World Heritage Centre World Heritage Centre - Committee Decisions 90 en Copyright 2024 UNESCO, World Heritage Centre Sat, 19 Oct 2024 15:38:17 EST UNESCO, World Heritage Centre - Decisions 4 GA 1-6 Opening of the General Assembly by the Director-General or his representative
  • The Fourth General Assembly of States Parties to the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage met at Unesco Headquarters in Paris on 28 October 1983 during the 22nd session of the General Conference.
  • Sixty-four of the seventy-five States which were parties to the Convention as at 28 October 1983 and which thus had the right to vote, were represented at the meeting, namely : Afghanistan, Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burundi, Canada, Central African Republic, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Cyprus, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, France, Germany (Fed. Rep. of), Ghana, Greece, Guinea, Haiti, Holy See, Honduras, India, Iraq, Islamic Republic of Iran, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Monaco, Morocco, Mozambique, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Switzerland, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, Turkey, United Republic of Cameroon, United Republic of Tanzania, United States of America, Yugoslavia, Zaire, Zimbabwe.
  • Representatives of the following States not Parties to the Convention also participated as observers in the General Assembly; Austria, China, Finland, Gabon, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Kuwait, Luxemburg, Mexico, Mongolia, Netherlands and Sweden. Representatives of the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), of the International Council of Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), of the Arab Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO), of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) and of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) also attended the meeting in an observer capacity.
  • The list of participants to the General Assembly is given in annex 1 to this document.
  • In accordance with the Rules of procedure of the General Assembly the Secretariat of the Assembly was assumed by the Secretariat of UNESCO .
  • In opening the meeting on behalf of the Director-General, the Assistant Director-General for Culture, Mr. Makaminan Makagiansar, noted with pleasure the success of the Convention which 76 States had so far ratified or accepted : 51 properties had been inscribed on the World Heritage List since the last General Assembly, bringing to 136 the number of sites and monuments inscribed. This list had been drawn up with all due impartiality by the Committee which had been able, with the help of ICOMOS and IUCN, to define criteria and procedures for the evaluation of nominations. The Assistant Director-General then underlined the importance of public information activities designed to associate the public as widely as possible with the conservation of the world heritage and he des­cribed the activities undertaken in this regard by UNESCO as well as several initiatives of States Parties. With respect to technical co-operation activities from which 31 States Parties had already benefitted, Mr. Makagiansar indicated that the World Heritage Fund had contributed $ 1,100,000 for the training of specialists, $ 1,200,000 for safeguarding works, $ 300,000 for emergency assistance and approximately $ 100,000 for preparatory assistance. In concluding, the Assistant Director-General for Culture expressed his concern at the delays in the payment of mandatory and voluntary contributions of States, which had reached such a level that they risked to impede the implementation of the Convention, at a time when the threats to the heritage from the aggressions of the modern world were on the increase.
  • ]]> Fri, 28 Oct 1983 00:00:00 EST
    4 GA 7 Election of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairpersons and Rapporteur of the General Assembly Fri, 28 Oct 1983 00:00:00 EST 4 GA 8 Adoption of the Agenda of the General Assembly Fri, 28 Oct 1983 00:00:00 EST 4 GA 9-11 Examination of the Statement of Accounts of the World Heritage Fund

    Country                                                    Amount                     Year of contribution

    Afghanistan                                           199,00                         balance 1982, $ 9,00 for 1983

    Algeria                                                4,780,00                         1982 and 1983

    Argentina                                            6,419,05                         balance 1981, 1st payment 1982

    Cyprus                                                   199,00                         1983

    Iraq                                                     2,390,00                         1982

    Libya                                                 13,742,00                         1981, 1982 and 1983

    Nepal                                                     199,00                         1983

    Niger                                                      199,00                         1981

    Oman                                                    199,00                         1983

    Pakistan                                             1,394,00                         balance 1982, $ 1,279,27 for 1983

    Portugal                                              3,784,00                         1983

    Tunisia                                                   597,00                         1983

    10. A certain number of delegations informed the Assembly that steps were underway in their countries for the prompt payment of their contributions.
    11. The General Assembly then took note of the accounts of the World Heritage Fund for the financial period ending 31 December 1980 as well as the interim statement of the accounts for the three-year period 1981-1983 drawn up as at 31 July 1983. The Assembly also took note of the information provided by the representative of the Comptroller concerning the contributions received since 31 July 1983.]]> Fri, 28 Oct 1983 00:00:00 EST
    4 GA 12 Determination of the amount of the contributions to the World Heritage Fund in accordance with the provisions of Article 16 of the World Heritage Convention Convention at 1% of the contribution of States Parties to the Regular Budget of UNESCO .]]> Fri, 28 Oct 1983 00:00:00 EST 4 GA 17 Other business 17. The Assistant Director-General for Culture offered his congratulations to those States which had been elected to the He formulated the wish that the interest of States for the Convention which had been manifest during the Fourth General Assembly notably by the numerous candidatures submitted for election to the Committee would be pursued by the effective participation of all States Parties in the implementation of the Convention.]]> Fri, 28 Oct 1983 00:00:00 EST 4 GA 18 Closure of the session Fri, 28 Oct 1983 00:00:00 EST 7 BUR II.11 Nominations to the World Heritage List and to the List of World Heritage in Danger received an emergency assistance request from the Government of Zaire for a programme to protect populations of several species of wildlife under threat of extinction in Garamba National Park. The Bureau commended the Government, and also IUCN and the Frankfurt Zoological Society for the co-operative manner in which the plan of action had been prepared. The Bureau approved financial support for the project (see paragraph 19 below) and asked that the Secretariat, in co-operation with IUCN and the Government of Zaire, prepare a nomination for the List of World Heritage in Danger which could be considered by the Committee at its forthcoming session.]]> Mon, 27 Jun 1983 00:00:00 EST 7 BUR V.19 Request for emergency assistance 19. The Bureau accorded $ 40,000 in emergency assistance to the Republic of Zaire to carry out - in collaboration with IUCN, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the Francfort Zoological Garden Society - a project to save the fauna of Garamba National Park (in particular the white rhinoceros population decimated by poaching).

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    7 COM I.1-3 Introduction 1. The Seventh Ordinary Session of the World Heritage Committee was held at the invitation of the Government of Italy in the Villa Medicea of Poggio a Caiano, Florence, from 5 to 9 December 1983. It was attended by the following States Members of the World Heritage Committee: Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Cyprus, France, Federal Republic of Germany, Guinea, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Norway, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Turkey.

    2. Representatives of the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), the International Council of Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), and the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) attended the meeting in an advisory capacity.

    3. The meeting was also attended by representatives of the following States Parties who are not members of the Committee: Bulgaria, Canada, Costa Rica, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Holy See, Morocco, Nigeria, Peru, Poland, Portugal, United States of America. The International Union of Architects (IUA) and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) also sent representatives. The full list of participants can be found in Annex I of this record.

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    7 COM II.4-6 Opening of the session 4. In accordance with the Rules of Procedure, the session was opened by Mr. J. Gazaneo of Argentina, since the outgoing Chairman, Prof. R. Slatyer, could not attend the meeting. Mr. Gazaneo welcomed the delegates and observers and introduced the opening addresses by the Representative of the Director-General of Unesco, Mr. M. Batisse, and the Italian authorities. Mrs. L. Vlad-Borrelli, Representative of the Minister of Cultural Properties and Cultural Environment conveyed the greetings of the Minister and recalled that the town of Florence is one of the Italian cultural properties inscribed on the World Heritage List. Welcoming addresses were also given by: the Superintendent of Architectural Properties and the Cultural Environment of Florence and the Region of Pistoia, M. A. Calvani; the Cultural attaché to the Mayor of Florence, Mr. M.G. Morales, the representative of the President of the Regional Authority of Tuscany, Mr. M. Mayer and the Mayor of Poggio a Caiano, Mr. S. Pezzati.

    5. The Acting Chairman then requested H.E. the Honourable Mr. G. Whitlam, Australia, to read the message to the Committee from the outgoing Chairman, Prof. R. Slatyer. The full text of this message is reproduced in Annex II to this Report.

    6. On behalf of the Committee, the Acting Chairman conveyed his gratitude to Prof. Slatyer for his firm dedication and continuous effort in promoting the World Heritage Convention during the last few years.

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    7 COM III.7 Adoption of the agenda 7. The Committee adopted the agenda for the meeting with the amendment to discuss the difficulties encountered in evaluating nominations of historic towns after point 6 of the agenda.

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    7 COM IV.8 Election of Chairperson, Rapporteur and Vice-Chairpersons 8. The Committee elected by acclamation Mrs. Vlad-Borrelli (Italy) as Chairman of the Committee and Mr. da Silva Telles (Brazil) as Rapporteur. The following States were elected also by acclamation as Vice-Chairmen: Algeria, Australia, Guinea, Norway and Sri Lanka.

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    7 COM V.9-12 Report of the Representative of the Director-General 9. Mr. Batisse, Assistant Director General (Science Sector) presented the report of the Secretariat and drew attention to the report of the seventh session of the Bureau held on 27-30 June 1983. He noted that since that date, the 4th General Assembly of States Parties to the Convention had taken place on 28 October 1983 during the 22nd session of the Unesco General Conference. As stipulated by the Convention, the mandate of 7 countries expired and the following countries were elected: Algeria, Australia (re-election), Lebanon, Malawi, Norway, Sri Lanka, and Turkey. He indicated that 64 countries were present to elect these new Committee members, which is indicative of a growing interest in the Convention and its work. This interest was also manifested at the General Conference itself. However, although the number of States adhering to the Convention - 78 as of the end of November 1983 - continues to grow, this was, unfortunately, not the case for the financial contributions. Although 18 countries had paid their obligatory contributions since 1 August 1983, there were still delays in the payments of voluntary contributions, some of which represent considerable amounts.

    10. He indicated that in view of this financial situation, more effort had been made to launch promotional activities which, at little or no cost to Unesco, could generate income for the World Heritage Fund. One example was the series of books entitled "El Patrimonio de la Humanidad" which is being produced by the Spanish Institute for Wildlife Photography (INCAFO). The first volume of this series, richly illustrated and prefaced by the Director General of Unesco, had already been published.

    11. Mr. Batisse then described briefly the many activities supported by the World Heritage Fund undertaken since the previous session as indicated in document SC/83/CONF.009/INF.4. He added, however, that these numerous activities are handled by a Secretariat which must also work on other programmes, such as international campaigns for the cultural heritage and the Man and Biosphere Programme (MAB). The Secretariat also has endeavoured to improve the balance between culture and nature within the Convention and in this connection, it was noted that tentative lists for natural sites had now been received from several countries.

    12. Mr. Batisse expressed his appreciation to ICOMOS and IUCN for their contribution towards the implementation of the Convention.

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    7 COM VIII.29 Nominations to the World Heritage List (inscribed sites)  The Committee examined the nominations to the World Heritage List, taking note of the comments of the representatives of ICOMOS and/or IUCN which had made an evaluation of each property. The Committee decided to enter in the World Heritage List the twenty-nine cultural and natural properties as follows:

    Contracting State having submitted the nomination of the property in accordance with the ConventionIdentificationName of PropertyCriteria
    Federal Republic of Germany 271 The Pilgrimage Church of Wies C(i)(iii)
    Brazil 275 The ruins of Sao Miguel das Missoes

    It was pointed out that this property belongs to a series of similar properties and that Argentina, on its side, has announced its intention of proposing the Jesuit missions of San Ignacio Mini and Santa Maria la Mayor.

    Bulgaria 217 The Ancient City of Nessebar C(iii)(iv)
    Bulgaria 216 Rila Monastery

    This property was not considered as a testimony of mediaeval civilisation but rather as a symbol of the 19th Century Bulgarian Renaissance which imparted slavic cultural values upon Rila in trying to re-establish an uninterrupted historical continuity. The reconstruction of Rila (1834-1962) thus illustrates cultural criterion (vi) of the Operational Guidelines.

    Bulgaria 219 Srebarna Nature Reserve N(iv)
    Bulgaria 225 Pirin National Park N(i)(ii)(iii)
    Canada 256 Wood Buffalo National Park

    The Committee drew attention to the harmful consequences that the eventual construction of a dam on the Slave River could have on those natural characteristics which make the property of outstanding universal value. It therefore recommended that the Canadian authorities take all possible measures to protect the integrity of the site.

    Costa Rica 205 Talamanca Range-La Amistad Reserves

    The Committee reiterated the Bureau's wish that the Panamanian authorities take the initiative of nominating the part of the Friendship (Amistad) Park located in their territory.

    Ivory Coast 227 Comoé National Park

    The Committee recommended that the authorities should consider extending the protected area to include Mts. Gorowi and Kongoli thus enhancing the ecological and touristic value of this property.

    Ecuador 280 Sangay National Park N(ii)(iii)(iv)
    United States of America 259 Great Smoky Mountains National Park N(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)
    United States of America 266 La Fortaleza and San Juan Historic Site in Puerto Rico C(iv)
    France 229 Place Stanislas, Place de la Carrière and Place d'Alliance,Nancy C(i)(iv)
    France 230 Church of Saint-Savin-sur- Gartempe

    It was noted that this property becomes part of the series of important groups of Romanesque mural paintings.

    France 258 Cape Girolata, Cape Porto and Scandola Nature Reserve in Corsica N(ii)(iii)(iv)
    India 242 Ajanta Caves

    The Committee recommended that the authorities take all possible safeguarding measures, especially as concerns constructions on the summit of the cliff which could be detrimental for the site.

    India 243 Ellora Caves

    The Committee recommended that the authorities establish a protection zone which would safeguard the surrounding landscape and the cliff, and provide a map indicating the delimitation of this zone.

    India 251 Agra Fort

    The Committee recommended that the authorities create a buffer zone of protection between the Fort and the Taj Mahal so as to safeguard the landscape and the environment between these two quite different monuments.

    C (iii)
    India 252 Taj Mahal C(i)
    Peru 273 City of Cuzco

    The Committee recommended that the zone of protection be extended to the surroundings of the city in order to include the Canchas and the old Inca villages.

    Peru 274 Santuario historico de Machu Picchu

    The Committee noted that this site is inscribed for both its cultural and natural values, as this property also meets natural criteria (ii) and (iii). The Committee furthermore recommended that to enhance the cultural and natural value of this property, the site should be extended to include the lower courses of the Urubamba River and the sites of Pisac and Ollantaytambo in the "Valley of the Gods".

    C(i)(iii) N(ii)(iii)
    Portugal 206 Central Zone of the Town of Angra do Heroismo (Azores) C(iv)(vi)
    Portugal 263 The monastery of the Hieronymites and the Tower of Belem (Lisbon) C(iii)(vi)
    Portugal 264 The monastery of Batalha C(i)(ii)
    Portugal 265 The convent of Christ (Tomar) C(i)(vi)
    Seychelles 261 Vallée de Mai Nature Reserve

    The Committee recommended that the Government of the Seychelles should extend this property to include the whole of Praslin National Park and that the management plan for the park (which encompasses the Vallée de Mai) be fully implemented.

    Switzerland 268 The Convent of St. Gall C(ii)(iv)
    Switzerland 269 The Benedictine Convent of St. John at Mustair C(iii)
    Switzerland 267 The Old City of Berne

    The Old City of Berne was inscribed on the World Heritage List. While taking account of the significant modifications that have been made since its foundation in the 12th Century, the Committee considered that it constituted a positive example of how a mediaeval urban structure can be adapted to fulfill functions which are incresingly complex, notably the function of a capital city of a modern State.

    C (iii)
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    7 COM VI.13 Updated Operational Guidelines 13. At its seventh session, the Bureau had expressed the wish that the Operational Guidelines (document WHC/2 Revised) be updated to incorporate the decisions taken by the Committee at its fifth and sixth sessions and the recom­mendations formulated by the Bureau at Its seventh session. The Secretariat presented the updated version of the Operational Guidelines (revised as of November 1983) and indicated to the Committee where changes and revisions had been made. The Committee took note of the updated version of the Guidelines and in addition accepted the ICOMOS recommendations concerning the documentation which should be submitted in support of all nominations of architectural ensembles or other cultural areas. The Committee asked the Secretariat to insert a description of this documentation into paragraph 41 of the revised Guidelines.

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    7 COM VII.14-26 Tentative Lists 14. The Committee noted that tentative lists for natural properties had been submitted by Brazil and Portugal, presented in document SC/83/CONF.009/INF.3.

    15. The Committee was greatly interested in the ideas presented by Mr. Parent, President of ICOMOS, in his report given at the seventh session of the Bureau, notably concerning the difficulties currently encountered in applying the cultural criteria to the nominations of historic towns, cultural properties representative of a series and the criterion of authenticity. After discussion, the Committee stated its full agreement with the ideas expressed by Mr. Parent.

    16. The Committee recalled that, as early as 1979 it had recommended to States Parties to draw up tentative lists of cultural and natural properties suitable for nomination to the World Heritage List. In conformity with Article 11.1 of the Convention concerning the presentation of inventories, the Committee requested all States Parties that had not already done so to send this tentative list to the Secretariat during the course of 1984.

    17. Should any State meet particular difficulties in rapidly preparing a tenta­tive list, it could request help from ICOMOS or IUCN according to the characte­ristics of the property in question, and if necessary request preparatory assis­tance under the World Heritage Fund.

    18. The nominations of cultural properties by States which had not submitted such a tentative list after this time period could not be examined thereafter by ICOMOS. The submission of tentative lists for natural sites is also requested in order to facilitate the evaluation of nominations by IUCN.

    19. The Committee, having requested ICOMOS to examine all the cultural nominations in the light of comparative studies, noted that tentative lists are also desirable for the examination of cultural nominations submitted before 1 January 1984.

    20. Tentative lists, as their name implies, do not definitely commit the States nor the Committee. They should therefore be treated in a confidential manner. Their aim is to enable the Committee and the non-governmental organization concerned to carry out comparative and serial studies which are necessary for a methodical approach in building up the World Heritage List.

    21. Consequently, each State submitting a tentative list should provide the following information for every property on that list:

    a) reference as to the category of properties defined in the Convention,

    b) reference to the criteria that warrant the nomination:

    c) In the case of cultural properties, a reference can be added to the cultural area or to the type of property implicitly concerned, particularly when the reference to the criteria relates to the representativity of a series.

    d) Finally, whenever a State includes in its tentative list a cultural property with the intention to associate with it an entire series of other properties similar in character and whose cultural value is due to this multiplicity and similarity, the State should specify this intention and should leave open the alternative of retaining eventually only one or a limited number of such properties as representing the series.

    22. States having no need of assistance in preparing tentative lists of cultural properties could submit these lists before 1 June 1984. This would permit a first typological sorting before the next meeting of the Bureau. An account thereof would be given by ICOMOS at the next meeting of the Committee.

    23. At the same time, the Committee invites ICOMOS to prepare a preliminary typological study, based on all cultural properties already included in the World Heritage List and on a review of the tentative lists already submitted.

    24. As far as a certain number of criteria are concerned which raise problems of interpretation pointed out in Mr. Parent's report, ICOMOS will convene small groups of experts who are specialists in specific fields so that they may, on the basis of the information obtained through the nomination documents of sites already inscribed on the World Heritage List and through the tentative lists already deposited, formulate suggestions towards the interpretation of these criteria which will then be submitted to the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee and to the next session of the Committee. This would in particular be the case with regard to:

    • "historic cities",
    • properties representing events, ideas or beliefs, and
    • clarifying the notion of authenticity.

    25. The representative of IUCN noted that India had not yet submitted nominations of natural properties although this country had a number of sites which possibly could meet World Heritage criteria. The Committee noted that other States Parties had similarly not yet submitted natural nominations and expressed concern that appropriate balance with cultural properties be obtained on the World Heritage List. In the case of India, the Committee encouraged the Indian authorities to submit a tentative list of natural properties.

    26. The Committee expressed its gratitude to both ICOMOS and IUC for their work towards preparing tentative lists of cultural and natural properties respectively.

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    7 COM VIII Inscription: The Ancient City of Nessebar (Bulgaria) The Ancient City of Nessebar




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    7 COM VIII Inscription: Place Stanislas, Place de la Carriere and Place d'Alliance, Nancy (France) Place Stanislas, Place de la Carriere and Place d'Alliance, Nancy 




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    7 COM VIII Inscription: Church of Saint-Savin-sur-Gartempe (France) Church of Saint-Savin-sur-Gartempe




    It was noted that this property becomes part of the series of important groups of Romanesque mural paintings.

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