World Heritage Centre World Heritage Centre - Committee Decisions 90 en Copyright 2024 UNESCO, World Heritage Centre Sun, 29 Sep 2024 16:49:23 EST UNESCO, World Heritage Centre - Decisions 3 COM X.28 Promotional Activities The proposal from Upsala Ekeby to produce glass and silverware gave rise to considerable discussion, since it raised the principle of using tho World Heritage Emblem and depictions of World Heritage Sites for commercial purposes. There was some reticence among members of the Committee to authorize any commercial company to use the Emblem or pictures of the sites for such purposes. On the other hand the Committee underlined the need to create a world-wide interest in the Convention and recognized the importance of publicity. The Committee therefore decided:

(a) that the World Heritage Emblem should not be used for any commercial purposes unless the Committee has given its authorization; and

(b) that the name, symbol or depiction of any property inscribed on the World Heritage List or, of any element thereof should not be used for commercial purposes unless written authorization has been received from the State concerned on the principle of using the said name, symbol or depiction and unless the exact text or display has been approved by that State and as far as possible by the national authority specifically concerned with the protection of the site; such utilization should be in conformity with the reasons for which the property has been placed on the World Heritage List;

(c) to accept the proposal from Upsala Ekeby as set out in the Annex to document CC-79/CONF.003/6.1, authorizing the firm to use the World Heritage Emblem and the name of the Convention on a series of silver spoons and the glassware, subject to the stipulation formulated in paragraph (b) above and on condition that the company was not given exclusive rights to use the emblem and the name of the Convention on articles of the type proposed; it is however understood that the company will retain exclusive rights on its own design as foreseen in international agreements on the protection of industrial property.

]]> Mon, 22 Oct 1979 00:00:00 EST
3 COM X.31 Promotional Activities The question was raised as to whether the Committee would authorize States Parties to the Convention to produce material bearing the Emblem such as postage stamps and postcards for publicity purposes and for raising financial contributions to the Fund. The Committee was of the opinion that States Parties were free to use the Emblem for such purposes, and could make additional voluntary contributions to the Fund by this means.

]]> Mon, 22 Oct 1979 00:00:00 EST
4 COM IX.30-31 Consideration of Item 6 of the agenda: Protection of the World Heritage Emblem and of the Name of the World Heritage Fund 30. The Secretariat informed the Committee that it had carefully explored the various means available to protect the emblem and the name of the World Heritage Fund.

31. Possibilities for such protection exist in a number of countries within the framework of the Universal Copyright Convention, the Berne Convention and national legislation. In noting this report the Committee decided to include in the operational guidelines the following recommendation :

  • Nations party to the Convention should take all possible measures to prevent the use of the emblem of the Convention and the use of the name of the Committee and the Convention in their respective countries by any group or for any purposes not explicitly recognized and approved by the Committee.
]]> Mon, 01 Sep 1980 00:00:00 EST
6 EXT.COM 5.2 World Heritage Basic Texts The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Taking note of the proposal by the Belgian Delegation (presented in Figure 1 of document WHC-02/CONF.202/15) for the preparation of a compilation of World Heritage Basic Texts like the Basic Texts of UNESCO and of the positive comments on this proposal received from States Parties in responses to Circular Letter CL/WHC.12/02 concerning the revision of the Rules of Procedure;
  2. Requests the World Heritage Centre, to prepare an outline and publication plan (including budget) for a compilation of World Heritage Basic Texts in English and French (to include the World Heritage Convention, the Budapest Declaration, the Operational Guidelines, the Rules of Procedure of the World Heritage Committee, the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly of States Parties to the World Heritage Convention and the Financial Regulations of the World Heritage Fund) for presentation to the 28th session of the World Heritage Committee in 2004;
  3. Further requests the World Heritage Centre, working in collaboration with the Advisory Bodies, to present to the 28th session of the World Heritage Committee in 2004 a budgeted proposal for the preparation of guidance documents for the protection of World Heritage properties that would supplement the Operational Guidelines. These could include detailed guidance on the nomination and management of certain types of World Heritage properties, case studies of best practices, or guidance on other particular related issues.
]]> Mon, 17 Mar 2003 00:00:00 EST
6 EXT.COM 5.3 Handbook on the World Heritage Convention The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Taking into account the proposal made by the World Heritage Centre to prepare a handbook on the World Heritage Convention similar to the Handbook on the Convention of Biological Diversity presented during the 26th ordinary session of the Committee, Budapest, 2002 (document WHC-02/CONF.202/15, section VII, paragraphe 36); 
  2. Invites the World Heritage Centre, in consultation with interested States Parties and the Advisory Bodies, to develop an outline, publication plan (including budget and potential publisher) and a proposal for financing a Handbook on the World Heritage Convention in English and French for presentation to the 28th session of the World Heritage Committee in 2004.
]]> Mon, 17 Mar 2003 00:00:00 EST
6 EXT.COM 5.5 Visual Identity The World Heritage Committee,

Decides that the proposed World Heritage Visual Identity will not be included on the agenda for the 27th session of the World Heritage Committee (Suzhou, June/July 2003).

]]> Mon, 17 Mar 2003 00:00:00 EST
7 EXT.COM 12 Mon, 06 Dec 2004 00:00:00 EST 7 EXT.COM 13 Mon, 06 Dec 2004 00:00:00 EST 7 EXT.COM 14 Report on the use of World Heritage Emblem The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Having examined Documents WHC-04/7 EXT COM/14, and WHC-04/7 EXT COM/14.Corr,
  2. Recalling Decision 26 COM 15, adopted at its 26th session (Budapest, 2002),
  3. Regrets that the World Heritage Emblem was not protected as had been requested;
  4. Takes note of the Annual Report on the use of the World Heritage Emblem included in Document WHC-04/7 EXT COM/14;
  5. Urges the Director of the World Heritage Centre, in consultation with the Office of Legal Affairs of UNESCO, to request the World Intellectual Property Organization to amend its initial communication under Article 6ter of the Paris Convention for the protection of industrial property in order to protect :
    1. the graphics of the World Heritage Emblem by itself; and
    2. the graphics with the words ‘World Heritage’ in any language, surrounding this graphic;
  6. Expresses its concern at some inconsistencies in the handling by the World Heritage Centre of requests for use of the World Heritage Emblem and requests that proposals for use of the Emblem which are within the competence of the State Party should be referred immediately to the State Party concerned;
  7. Recalls the segment entitled ‘Responsibilities of States Parties’ of the Guidelines and Principles for the Use of the World Heritage Emblem as follows: ‘States Parties to the Convention should take all possible measures to prevent the use of the Emblem in their respective countries by any group or for any purpose not explicitly recognized by the Committee. States Parties are encouraged to make full use of national legislation including Trade Mark Laws’.
]]> Mon, 06 Dec 2004 00:00:00 EST
8 COM XIV.41-42 Promotional Activities 41. The Committee examined the report on promotional activities which summarised the work undertaken aiming at making the Convention and the properties inscribed on the World Heritage List better known to the general public and at generating income to the World Heritage Fund. The Committee noted that due to various reasons, the Secretariat had not managed to accomplish all the activities that had been planned but that this type of activity would be given priority in the-near future.

42. The representatives of several States Parties expressed their interest in the ceremonies to inaugurate plaques commemorating the inscription of specific properties on the World Heritage List, at which the Director General of Unesco, or his representative, or the Chairman of the World Heritage Committee, were invited to attend. As the texts, design and material of such plaques were not always identical, the Committee requested the Secretariat to prepare guidelines on the preparation of these plaques, to be examined by the Bureau at its next session, with a view to obtaining a standard model which may be used by other States Parties as they so desired.

]]> Mon, 29 Oct 1984 00:00:00 EST
9 COM XV.43-50 Promotional Activities 43. The Secretary introduced document SC/CONF.008/07 on promotional activities and drew the Committee's attention to several points, including the exhibit of photographs of World Heritage sites, the information material produced during the current year and the contribution of States Parties in promoting the Convention. On the whole, the contribution of States to public information for their own nationals was still somewhat_ limited. However, the presence of the Mayors of Quebec, Congonhas, Segovia and Santiago de Compostela at the current session was evidence of the growing interest aroused by the Convention at the local level. The Secretary gave several examples of ways in which States Parties might contribute to promotional activities on a larger scale than the Secretariat could mount on its own. They might, for instance, assist in circulating the exhibit referred to above, with the possible addition of material on World Heritage sites in their own countries, and, above all, set up the specific national bodies provided for in the Convention.

44. The Secretary also drew the Committee's attention to two points requiring decision. Firstly, the Bureau had requested the Committee to consider launching a full-scale promotion policy. The Secretariat, which had consulted communication specialists on the subject, reported that if the Committee was agreeable in principle to calling upon professionals to improve its promotion policy it could request the Secretariat to undertake a more detailed study. In the light of concrete proposals resulting from this study, the Bureau might decide whether to launch a preliminary campaign in one or more countries. Secondly, the Secretary drew the Committee's attention to draft guidelines for the production of plaques to commemorate the inclusion of properties in the World Heritage List. These guidelines had been recommended by the Bureau.

45. The representative of IUCN informed the Committee of the efforts made by his organization to promote the World Heritage Convention by means of publications, press releases, etc. and to arouse interest among States not yet parties to the Convention, particularly at meetings in the South East Asian, South Pacific and Arctic regions.

46. The Committee commended the Secretariat on its promotional activities over the past year and, in particular, the production of extremely useful public information material. The Committee encouraged the Secretariat to continue its efforts to ensure wider dissemination, in other languages, of the material produced.

47. Several delegations reported on activities carried out in their countries and on specific projects such as films on the World Heritage.

48. One delegate thought that it would be useful to produce an official diploma awarded on the inclusion of a property in the World Heritage List, and proposed to forward a model designed by an artist from her country for submission to the Bureau.

49. The Committee recognized the fundamental part to be played by States in promoting the Convention, as was the case in informing the public about Unesco's international campaigns. In this connection, the attention of the Committee was drawn to document 23 C/INF.25 presented to the 23rd General Conference containing an in-depth study of the international campaigns for the preservation and safeguarding of the cultural heritage of mankind. The Committee, in consequence, recommended that States Parties create and run the national structures foreseen under Article 17 of the Convention.

50. The Committee approved the report and the two proposals concerning, respectively, the implementation of a promotion policy and plaques to commemorate World Heritage sites.

]]> Mon, 02 Dec 1985 00:00:00 EST
10 COM XIII.43-48 Promotional Activities 43. The Committee's attention was drawn to document CC-86/CONF.003/7 presenting up-to-­date information on different activities undertaken by different States Parties, private organi­sations and the Secretariat.

44. In particular, the Committee took note o f the study presented in the annex o f this document, prepared at the request of the Bureau at its 10th session, presenting a promotion plan indicating how States Parties themselves could promote the Convention, as well as the means for cooperation between States Parties and the Secretariat.

45. The Committee agreed with the conclusions of this study concerning the need to decentralise promotional activities by creating national associations as set out in Article 17 of the Convention, and by making more use of the Unesco National Commissions. The Committee suggested that the study be sent out to all Unesco National Commissions in this connection. It was agreed that a special effort should be made to develop material which was representative of all regions and cultures.

46. The Committee was particularly in favour of each State Party designating a coordinator for World Heritage promotional activities and of the Secretariat sending out a questionnaire to obtain more information on past, present and proposed activities to promote the Convention. The Secreta­riat was requested to send this questionnaire to the Unesco Permanent Delegations and to the Unesco National Commissions for each State Party. Several members of the Committee mentioned activities which had taken place in their countries, for example the issue of special World Heritage stamps by Brazil and Sri Lanka. In this connection, the Committee expressed the wish to have more information on such activities. Regional workshops to be held in Africa and Asia to promote the Convention during 1987 were mentioned in this regard. The Committee underscored the useful­ness of preparing a certificate, signed by the Director General of Unesco and the Chairman of the World Heritage Committee to commemorate the inscription of sites on the List, particularly for the Mayors of historic cities.

47. As concerns publications on the Convention and on the properties inscribed on the World Heri­tage List, the Committee suggested that States Parties should be consulted as far as possible on the texts on their properties and should assist the Secretariat and/or independent publishers in this regard.

48. The new, experimental World Heritage Diary prepared by INCAFO was welcomed by the Com­mittee, although several errors were noticed which needed rectification. The Committee requested the Secretariat to pursue a 1988 version, for which 10 % of the sales price would go directly to the World Heritage Fund, and which would be prepared in consultation with States Parties.

]]> Mon, 24 Nov 1986 00:00:00 EST
11 BUR VII.30 Technical cooperation 30. Finally, the Bureau considered that in very many cases, States Parties were not sufficiently well informed about the possibilities for requesting international assistance udner the World Heritage Fund.

The Bureau therefore recommended that the Secretariat prepare an easily understood brochure on how to obtain international assistance under the World Heritage Fund which would be widely distributed to all States Parties.

]]> Tue, 23 Jun 1987 00:00:00 EST
11 BUR VIII.32 Promotional activities 32. In connection with the assistance requested by States Parties for carrying out promotional activities, the Bureau recommended that such assistance should be provided only for the production of general information material on the Convention, and no for the promotion of any particular World Heritage property.

Furthermore, considering the budgetary allocations set aside for promotional activities, such assistance could only be of modest proportions, complementing national investments. However, the Bureau noted that the Secretariat should be flexible in judging each case accordingly.

In particular, the Bureau recommended to the Committee a detailed study, in collaboration with the authorities of the People's Republic of China, on the request for the production of a film on World Heritage properties, within and outside of China, to improve the understanding of the Convention among the Chinese public.

]]> Tue, 23 Jun 1987 00:00:00 EST
11 COM XI.26-30 Promotional Activities 26. The Committee took note of document SC-87/CONF.005/8 presenting the promotional activities undertaken in 1987 and those foreseen for 1988. The Committee congratulated the Secretariat on its work and emphasised the need to expand this promotion programme.

27. It was recalled that States Parties have a responsibility in strengthening promotional activities. Several members of the Committee mentioned the activities undertaken in their respective countries, such as the production of stamps or pamphlets on world heritage sites in Yugoslavia and India, or the publication and sale at news-stands of a series of booklets on world heritage sites in Brazil, or the printing and the distribution of the folding poster on the World Heritage Convention in China. The bulletin produced in the United Kingdom "International Heritage" was also mentioned as a particularly successful type of promotional material which could serve as an example to other States Parties.

28. The Committee requested the Secretariat to ensure that there were close links with the promotion of the international campaigns to safeguard the cultural heritage. The Committee also suggested that better use could be made of technical cooperation activities to make the Convention better known, particularly by systematically marking equipment provided under technical cooperation with the World Heritage emblem. It requested the Secretariat to mention how useful this procedure could be in identifying work carried out thanks to the Convention.

29. The representative of Brazil indicated that there was an error in the siting of a Brazilian property in the World Heritage folding brochure and was assured that this would be corrected in the future.

30. Finally, as concerns the technical cooperation requests for promotional activities, the Committee accepted the Bureau's recommendation whereby the Bureau could consider as receivable only requests aimed at making the Convention better known in general and not for promoting a specific site, and to grant only amounts not exceeding US$5,000 for such requests. However, amounts up to US$10,000 could be granted in exceptional cases on condition that the Chairman of the Committee gave his approval.

The Secretariat was entrusted with modifying the Operational Guidelines to include these points.

In accordance with this decision, the Committee accepted two requests for technical cooperation submitted by Haiti for the production of an audio-visual presentation, and by the People's Republic of China for a contribution to a film on Wordl Heritage, respectively for $6,000 and $10,000.

]]> Mon, 07 Dec 1987 00:00:00 EST
12 COM XI.44-48 Promotional Activities 44. The Committee congratulated the Secretariat on the report on activities carried out in 1988 (document SC-88/CONF.001/5), devoted mainly to production and dissemination of general information material on the objectives and operation of the Convention for a variety of publics, and the mounting of photographic exhibitions.

45. Several members of the Committee referred to promotional activities undertaken or planned in their countries, such as the setting up of a National Committee in charge of coordination of implementation and promotion of the Convention in France; placing of plaques on World Heritage sites in France and Mexico; issuing of a series of postage stamps in Brazil, production of leaflets on the Convention and sites inscribed on the World Heritage List in India, Australia and Canada; publication of a series of 60 booklets on World Heritage sites, of which 300,000 copies were sold at news-stands in Brazil; or events organized during the World Heritage Day and those planned for the World Heritage Week in India.

46. The representative of the United Nations Development Programme informed the Committee on the positive results of a press seminar he had organized in Salvador, Bahia (Brazil), with assistance from the World Heritage Fund. He further stressed the complex relationships between development, tourism and heritage; it would, he felt, be appropriate to reflect on the drafting of clear principles on the problem of tourism and heritage.

47. The Committee accepted the activities for 1989 proposed by the Secretariat, which highlight the wish to increase knowledge of sites inscribed on the World Heritage List, through preparation of information sheets on such sites, new publications and a series of films for the public at large. A member of the Committee requested that co-publishers be sought for Arabic editions of such publications.

48. Finally, the Committee recommended the creation and strengthening of national bodies designed to act as relays for the Secretariat's activities. In this respect, it noted that assistance was now available for this purpose pursuant to paragraph 87 of the Operational Guidelines for the implementation of the Convention.

]]> Mon, 05 Dec 1988 00:00:00 EST
13 COM XI.24-32 Promotional Activities 24. The Committee congratulated the Secretariat on the several activities undertaken in 1989 presented in document SC/89/CONF.004/6 which, in particular, concentrated on the production and diffusion of general information material and the preparation of photographic exhibits, films and publications. As regards activities related to tourism, it was recalled that over-visitation by tourists could endanger certain sites and that adequate information was needed to minimize this risk.

25. The Committee approved the proposals presented by the Secretariat for 1990. In respect of the production of information material, the Committee expressed the wish that the production and sale of video-cassettes presenting World Heritage sites be envisaged. A study on the possibilities of the production of such cassettes and their commercialization, through private networks, will be carried out by the Secretariat in co-operation with the Office of Public Information (OPI) of Unesco and the results will be presented to the Bureau at its next session. In the event that it is possible to distribute these cassettes, the network of museums will, to the extent possible, be requested to contribute to their distribution.

26. Several members of the Committee were of the opinion that the question of the publication of a specific newsletter for the Convention needed a detailed study. The Secretariat will submit a proposal to the Bureau at its next session. The Committee considered that the diffusion of information on World Heritage sites, their state of conservation and the implementation of the Convention in general, must be further encouraged in existing journals, particularly the Unesco Courier, which has the advantage of being published in 35 languages and distributed all over the world.

27. The Committee underlined the importance of promoting the Convention also within countries which were not yet States Parties and reach authorities responsible for the protection of cultural and natural properties in those countries.

28. The Committee, as at previous sessions, underlined the need to decentralize promotional activities using already existing means, such as regional organizations, international or national non-governmental organizations, Unesco Clubs, Unesco National Commissions or national structures which should be set up for the implementation of the Convention. In order to make progress in this regard the Committee requested the States Parties to provide a list of such national channels to the Secretariat and stressed the importance of creating the national structures mentioned above.

29. With regard to the regional organizations, the Chairman informed the Committee that he had taken the initiative of presenting the document prepared by the Secretariat to ALECSO and requested that all possible assistance be provided for the promotion of the Convention in Arab countries.

30. The need to identify the target groups for information and promotion activities was stressed: in the first place one target group was the persons directly concerned with safeguarding World Heritage properties, notably voluntary conservation organizations working in the field; a second group comprised visitors and tourists; and a third group the people actually living within the World Heritage site. Specific activities should be designed and undertaken according to each of these target groups. The Committee also recommended that other networks, including commercial networks, be explored to develop these information and promotion activities.

31. The. Committee took an overview of the prospect for commemorating the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the Convention by Unesco. On the one hand, the Committee wished to undertake an assessment of the application of the Convention and develop an outline for a special session of the Committee and, on the other hand, encourage the organization of events in a number of States Parties. Several preliminary suggestions, such as the production of a large exhibit on the application of the Convention and the World Heritage sites were made. The Committee invited States Parties to provide the Secretariat with high quality photographic material along with the rights for utilization, in order that the Secretariat could prepare this type of exhibit. The Committee suggested that a small working group be set up as from 1990 to assist the Secretariat in assuming the responsibilities for preparing for this commemorative event and it decided that the Secretariat should submit more precise proposals in this regard to the Bureau at its next session.

32. The Committee welcomed the announcement by the Delegation of Canada of the organization of an international colloquium on World Heritage Towns which would take place in Quebec from 30 June to 4 July 1991. The representatives of the Province and Town of Quebec responsible for the organization of the colloquium provided more details on the objectives of the colloquium for municipal officials and conservation experts and which would aim at promoting exchanges of experience in this field and at defining strategies for the management of urban heritage.

]]> Mon, 11 Dec 1989 00:00:00 EST
14 COM X Promotional Activities 28. The Committee congratulated the Secretariat for the many activities carried out in 1990. They are presented in document CC-90/CONF.004/5, which is focused on the implementation and dissemination of background material on the Convention, on the production of films and features on World Heritage Sites and on the planning of exhibitions in States Parties and other States.

29. With respect to the distribution of video-cassettes, the Committee noted that non-commercial distribution was insured by Unesco's distribution network, but that commercial distribution posed a number of legal problems that were being studied with the production firms involved.

30. With respect to publications, the Committee noted the efforts of the Secretariat to improve the quality control of the series of books for young people co-published by Unesco and, more generally, of what would be submitted by the Secretariat at the next session of the Bureau in a general publications plan.

31. The need to decentralize promotional activities in the States Parties was once again underscored. In this regard, a number of parties reported on the activities carried out or planned in their countries, such as the implementation of a travelling exhibit on listed sites in Germany, the production of a brochure on listed sites in Turkey, the publication of two books and the creation of a column on world heritage in Bulgarian weeklies. The Committee also noted with satisfaction the publication of an illustrated 250-page brochure in Bulgarian, English and Russian, on cultural properties in Bulgaria.

32. The Committee approved the proposals submitted by the Secretariat for 1991, and was of the view that the essence of these activities should be focused on the preparation of the 20th anniversary in 1992 of the adoption of the World Heritage Convention.

]]> Fri, 07 Dec 1990 00:00:00 EST
14 COM XI Preparations for the Twentieth Anniversary of the Adoption of the World Heritage Convention 33. The Committee noted with satisfaction the proposals submitted by the Secretariat in document CC-90/CONF.004/6 regarding two separate exercises designed to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Convention: on the one hand, an assessment of the implementation of the Convention and the preparation of a strategy for the future; on the other, promotional events designed to make the Convention better known.

34. The Committee felt that, although these were two separate exercises, there was a great deal to be said for regarding them as complementary so as to make 1992 a year of both celebration and reflection.

35. Regarding the assessment of the implementation of the Convention, the Committee insisted that the exercise be forward-looking and not restricted to dwelling on the past, so that it leads to a strategy for implementing the Convention in the coming decade. This strategy should focus both on the notion of world heritage and its definition, and on ways to better ensure the protection of world heritage properties.

36. The contribution of States Parties was deemed essential in ensuring the success of this reflection, and the Committee congratulated the Secretariat on having sent all States a circular letter proposing a framework.

37. The Committee accepted the Secretariat's proposal to ask a consultant to prepare a summary in cooperation with ICOMOS, ICCROM and the IUCN, to be submitted to a small group of experts early in 1992.

38. With regard to promotional activities, the Committee accepted the Secretariat's proposals aimed at developing regional and national activities and organizing a series of activities at Unesco Headquarters centering around the theme of world heritage in close cooperation with States members of Unesco.

39. As for activities outside Headquarters, the Secretariat called on the members of the Committee to mobilize resources for this purpose. The Committee noted with satisfaction several preliminary proposals by its members.

40. Speaking on behalf of ALECSO, the representative of Tunisia informed the Committee that this organization would be prepared to organize a regional information meeting on the occasion of this 20th anniversary.

41. The Committee also stressed the usefulness of directing these activities toward seeking sponsors for the World Heritage Fund, by making greater use of the World Heritage logo.

42. The Committee also recommended that activities be developed for young people, both at Unesco Headquarters and in the various countries. The Committee asked the Secretariat to produce a special series of video-cassettes for the 20th anniversary, consisting of a selection of extracts of films already made, which should be distributed at a low price.

43. The IUCN representative reminded the Committee that the fourth World Congress on National Parks would be held in Venezuela in 1991, with significant emphasis on the role of the World Heritage Convention in protecting natural heritage.

44. The Committee was of the opinion that the next General Conference of Unesco in 1991 should adopt a resolution encouraging States members of the Organization, whether they are parties to the Convention or not, to lend their full cooperation in celebrating' this anniversary by implementing activities in their countries.

45. Finally, the representative for the United States informed the Committee of his government's desire to host the extended session of the Committee, scheduled for 1992, and indicated that this invitation would be officially confirmed in 1991.

]]> Fri, 07 Dec 1990 00:00:00 EST
15 COM X Promotional Activities 42. The Committee noted with satisfaction the various promotional activities undertaken in 1991 and presented in Document SC-91/CONF.002/6. These activities related to the production and dissemination of information material, support to national activities organized by States Parties to the Convention, as well as participation in special events relating to cultural and natural heritage. In particular, the Committee noted that due to co-operation with States Parties, the production of information material in additional languages had been possible, and that the production of new supporting materials, such as illustrated sheets on World Heritage sites for sale by correspondence, were being actively considered. The Committee was also informed that in compliance with its recommendation, the question of the commercial diffusion of video-cassettes co­produced by TRANSTEL Company and UNESCO had been studied by the Secretariat and TRANSTEL, and possible solutions had been identified to ensure this diffusion and to improve the presentation of these films on TV networks.

43. The Committee also noted that, at the request of the Secretariat and with the support of the World Heritage Fund, the first issue of the new bulletin of the UNDP-UNESCO Regional Project for Cultural Heritage and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean would be entirely devoted to a presentation of all the World Heritage sites of the region. This bulletin, mainly destined for decision-makers and donors, would provide up-dated information on the sites on the eve of the twentieth anniversary of the Convention. A draft version of this bulletin was distributed to the Committee, which will be completed by all States of the region before its publication in English, French and Spanish in June 1992.

44. The Committee approved the proposals for 1992 presented by the Secretariat: firstly, to fulfill its general informative mission, it is foreseen to continue to produce, update and disseminate general information material concerning the Convention and on World Heritage sites through different means such as brochures, films, video­disks, publications, etc. For publications, the committee noted that private initiatives should be encouraged as they are less costly and more flexible than co-edition with UNESCO and the income could be directly granted to the World Heritage Fund. Proposals for 1992 also concern the production of more specialized material so as to contribute towards the efforts of the Committee to ensure better monitoring of the state of conservation of properties inscribed on the World Heritage List. This material will be targeted on the one hand to populations living in or near inscribed sites and to visitors to the sites, and on the other to site managers.

45. As a first step, the elaboration of guidelines for the management of tourism in World Heritage sites will be carried out from case studies and in co-operation with the competent international organizations.

]]> Mon, 09 Dec 1991 00:00:00 EST