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World Heritage Convention

427 Decisions
9 Resolutions
Theme: Reportsclose
By Year
22. The Director of the World Heritage Centre recalled that the Tenth General Assembly examined the monitoring and reporting on the state of conservation of World Heritage properties and that it decided the following (paragraph 31 of the Summary Record of the Tenth General Assembly): 'As a conclusion, the General Assembly decided to continue the debate on the systematic monitoring and reporting on the state of conservation of World Heritage properties at the Eleventh General Assembly of States Parties that will be held in 1997. The General Assembly requested the World Heritage Committee ...
8. The Secretary for the session, Ms. J. Robertson Vernhes, recalled the role of the Secretariat of the World Heritage Committee, concerning the processing of the nominations to the World Heritage List, the implementation of the decisions of the Committee concerning projects financed under the World Heritage Fund, as well as the promotional activities aimed at making the Convention better known and at stimulating contributions to the World Heritage Fund. 9. The Committee noted that the activities undertaken by the Secretariat since its eleventh session were described in detail in the ...
12. The Chairman of the Working Group, H.E. Ananda Guruge (Sri Lanka) presented the recommendations drafted by the Working Group. He stressed how important it was that the work of the Committee be facilitated through careful preparation and submittance of nominations of cultural properties by States Members, a more active Secretariat contribution when checking files, and a selective presentation of proposals by ICOMOS and by the Bureau. He also noted the progress that could be achieved through a reorganization of the Committee's agenda. The Chairman of the Working Group clarified that ...
7. The Secretary for the natural part of the Convention, Mr. Bernd von Droste, reported on the activities undertaken since the twelfth session of the Committee, held during 5-9 December 1988 in Brasilia (Brazil). 8. Mr. von Droste stated that three States Parties had ratified the Convention during 1989 and expressed the wish that further efforts be made to encourage the adherence of new States Parties. The Committee noted the work that the Secretariat had undertaken to coordinate efforts to conserve the world's natural heritage with those of other international funds and conventions, ...
25. The Chairperson of the General Assembly referred to document 31C/REP.15 Report by the Intergovernmental Committee for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage on its Activities (2000-2001). He explained that the World Heritage Committee, at its sixteenth session held in December 1992 in Santa Fe, United States of America, recommended that the report which the Committee addressed to the General Conference also be presented to the General Assembly of States Parties. 26. Dr Christina Cameron (Canada), Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee presented the report of ...
19. The Committee congratulated the Secretariat on the quality of its report on the monitoring of the state of conservation of world heritage cultural properties. It noted the various situations brought to its attention and was particularly pleased to see that the Director General of Unesco had informed Egyptian authorities of the concerns expressed by the Bureau at its fourteenth session in June 1990 regarding planned construction work in the pyramid fields from Giza to Dahshur, Egypt. In this connection, the Committee confirmed that it wished to examine, in due time, the master plan ...
The General Assembly, Welcomes the adoption by the 26th session of the World Heritage Committee of new Strategic Objectives that include the strengthening of the Credibility of the World Heritage List and the development of effective Capacity-building measures; Notes the progress report on the implementation of the Global Strategy for a credible, representative and balanced World Heritage List presented in documents WHC-03/14.GA/8 and WHC-03/27.COM/13; Also notes that the 28th session of the World Heritage Committee (Suzhou, China, June-July 2004) will evaluate the 1994 Global ...
18. The monitoring report presented by the Secretariat dealt with the following sites: Xanthos-Letoon (Turkey), the City of Valletta (Malta), Shibam (Yemen), National Historical Park - Citadel, Sans Souci, Ramiers (Haiti), Kathmandu Valley (Nepal), Moenjodaro (Pakistan), and the Madara Rider (Bulgaria). Monitoring visits had been made to seventeen sites by an expert who was in charge of co­ordinating action for the preservation of 115 Mediterranean sites within the framework of the UNEP - Barcelona Convention. These visits had yielded a wealth of information and documentation which ...
VII. 1 The document WHC-92/CONF.2/4 was introduced by Mrs. C Cameron, Chairperson of the Expert Group which was convened in Washington (United States of America) from 22 to 24 June 1992, then in Paris at UNESCO Headquarters, from 27 to 30 October 1992. Mrs. Cameron stressed that on the one hand the group comprised a certain number of experts from different regions of the world, and representatives of ICOMOS, ICCROM and IUCN, and on the other, Bureau members had participated in the work of the Paris meeting. The discussions of the working group were based on the evaluation report for the ...
IX.1 The Committee congratulated the World Heritage Centre for the activities carried out in 1992 and presented in document WHC-92/002/6, particularly with regard to the organization at UNESCO Headquarters of the events to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the World Heritage Convention. These events comprised a general exhibition on the Convention and the properties inscribed on the World Heritage List, as well as some thirty national exhibits, more than twenty conferences and about fifteen evening programmes. The Committee felt that these events, which could not have been organized ...
The General Assembly, Having examined Document 34C/REP/13, Takes note of the report of the Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee on the World Heritage Committee’s activities in 2006-2007.
The General Assembly, Having examined Document WHC-07/16.GA/5, Taking note of Decision 31 COM 19, adopted at the 31st session of the World Heritage Committee (Christchurch, 2007), Takes note of the results-based Action Plan to implement the main recommendations of the Management Audit of the World Heritage Centre; Welcomes the proposals of the Director-General of UNESCO to improve the administrative flexibility of the World Heritage Centre, clarify its organizational structure, and create posts, on an experimental basis, by combining multiple sources of financing; Requests the ...
The General Assembly, Having examined Document WHC-07/16.GA/11, Welcomes the information provided on the development of a revised recommendation of the conservation of historic urban landscapes; Invites the Director-General of UNESCO to inform the General Assembly of States Parties to the World Heritage Convention, at its 17th session in 2009, on the further activities undertaken and progress made with regard to this initiative.
XIII.2 After having reviewed the requests for technical cooperation, several delegates recalled that the Committee, during its sixteenth session, signaled the need for a systematic evaluation of World Heritage activities. In this context the Delegate of Germany proposed that biennial reports be prepared by the Centre and presented to the Committee on the implementation of international assistance provided by the World Heritage Fund. The Delegate pointed out that this information was crucial for the evaluation of successive requests for the same site or project, also in view of the fact ...
The General Assembly, Having examined Document WHC-09/17.GA/7, Takes note with satisfaction of the progress achieved so far in implementing the main recommendations of the management audit of the World Heritage Centre; Calls upon the World Heritage Centre to continue to implement the recommendations of the management audit; While noting the positive efforts made in addressing the recommendations of the audit, calls upon the World Heritage Centre to continue to address the issues for further improvements in personnel requirements, taking into account geographical representation, and ...
XX.1 The Committee adopted the Report with a number of amendments, most of them submitted in written form by the Delegates and Observers, which have been taken into consideration when preparing the final version of the Report.
IX.8 The Committee, having heard a brief explanation of these documents by the Director of the World Heritage Centre, took note of them without discussion.
IX.8 The Committee, having heard a brief explanation of these documents by the Director of the World Heritage Centre, took note of them without discussion.
IX.8 The Committee, having heard a brief explanation of these documents by the Director of the World Heritage Centre, took note of them without discussion.
XI.7 The Secretariat presented the regional thematic studies carried out in 1995 and the Committee took note of the detailed reports contained in information documents INF.8 and INF.9. - "Regional Thematic Study Meeting on Asian Rice Culture and its Terrace Landscapes (Philippines, 28 March to 4 April 1995)- "Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop on Associative Cultural Landscapes" (Australia, 27 to 29 April 1995).