World Heritage Centre World Heritage Centre - Committee Decisions 90 en Copyright 2024 UNESCO, World Heritage Centre Tue, 01 Oct 2024 22:35:26 EST UNESCO, World Heritage Centre - Decisions 18 GA 1A Opening of the General Assembly by the Director-General No Resolution.

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18 GA 1B Election of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairpersons and Rapporteur of the General Assembly The General Assembly,

  1. Elects H.E. Mr. Pablo César GROUX (Plurinational State of Bolivia) as Chairperson of the 18th General Assembly,
  2. Elects Ms. Hyosang JO (Republic of Korea) as Rapporteur of the 18th General Assembly,
  3. Elects Slovenia, Cap Verde and Kuwait as Vice-Chairpersons of the 18th General Assembly.
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18 GA 2A Adoption of the Agenda of the 18th session of the General Assembly The General Assembly, 

  1. Having examined Document WHC-11/18.GA/2A,
  2. Adopts the Agenda included in the above-mentioned Document.
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18 GA 2B Adoption of the provisional Timetable of the 18th session of the General Assembly and of the provisional Timetable for the elections to the World Heritage Committee The General Assembly, 

  1. Having examined Document WHC-11/18.GA/2B,
  2. Adopts the timetable of its 18th session.
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18 GA 3 Elections to the World Heritage Committee The General Assembly, 

  1. Elects Qatar (State Party without a property on the World Heritage List) as member of the World Heritage Committee;
  2. Elects the following eight States Parties as members of the World Heritage Committee: Algeria, Colombia, Germany, India, Japan, Malaysia, Senegal and Serbia.
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18 GA 4 Report of the Rapporteur of the 17th session of the General Assembly of States Parties (UNESCO, 2009) The General Assembly,

  1. Takes note of the report of the Rapporteur of the 17th session of the General Assembly of States Parties to the World Heritage Convention (UNESCO, 2009).
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18 GA 5 Report of the Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee on the activities of the World Heritage Committee The General Assembly, 

  1. Takes note of the report of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage on its activities (2010-2011).
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18 GA 6 Examination of the statement of accounts of the World Heritage Fund, including the status of the States Parties' contributions The General Assembly, 

  1. Having examined the accounts of the World Heritage Fund for the financial period ended 31 December 2009 approved by the Deputy Comptroller (Document WHC-11/18.GA/INF.6) in conformity with the Financial Regulations of the World Heritage Fund that stipulate that the accounts of the Fund shall be submitted to the General Assembly of the States Parties to the Convention (Article 6, paragraph 6.4),
  2. Approves the accounts of the World Heritage Fund for the financial period ended 31 December 2009 (Document WHC-11/18.GA/INF.6);
  3. Takes note of the accounts of the World Heritage Fund for 2010-2011, established by the Bureau of Financial Management (Document WHC-11/18.GA/INF.6);
  4. Having taken note of the World Heritage Committee recommendation (Decision 35 COM 15B Part I),
  5. Resolves that the treatment of the arrears of Yugoslavia should follow the same principles as those adopted by the United Nations General Assembly at its 63rd session and the General Conference of UNESCO at its 35th session on this matter and authorizes the write-off of the arrears of Yugoslavia for US$32,794 at the closing of the 2011 accounts of the World Heritage Fund.
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18 GA 7 Determination of the amount of the contributions to the World Heritage Fund in accordance with the provisions of Article 16 of the World Heritage Convention The General Assembly, 

  1. Taking into account Article 16 paragraph 1 of the World Heritage Convention on the determination, in the form of a uniform percentage, of the amount of the contributions to be paid to the World Heritage Fund by States Parties,
  2. Decides to set at 1% the percentage for the calculation of the amount of the contributions to be paid to the World Heritage Fund by States Parties for the financial period 2012-2013;
  3. Also takes note of Document WHC-11/18.GA/INF.7 on the status of compulsory and voluntary contributions to the World Heritage Fund;
  4. Further takes note of the initiatives of the World Heritage Centre to propose options for equitable additional voluntary contributions to the Fund (with a view to increase activities under the World Heritage Convention);
  5. Reiterates the plea of the World Heritage Committee to States Parties to the Convention to pay their annual contributions by 31 January wherever possible in order to facilitate the timely implementation of the activities financed by the World Heritage Fund;
  6. Requests the World Heritage Centre to report to the General Assembly at its 19th session on the results of its analysis related to the sustainability of the World Heritage Fund.
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18 GA 8 Recommendations of the independent evaluation by UNESCO’s external auditor on the implementation of the Global Strategy from its inception in 1994 to 2011 and the Partnership for Conservation Initiative (PACT) The General Assembly,

1. Having examined Documents WHC-11/18.GA/8 and WHC-11/18.GA/INF.8,

2. Endorses the recommendations of the independent evaluation by UNESCO’s external auditor on the implementation of the Global Strategy from its inception in 1994 to 2011 and the Partnership for Conservation Initiative (PACT) requested by its Resolution 17 GA 9 (UNESCO, 2009),

3. Welcomes the views of all States Parties that provided comments following the Circular Letter dated 13 July 2011;

4. Urges all parties to take into consideration the recommendations of the External Auditor  while implementing the Global Strategy;

5. Decides to establish an open-ended working group including experts from the different geographic regions, whose composition would be determined by States Parties and depending significantly on extrabudgetary funds, to examine the report of the External Auditor, in order to produce an implementation plan for the recommendations for
consideration by the World Heritage Committee and to present a final report to the 19th session of the General Assembly;

6. In order to assist the open-ended working group, invites the World Heritage Centre, in close collaboration with the Advisory Bodies, to produce by 1 February 2012 a working document, which:

a) proposes a prioritized list of recommendations in the framework of the objectives of  the Strategic Action Plan, adopted in resolution 18 GA 11, and considering decisions 35 COM 12A to 35 COM 12E,

b) indicates the financial implications,

c) suggests the allocation of responsibility between States Parties, the General Assembly, the World Heritage Committee, the Advisory Bodies and the World Heritage Centre;

7. Recommends that this open-ended working group meets before the 36th session of the World Heritage Committee, in order to report to the Committee on the work undertaken;

8. Invites UNESCO and its World Heritage Centre to implement the recommendations concerning PACT notably in order to harmonize PACT with UNESCO’s development of partnership strategies in order:

a) to improve the traceability of funds and the concordance of partnerships with the goals and objectives of the Convention,

b) to ensure the transfer of funds to the World Heritage Fund in accordance with article 15 of the Convention; 

9. Requests the World Heritage Centre to provide the General Assembly at its 19th session in 2013 with a report for approval of the work undertaken.

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18 GA 9 Audit Plan on the World Heritage Centre by the Internal Oversight Service (IOS) The General Assembly,

  1. Having examined Document WHC-11/18.GA/9,
  2. Recalling Decision 35 COM 5C adopted by the World Heritage Committee at its 35th session (UNESCO, 2011),
  3. Takes note of the progress report on recommendations of the External Audit;
  4. Also takes note of the IOS Audit Plan for the World Heritage Centre for 2012.
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18 GA 10 Report on the activities of the World Heritage related category 2 centres The General Assembly,

1. Having examined Documents WHC-11/18.GA/10 and WHC-11/18.GA/INF.10,

2. Recalling Decision 35 COM 6 adopted by the World Heritage Committee at its 35th session (UNESCO, 2011),

3. Thanks the Government of Bahrain for having hosted the first meeting of World Heritage related category 2 centres and of relevant UNESCO Chairs and Higher Education and Research Institutions;

4. Takes note of the report on this meeting, as well as of the reports on the World Heritage related category 2 centres in Bahrain, Brazil, China, Mexico, Norway and South Africa;

5. Also takes note that an updated report of activities of the World Heritage related category 2 centres will be presented for examination at the 36th session of the World Heritage Committee in 2012.

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18 GA 11 Future of the World Heritage Convention, including: 40th Anniversary of the Convention The General Assembly,

1. Having examined Documents WHC-11/18.GA/11 and WHC-11/18.GA/INF.11,

2. Recalling Decisions 35 COM 12A, 35 COM 12B, 35 COM 12C, 35 COM 12D, and 35 COM 12E adopted by the World Heritage Committee at its 35th session (UNESCO, 2011),

3. Thanks the Working Group and its Chairperson, Mr Greg Terrill, for the leadership in elaborating the Vision and Action Plan in an open and participative way;

4. Adopts the Vision and Action Plan and requests the World Heritage Centre to disseminate it widely;

5. Recalls the request by the 35th session of the World Heritage Committee to the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies to develop a draft Implementation Plan, including appropriate roles, responsibilities and accountabilities, an implementation schedule and list of priority actions, for consideration by the World Heritage Committee at its 36th session in 2012;

6. Welcomes the activities proposed by States Parties to the Convention for the 40th anniversary and encourages all States Parties and partner organizations to promote the anniversary and sponsor further events to reach out to the broader public;

7. Also requests that an updated report of activities on the 40th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention be included on the World Heritage Centre web-page and be provided for information to the World Heritage Committee at its 36th session in 2012;

8. Decides that outcomes and progress in the implementation of the Strategic Action Plan should be presented to the General Assembly at its 19th session for its consideration.

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