrears, and urging them to provide a prompt answer;
  10. Takes note of the debates under the present item in the current session;
  11. Decides to include, in the agenda of its next 23rd session, an item entitled “Possible measures concerning arrears, including with respect to the examination of nominations submitted by the concerned States Parties, without detriment to the protection of States that cannot pay for causes beyond their control”;
  12. Takes note of Decisions 42 COM 14 and 43 COM 14 taken by the World Heritage Committee on the sustainability of the World Heritage Fund;
  13. Invites States Parties to provide supplementary voluntary contributions to the various sub-accounts of the World Heritage Fund.
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22 GA 8 Follow up and Implementation of the Recommendations of the Working Group on Governance as Endorsed by the General Conference The General Assembly,

  1. Having examined Document WHC/19/22.GA/8,
  2. Takes note of the status of implementation of the recommendations of the working group on governance as endorsed by the General Conference in 2017 as presented in Document WHC/18/42.COM/12B;
  3. Recalls the work already undertaken with a view to assess, improve and streamline the working methods of the governing bodies of the World Heritage Convention and its of related Resolutions 20 GA 11 and 21 GA 8 as well as Decisions 40 COM 13B, 41 COM 12B and 42 COM 12 in the framework of Resolutions 38 C/101, 39 C/70, 39 C/87 of the General Conference related to governance;
  4. Notes with satisfaction that Sub-Group 2 of the open-ended working group of the General Conference highlighted the appropriate methods of work of the Secretariat of the World Heritage Convention and the good working practices, including the work of the intersessional ad-hoc working group established by the Committee in 2014 was also recognized as a good practice;
  5. Also notes with satisfaction that its recommendation to consider broadening the composition of the ad-hoc working group and to envisage opening meetings to all States Parties was taken into consideration by the World Heritage Committee;
  6. Further recalls that reflection on issues related to working methods by the ad-hoc working group is still ongoing;
  7. Decides to pursue the reflection and efforts towards implementation of relevant recommendations for the governing bodies of the World Heritage Convention and recalls its commitment to work jointly with other concerned governing bodies towards implementation of general recommendations addressed to all international and intergovernmental bodies.
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22 GA 9 Future of the World Heritage Convention. Outcomes and Progress in the Implementation of the Strategic Action Plan 2012-2022 The General Assembly,

  1. Having examined Document WHC/19/22.GA/9,
  2. Recalling Resolutions 17 GA 9, 18 GA 11, 19 GA 10, 20 GA 12 and 21 GA 9 adopted during the 17th (UNESCO, 2009), 18th (UNESCO, 2011),19th (UNESCO, 2013), 20th (UNESCO, 2015) and 21st (UNESCO, 2017) sessions of the General Assembly of States Parties respectively, concerning the adoption of the Strategic Action Plan and Vision and the monitoring of the implementation of the Strategic Action Plan,
  3. Welcomes the continuous progress in the performance of the implementation of the Strategic Action Plan;
  4. Requests the World Heritage Centre, in collaboration with the Advisory Bodies and the support of the States Parties, to pursue efforts undertaken in the implementation;
  5. Takes note of Decision 43 COM 8 adopted by the World Heritage Committee at its 43rd session (Baku, 2019), which recommended that consideration be given to using the opportunity of the 50th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention in 2022 to undertake a reflection on the Global Strategy;
  6. Also requests that a progress report on the implementation of the Strategic Action Plan be submitted to the General Assembly for consideration at its 23rd session in 2021.
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22 GA 10 Possibility of Elaboration of a Code of Conduct for the States Parties, the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies The General Assembly,

  1. Having examined Document WHC/19/22.GA/10,
  2. Recalling Decisions 42 COM 12 and 43 COM 13 of the World Heritage Committee adopted respectively in 2017 and 2018,
  3. Recalling also the need to respect the highest standards of integrity and transparency of working methods within the process of decision-making of the Governing bodies of the Convention,
  4. Emphasizing the collective responsibility of all stakeholders – States Parties, World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies – to uphold the integrity and the credibility of the World Heritage Convention and, as such, expecting all stakeholders to conduct themselves according to the highest ethical standards of professionalism, equity and transparency,
  5. Also recognizing the important reforms of the nomination process and state of conservation review process currently underway,
  6. Noting the informal consultations between the States Parties to the Convention and also noting the debates held at the 22nd session of the General Assembly of States Parties,
  7. Further recognizing that a Code of Conduct or a Statement of Ethical Principles or equivalent text is not legally binding, but stakeholders are called upon to honour its contents,
  8. Decides to establish an open-ended working group of States Parties to the Convention, with the mandate to develop, for consideration by the 23rd session of the General Assembly of States Parties, a Code of Conduct, or a Statement of Ethical Principles or equivalent text;
  9. Encourages States Parties to provide extra-budgetary funding for the open-ended working group;
  10. Also decides that the open-ended working group shall:
    1. elect a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson and a Rapporteur at its first meeting,
    2. prepare and adopt its own timetable at its first meeting,
    3. prepare and submit, in view of consideration by the General Assembly of States Parties, a draft Code of Conduct or a Statement of Ethical Principles or equivalent text,
    4. determine how best to engage the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies in the process at the appropriate time;
  11. Requests the World Heritage Centre in order to assist the work of the open-ended working group, to compile a comprehensive list of existing, binding and non-binding elements which could be referenced in a Code of Conduct, or a Statement of Ethical Principles or equivalent text;
  12. Finally requests the open-ended working group to submit to the General Assembly of States Parties at its 23rd session a report on its work, including a draft Code of Conduct, or a Statement of Ethical Principles or equivalent text.
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