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World Heritage Convention

279 Decisions
16 Resolutions
Year start: 2007close
Year end: 2007close
By Year
  he World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC-07/31.COM/7A, Recalling Decision 30 COM 7A.15, adopted at its 30th session (Vilnius, 2006), Commends the State Party for its continued efforts to strengthen measures for the conservation and rehabilitation of the property; and particularly the improved mechanisms for community participation and local involvement in basic maintenance and conservation work; Notes the revised Statement of Significance submitted as part of the state of conservation report and requests the State Party to formally submit this statement, altogether with ...
  The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC-07/31.COM/7A, Recalling Decision 30 COM 7A.19, adopted at its 30th session (Vilnius, 2006), Congratulates the State Party for its efforts in addressing the issue of the rising water table; Adopts the following, identified by the 2005 reactive monitoring mission, as the desired state of conservation for the property: a) Consolidated structures; b)Water table lowered and monitoring system established in and around the property; c)Management plan implemented; 5.Urges the State Party to implement the necessary corrective ...
Sites: Abu Mena
  The World Heritage Committee,Having examined Document WHC-07/31.COM/7A, Recalling Decision 30 COM 7A.20 adopted at its 30th session (Vilnius, 2006),Notes with great concern the deterioration of the situation in Iraq and deplores the loss of human lives; Requests the international community, the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies to continue their efforts in assisting the responsible Iraqi authorities in the protection of the natural and cultural heritage in the country;Also requests the State Party, in consultation with the World Heritage Centre and ICOMOS, to develop a draft ...
 The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Documents WHC-07/31.COM/7A.Add.2, WHC-07/31.COM/7A.Add.3, WHC-07/31.COM/INF.7A.1, WHC-07/31.COM/INF.7A.2 and WHC-07/31.COM/INF.7A.3, Recalling Decision 30 COM 7A.34, adopted at its 30th session (Vilnius, 2006), Further recalling 176 EX/Special Plenary Meeting/Decision, adopted at the 176th session of the UNESCO Executive Board (April 2007), Also recalling the relevant provisions on the protection of cultural heritage including, as appropriate, the four Geneva Conventions (1949), the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural ...
The World Heritage Committee,Having examined Document WHC-07/31.COM/7A,Recalling Decision 30 COM 7A.21, adopted at its 30th session (Vilnius, 2006),Regrets that the main recommendations made by the World Heritage Committee at its 29th (Durban, 2005) and 30th (Vilnius, 2006) sessions - notably the completion of an urban conservation plan, and a socio-economic revitalization action plan - have not been implemented;Notes with great concern the continuing decline of the city, the lack of a conservation framework, the loss of possibly up to 50% of the traditional urban fabric within the city ...
  The World Heritage Committee,1.       Having examined Document WHC-07/31.COM/7A,2.       Recalling its Decision 30 COM 7A.22, adopted at its 30th session (Vilnius, 2006),3.       Notes the efforts made by the State Party and the international community for the safeguarding of this property and the important progress achieved in the consolidation of the Minaret of Jam in 2006;4.       Reiterates its strong encouragement to the State Party to construct a footbridge and a ford across the Hari River, in order to facilitate villagers' access from the Bedam Valley to the Jam Valley, as well ...
  The World Heritage Committee,1.       Having examined Document WHC-07/31.COM/7A,2.       Recalling Decision 30 COM 7A.23, adopted at its 30th session (Vilnius, 2006), 3.       Notes with satisfaction the efforts and commitment of the State Party and the international community for the safeguarding of this property; 4.       Adopts the following as the desired state of conservation for the property in view of its future removal from the List of World Heritage in Danger:a)      ensured site security,b)      ensured long-term stability of the Giant Buddha niches, c)      adequate state of ...
  The World Heritage Committee,1.       Having examined Document WHC-07/31.COM/7A,2.       Recalling Decision 30 COM 7A.25, adopted at its 30th session (Vilnius, 2006), 3.       Notes the commitment of the State Party and the international community to the safeguarding of this property; 4.       Adopts the following as the desired state of conservation for the property to be achieved by 2010, in view of its removal from the List of World Heritage in Danger:a)      Conservation of the Arg-e-Bam and other cultural heritage assets within the World Heritage property; b)      Completion of ...
  The World Heritage Committee,1.       Having examined Document WHC-07/31.COM/7A.Add,2.       Recalling Decision 30 COM 7A.26, adopted at its 30th session (Vilnius, 2006), 3.       Notes the information provided by the World Heritage Centre/ICOMOS joint mission in April 2007, 4.       Further notes with satisfaction the efforts of the State Party to complete the Integrated Management Plan by the goal of June 2007 established at the 30th session of the Committee; 5.       Acknowledges the establishment of an integrated conservation management system for the property, as requested by the ...
  The World Heritage Committee,1.       Having examined Document WHC-07/31.COM/7A,2.       Recalling Decision 30 COM 7A.27, adopted at its 30th session (Vilnius, 2006), 3.       Notes the progress made by the State Party in the overall preservation and conservation of Lahore Fort and Shalamar Gardens;4.       Requests the State Party to invite a World Heritage Centre/ICOMOS joint reactive monitoring mission so as to assess the progress made towards the desired state of conservation as proposed below and to recommend, on this basis, whether the property can be removed from the List of ...
  The World Heritage Committee,1.       Having examined Document WHC-07/31.COM/7A, 2.       Recalling Decision 30 COM 7A.28, adopted at its 30th session (Vilnius, 2006),3.       Notes the setting up of the Ifugao Cultural Heritage Office (ICHO) with the objective of safeguarding the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the Ifugao people; 4.       Also notes the initiative to run a Workshop at the University of Santo Tomas, Center for Conservation of Cultural Property in the Tropics, in Spring 2007, in order to develop infrastructure guidelines for  the property; 5.       ...
  The World Heritage Committee,1. Having examined Document WHC-07/31.COM/7A,2. Recalling Decision 30 COM 7A.29, adopted at its 30th session (Vilnius, 2006), 3.  Notes the significant progress made with setting up management systems, the development of an "Integrated Area Management Action Plan" and welcomes the implementation of the Presidential Decree by the Director of the Historical-Architectural Reserve Icheri Sheher (SDHARIS), aiming at halting demolition and building construction in the Walled City area;4. Requests the State Party to submit the completed "Integrated ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having examined Document WHC-07/31.COM/7A, 2. Recalling Decision 30 COM 7B.77, adopted at its 30th session (Vilnius, 2006), and in particular that the construction project of the Waldschlösschen Bridge would irreversibly damage the values and integrity of the property in accordance with Paragraph 179 (b) of the Operational Guidelines, 3. Notes with satisfaction that extensive consultation took place in 2006 and 2007 between different stakeholders, including the State Party authorities, the Land Sachsen, the city of Dresden as well as international ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC-07/31.COM/7A,  Recalling Decisions 30 COM 8B.53, and 30 COM 8B.54, adopted at its 30th session (Vilnius, 2006), Acknowledges the difficulties to monitor the property due to political instability, post-conflict situation and notes the assessment by the intersectoral mission carried out in January 2007 to some parts of the property, and in particular that: a)      The KFOR troops are patrolling at the property; b)      The medium-term plan for the restoration of wall ...
  The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC-07/31.COM/7A,Recalling Decision 30 COM 7A.31, adopted at its 30th session (Vilnius, 2006), Takes note of the efforts made by the State Party in the implementation of the Management Plan;  Invites the State Party to provide by 30 November 2007 details of a project for structural consolidation of the 30 main projects identified in the Programme of High Priority Interventions for industrial and urban buildings, and the timeframe envisaged for its implementation and the establishment of technical teams, according to Paragraph 172 of ...
The World Heritage Committee,Having examined Document WHC-07/31.COM/7A,Recalling Decision 30 COM 7A.32, adopted at its 30th session (Vilnius, 2006), Notes the efforts made to date to mitigate the rate of decay of earthen structures, particularly in respect to lowering the phreatic levels at the property and the conservation interventions in different sectors; Notes with concern the urban development around the site and requests the State Party to strengthen the implementation of protective legislative frameworks and regulatory measures, specially in regard to the creation and funding of ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having examined Document WHC-07/31.COM.7A,2. Recalling Decisions 29 COM 7B.92 and 30 COM 7A.33 adopted at its 29th (Durban, 2005) and 30th (Vilnius, 2006) sessions respectively,3. Requests the State Party to verify whether the materials used for restoration works are compatible with accepted intervention techniques;4. Requests the State Party to invite a World Heritage Centre / ICOMOS joint reactive monitoring mission to assess the progress made in improving the state of conservation of the property, and accordingly define the corrective measures and the ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having evaluated the state of conservation reports of the properties of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) presented in Documents WHC-07/31.COM/7A and WHC-07/31.COM/7A.Add, 2. Calls upon the Director-General of UNESCO and the Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee to convene a meeting with the DRC authorities, together with representatives of the African Union and appropriate sub-regional organizations and the President of IUCN, to discuss progress in addressing the deteriorating state of conservation of the DRC World Heritage properties ...
The World Heritage Committee,1.Having examined Document WHC-07/31.COM/7B,2.Recalling Decision 30 COM 7B.1, adopted at its 30th session (Vilnius, 2006),3.Notes with utmost concern the degradation of the property and the imminent threats to its Outstanding Universal Value, in particular the critically low mammal populations, the ongoing management problems and the impacts of the proposed construction of a new dam on the Gambia river a few kilometres upstream of the park;4.Welcomes the initiative by the State Party and the African Parks Foundation to start discussions on an innovate ...
The World Heritage Committee,1.Having examined Document WHC-07/31.COM/7B.Add; 2.Recalling Decision 30 COM 7B.2, adopted at its 30th session (Vilnius, 2006);3.Commends the State Party for measures already taken and requests the implementation of the following recommendations of the joint World Heritage Centre/IUCN monitoring mission undertaken in April-May 2007:     a)The process for encouraging voluntary relocation of the identified immigrant population to areas outside the property should be continued and completed by June 2008;.     b)The census and study of carrying capacity within the ...