World Heritage Centre World Heritage Centre - Committee Decisions 90 en Copyright 2024 UNESCO, World Heritage Centre Sat, 19 Oct 2024 17:01:48 EST UNESCO, World Heritage Centre - Decisions 16 BUR V.32-33 Mosi-oa-Tunya/Victoria Falls (Zambia/Zimbabwe) 32. The Bureau noted that a proposal to construct a dam across the Batoka Gorge could flood some parts of this transfrontier World Heritage site and that the World Heritage Centre has informed the group of consultancy engineers who are undertaking an environmental impact assessment of the dam construction project of potential threats to the integrity of this site. The Bureau requested the World Heritage Centre to contact the States Parties concerned and obtain more information on the proposed dam construction project for submission to the Committee in December 1992.

33. The Bureau took note of information provided by IUCN that a workshop on the Conservation of the Subantarctic Islands was being jointly organized by IUCN and the Scientific Research Council for Antarctica (SCAR) to develop recommendations for the application of the World Heritage Convention in the Antarctic region. The Bureau also noted the summary report of the Workshop on the World Heritage Convention held within the framework of the Fourth World Congress on National Parks, convened in Caracas, Venezuela, in February 1992.

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16 BUR V.13 Iguazu National Park (Argentina) and Iguacu National Park (Brazil) The Bureau recalled that the Committee, at its last session, had noted that eight helicopters simultaneously overflew the waterfall area and that local conservation groups opposed the use of the area by helicopters since it contravened legal regulations for air traffic over protected areas. At its last session, the Committee was informed that the Brazilian authorities had established a group to study the matter and had requested the Secretariat to contact the Argentine authorities to obtain lir information on the steps taken by them. The Brazilian authorities have, by their letter of 5 June 1992, indicated that the Working Group had considered the positive (economic benefits to local people) and negative (noise pollution) aspects of helicopter tourism and had identified potential mechanisms (regulation of number of visits, time-table of visits, maximum level of noise permitted for helicopter traffic in the area, taxing helicopter operators for using the National Park area) for regulation and control. However, the Group had concluded that at present the negative impacts do not override the positive effects and had recommended that the situation be further monitored before any regulatory measures are introduced.

The Argentine authorities, by their letter of 17 June 1992, provided information on the joint efforts of their National Park Administration and Air Force to establish an agreement to regulate use of the air space over the Iguazu National Park by helicopters. Until such time as an agreement will be drafted and finalized, the existing norms for use of air space between surface level and an altitude of 112 km will be strictly enforced. Violation of these regulations by an helicopter operator is punishable by cancellation, for six months, of the permit to use the National Park area.

The Bureau noted the views of, and the steps taken by the two States Parties concerned to regulate helicopter use of the air space over the waterfall area and requested IUCN and the World Heritage Centre to continue to monitor the problem and its management by the authorities responsible for the two National Parks.

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16 BUR V.14 Wet Tropics of Queensland (Australia) The Bureau noted that, as requested by the Committee at the time of the inscription of this property on the World Heritage List in 1988, IUCN had undertaken a mission to the site. The Bureau learnt with satisfaction that despite a slow start, the management of the Wet Tropics area had achieved much progress last year, particularly with respect to:

(a) establishing a headquarters and appointment of staff; (b)drafting of legislation; (c) preparing of management plans andsite plans; (d) carrying out a number of policy-relevant studies; (e) setting-up advisory committees and a management authority (f) improving budgetary allocations for site management, and (g) rehabilitating degraded forest areas.

The Bureau commended the Australian authorities for taking these steps for ensuring the adequate management of this site and requested IUCN and the World Heritage Centre to continue to monitor progress.

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16 BUR V.15 Srebarna Biosphere Reserve (Bulgaria) The Bureau recalled that the Committee, at its last session, recommended that the Bulgarian authorities nominate this site for inclusion on the List of World Heritage in Danger because this small (600 hectare) World Heritage site had lost much of its ecological viability. The Bureau was informed that IUCN had undertaken two missions to Bulgaria since the last session of the Committee and that although the site's importance as a Ramsar site and a Biosphere Reserve, in particular within a European context, could still be retained with the implementation of specific remedial actions, its World Heritage status can no longer be justified because it has deteriorated to a state where it has irretrievably lost many of the characteristics which determined its inclusion on the World Heritage List.

The Bureau recommended that the Committee, at its forthcoming session in December, consider deleting this property from the World Heritage List, and in accordance with paragraph 41(c) of the Operational Guidelines, requested the World Heritage Centre to inform the Bulgarian authorities of its recommendation to the Committee. The Bureau requested the World Heritage Centre to obtain all observations and comments the Bulgarian authorities may wish to make regarding this recommendation to the Committee in time to submit them to the consideration of the Committee, scheduled to meet in December 1992.

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16 BUR V.16 Dinosaur Provincial Park (Canada) The Bureau was in agreement with the proposal of the Canadian authorities to delete 423 hectares, where petroleum and natural gas exploration will take place, and add 2,133 hectares of significantly higher conservation value to this site. In effect, the proposed modification of the boundaries of the site has resulted in a net gain of about 1,700 hectares in the total area of this Park. The Bureau recommended that the Committee register the report and the map provided by the Canadian authorities describing the revised boundaries of this World Heritage site.

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16 BUR V.17 Wood Buffalo National Park (Canada) The Bureau was informed of progress achieved by the Canadian authorities in addressing threats to the conservation of this, Ripe site. The Bureau congratulated the Canadian authorities for the programme of action they have set in motion for its conservation. However, the Bureau was in agreement with the fact that safeguarding the World Heritage values of this site require continuous action over the long-term and requested the World Heritage Centre and IUCN to monitor the state of conservation of this site to report to the Committee any problems that may arise.

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16 BUR V.18 Manovo-Gounda Saint Floris National Park (Central African Republic) The Bureau recalled that when this site was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1988, several members of the Committee had registered their reservations as to its state of conservation and several threats to its integrity. The Bureau was concerned that despite assurances given to the Committee at the time of its inscription and the US$27 million EEC project in the region, the deterioration of the property had continued and this site still does not have a management plan. The Bureau took note of the intention of the President of the Central African Republic to transfer the management of the site to a private foundation and of the invitation made to UNESCO to participate, as a scientific body, in the management of the site by this foundation. The Bureau requested the World Heritage Centre to study this proposal, together with IUCN, and undertake a detailed analysis of the implications of the transfer of management of the site to a private foundation. The Bureau requested the World Heritage Centre to contact the State Party to know whether the national authorities would invite an expert mission to review the state of conservation of this Park and assess the proposal to lease its management to a private organization. The Bureau emphasized that such a mission should build upon the recent project audit carried out by the EEC and present recommendations on the future viability and management of this site.

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16 BUR V.19 Talamanca-La Amistad National Park (Costa Rica/Panama) The Bureau commended the Panamanian authorities for preventing 59,000 hectares of La Amistad National Park being released for oil exploration.

The Bureau noted that the Costa Rican authorities have not responded to the Secretariat's letter of 6 February 1992, requesting them to consider revising the boundaries of the Talamanca-La Amistad Reserves by deleting four Indian Reserves in the north-eastern Atlantic sector and submit a map showing the new boundaries of the site. Furthermore, the Bureau was also informed by the representative of IUCN that earlier plans to construct a road through the middle of the Talamanca-La Amistad Reserves of Costa Rica were also being revived.

The Bureau requested the World Heritage Centre to contact the Costa Rican authorities to request, once again, that they consider revising the boundaries of the Reserves and provide a map showing the new boundaries. Furthermore, the Bureau requested the World Heritage Centre to obtain detailed information regarding the proposal for constructing a road through the middle of the Talamanca-La Amistad Reserves, including an assessment of the potential impact of this project on the state of conservation of the site. A report on the situation should be given to the Committee at its forthcoming session.

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16 BUR V.20 Plitvice Lake National Park (Republic of Croatia) The Bureau noted that the Croatian authorities have officially informed UNESCO that they will abide by the obligations of the World Heritage Convention and requested that a joint UNESCO/IUCN mission be undertaken to assess the impacts which unrest in the region has had on the state of conservation of Plitvice Lake National Park. The Bureau recommended that the Committee, as requested by the Croatian authorities, inscribe Plitvice Lake National Park on the List of World Heritage in Danger. The Bureau also decided to set aside an amount upto US$30,000 as emergency assistance to enable the organization of a joint UNESCO/IUCN mission to the site, in co-operation with the Croatian authorities as well as the relevant UN bodies responsible for monitoring the conflict in the region, in order to prepare and initiate the implementation of an international assistance project for the rehabilitation of the Plitvice Lake National Park.

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16 BUR V.21 Sangay National Park (Ecuador) The Bureau was satisfied to note that the Sub-Secretario Forestal y Recursos Naturales y Renovables which is responsible for the management of this site has been successful in halting a proposed road construction project in order to bring together the relevant provincial and national agencies to discuss the environmental impact of the project and plan mitigating measures. In this regard, the Bureau commended the Ecuadorean authorities for having obtained official approval for including substantial areas south of the World Heritage site into the National Park. The Bureau, however, was concerned about the information reported by the representative of IUCN regarding heavy poaching of wildlife, illegal livestock grazing and encroachment in this World Heritage site. The Bureau requested the World Heritage Centre to contact the Ecuadorean authorities and suggest that they invite international and/or regional experts to join Ecuadorean specialists to assess impacts of the road construction project and threats to the integrity of this site. The Bureau recommended that on the basis of more information received on the potential impact of the road construction project and threats, the World Heritage Committee, at its forthcoming session in December 1992, decide whether or not this site ought to be included on the List of World Heritage in Danger.

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16 BUR V.22 Galapagos National Park (Ecuador) The Bureau was informed that the employees of this World Heritage site recently staged a four-week strike demanding higher salaries and other improvements of their working conditions. The Bureau also noted that a draft tourism and conservation plan for Galapagos is now being finalized and the Master Plan for the management of the Park would have to be revised in the light of the strategies and programme of actions foreseen in the tourism and conservation plan. The Bureau recommended that the World Heritage Centre contact the Ecuadorean authorities and request them to consider undertaking all possible measures to improve salaries and working conditions of the Park staff and revise the Master Plan for the management of the site, in order to harmonize its implementation with that of the tourism and conservation plan for Galapagos.

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16 BUR V.23 Simien National Park (Ethiopia) The Bureau noted with satisfaction that the Ethiopian authorities have submitted a rehabilitation project for this site. This project is now being implemented with US$50,000 approved by the World Heritage Committee.

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16 BUR V.24 Mt. Nimba Nature Reserve (Guinea/Cote d'Ivoire) The Bureau recalled that the Committee at its last session concluded that the reduction in the size of this site proposed by the Government of Guinea in order to exclude areas that would be impacted by a proposed iron-ore mining project, posed a major threat to its integrity. Taking into account that the site also faced several other threats, the Committee, at its last session recommended that the Governments of C6te d'Ivoire and Guinea nominate this site for inscription on the List of World Heritage in Danger.

The Bureau noted with satisfaction that experts of Cote d'Ivoire and Guinea, together with representatives of UNDP and UNESCO had met, from 29 June to 3 July 1992, at Mt Nimba and, on the basis of field visits and consultations, have endorsed the conclusions of the Committee and requested the Governments of C6te d'Ivoire and Guinea to urgently nominate this site for inclusion on the List of World Heritage in Danger. The Bureau noted with concern that the site continues to be under pressure from interest groups which are eager to take advantage of the economic benefits of exploiting the iron-ore deposits in this site. The Bureau, however, noted that so far no iron-ore mining activities have been undertaken and that bi-and multilateral donors have refrained from financing such a project.

The Bureau requested the World Heritage Centre to contact the authorities of Cote d'Ivoire and Guinea and, once again, urge them to nominate this site to the List of World Heritage in Danger. Furthermore, the Bureau recommended that the World Heritage Centre co-operate with the two States Parties concerned and donor agencies such as the World Bank and UNDP to develop a integrated rural development project to bring socio-economic benefits to people living in the immediate vicinity of this World Heritage site.

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16 BUR V.25 Manas Wildlife Sanctuary (India) The World Heritage Centre informed the Bureau that the damage caused by the invasion of this Sanctuary by militants from the Bodo tribe in Assam, India, was estimated to be about 50 million Indian rupees (about 1.6 million US dollars). Although considerable damage was done to the Park infrastructure, the habitat in the inaccessible parts of the Sanctuary still remained intact. The Bureau, while noting that the conditions for introducing normal management and administration regimes for the site may be improving, was nevertheless concerned that a full assessment of damage had not been made and that the Indian authorities have not yet provided a formal written report on the state of conservation of this Sanctuary, despite repeated, requests from the Committee since 1989.

The Bureau reiterated that the World Heritage Centre contact the Indian authorities once again and request a written, up-to-date report on the state of conservation of the Manas Wildlife Sanctuary. The Bureau recommended that the Committee, at its next session, review the information provided by the Indian authorities in such a report and in consultation with IUCN and the World Heritage Centre, determine whether or not this site ought to be included in the List of World Heritage in Danger.

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16 BUR V.26 Air-Tenere National Nature Reserve (Niger) The Bureau expressed concerns that the region in which this site, inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1991, is situated has recently been affected by armed unrest. The Bureau was informed that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Niger had requested the Director-General of UNESCO to launch an appeal for the protection of this site. The Bureau recommended that the World Heritage Centre contact the authorities in Niger and obtain more information on the impact the armed unrest in the region has had on the state of the conservation of the site and request them to nominate it for inclusion on the List of World Danger.

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16 BUR V.27 Mt. Athos (Greece) The Bureau was informed by the representative of IUCN that the vegetation cover in this mixed site has been destroyed and could have adverse impacts on the landscape in the area. The Bureau requested the World Heritage Centre to contact the Greek authorities and obtain verification of this information and to request them to invite a mission to examine the state of conservation of this site.

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16 BUR V.28 Niokola-Koba National Park (Senegal) The Bureau recalled that an environmental impact study had found that the construction of a road through this National Park was preferable to the alternative of routing the road along the periphery of the Park because the route inside the Park could be better patrolled by Park staff. The Bureau noted that although the construction of the road had begun, work on the road has been temporarily suspended due to the beginning of the rainy season. The Delegate of Senegal informed the Bureau that the National Park Service had established several points, including one at Niokolo-Koba, to monitor traffic currently using the cotton route outside of the northern periphery of the Park, and that the Government of Senegal has prepared a plan to mitigate the impacts of the road construction project and draw up eco-management regimes for areas outside the periphery of the Park. The Bureau wished that a summary of the Plan be translated into English and presented to the members of the Committee during its sixteenth session scheduled to be held in December 1992.

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16 BUR V.29 Hierapolis-Pamukkale (Turkey) The Bureau was pleased to note that the English version of the "Preservation and Management Plan" for this mixed site, prepared with financial assistance from the World Heritage Fund, has been published. The observer from Turkey informed the Bureau that the implementation of the Plan has begun and a project to remove some of the hotels and associated infrastructure which were threatening the integrity and authenticity of the site will soon commence and that the Turkish authorities hope to request international assistance from the World Heritage Fund to meet part of the costs of implementing the project.

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16 BUR V.30 Durmitor National Park (Montenegro, Yugoslavia) The Bureau noted that the authorities responsible for the management of this site had submitted to the Secretariat several reports on the potential impacts of the proposed hydroelectric dam construction on the Tara River and the pollution of that river by a large asphalt plant situated upstream along the river. The Bureau was informed by the representative of IUCN that the Yugoslav authorities maintained that the two problems mentioned above had minimal impacts on the conservation of Durmitor and that necessary measures to mitigate those impacts were being taken. However, the Bureau requested that the World Heritage Centre contact the Yugoslav authorities to know whether they would invite a joint UNESCO/IUCN mission and provide an on-site briefing on the status of the proposal to construct a hydroelectic dam on the Tara River and pollution caused to the same river by the asphalt plant.

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16 BUR V.31 Garamba National Park (Zaire) The Bureau was happy to note that the rhinoceros population in the Park has now increased to 32 individuals due to an increase in the budget and personnel and that the state of conservation of the site continues to be stable. Hence, the Bureau recommended that the Committee, in accordance with the request made by the State Party by letter of 26 February 1991, delete this site from the List of World Heritage in Danger.

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