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World Heritage Convention

136 Decisions
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Session: 23COM 1999close
By Year
XV.3  In order to allow sufficient time for the Secretariat, Advisory Bodies, and Committee to adequately examine individual requests, and in view of the limited funds available under the World Heritage Fund technical assistance budget, the Committee adopted the following: "The Committee urged States Parties to respect the deadline for submission of international assistance requests, as indicated in paragraph 112 of the Operational Guidelines, to ensure that the Secretariat, Advisory Bodies, and Committee have adequate time to evaluate and examine requests. Taking note of the ...
XV.4 Upon examination of 55 requests, the Bureau approved 20 requests for a total amount of US$ 582,700, the Committee approved 15 requests for a total amount of US$ 744,348, and the Committee took note of 18 requests to be approved by the Chairperson for a total amount of US$ 298,229, and two requests to be approved by the Director of the World Heritage Centre for a total amount of US$ 10,000.
International Assistance for Natural Heritage The Committee noted that the following three requests for a total amount of US$ 60,000 had been submitted for examination and approval by the Chairperson for Natural Heritage. 1.AFRICA(c).II GABON Training assistance Workshop on implementation of the World Heritage Convention, preparation of Tentative List & Nomination of natural properties US$ 20,000 requested US$ 20,000 recommended for approval     1.ASIA(d).II REGIONAL (NEPAL) Training assistance Support for natural World Heritage site managers from Bangladesh, ...
The Committee took note that the following eight requests for international assistance for natural heritage had been approved by the Bureau for a total of US$ 265,700. 1.AFRICA(a).I KENYA Preparatory assistance Preparation of nomination for «Great Rift Valley Lakes System» incorporating Lake Nakuru and the Naivasha National Park and Lake Bogoria National Reserve US$ 30,000 requested US$ 30,000 approved The Committee noted that the amount approved is conditional to the State Party providing a detailed explanation on the potential cultural heritage values of the area being ...
The Committee examined and approved the following request for international assistance for natural heritage for a total of US$ 50,000, which had been recommended by the Bureau: 1.AFRICA(d).II COTE D'IVOIRE Technical Co-operation Strengthening protection of Comoe National Park US$ 59,500 requested US$ 50,000 approved The Committee approved a sum of US$ 50,000 of the US$ 59,500 requested by the State Party and requested the World Heritage Centre and the State Party to co-operate to achieve cost-savings in the budget lines concerned with the purchase of vehicles and computers and ...
XV.6 The requests for international assistance for natural heritage approved by the Committee and Bureau are listed below according to region and type of assistance. (amounts in US dollars). Allocation for natural heritage for 2000  Africa  Arab States  Asia & Pacific Latin America & Caribbean (a) Preparatory assistance N/A 30,000 15,000     (b) Emergency assistance N/A 75,000       (c) Training assistance At ...
2. International Assistance for Mixed Heritage The Committee noted that the following two requests for a total amount of US$ 34,500 had been submitted for examination and approval by the Chairperson for mixed heritage: 2.ARAB(a).I EGYPT Preparatory assistance Nomination of St. Catherine Area and South Sinai, as mixed (natural and cultural landscape) site US$ 19,500 requested US$ 19,500 recommended for approval  The Committee took note that the State Party was to be invited to withdraw its 1999 nomination of St. Catherine and to re-submit a nomination of St. Catherine and south ...
The Committee took note that the Bureau had approved the following request for international assistance for mixed heritage for a total of US$ 30,000. 2.PACIFIC(a).I PAPUA NEW GUINEA Preparatory assistance Preparation of the Bobongara nomination US$ 31,123 requested US$ 30,000 approved The Bureau approved US$ 30,000 subject to the State Party paying its dues to the World Heritage Fund in 1998 and 1999. The Bureau requested the State Party to give consideration for preparing the nomination of Bobongara as a mixed site or as a cultural site, taking into consideration the comments from ...
3. International Assistance for Cultural Heritage The Committee noted that the following thirteen requests for a total amount of US$ 203,729 had been submitted for examination and approval by the Chairperson for cultural heritage: 3.AFRICA(a).I BOTSWANA Preparatory assistance Tsolido nomination preparation US$ 19,094 requested US$ 19,094 recommended for approval   3.AFRICA(a).IV KENYA Preparatory assistance Preparation of the Lamu nomination dossier US$ 15,924 requested US$ 15,924 recommended for approval   3.AFRICA(a).VI TOGO Preparatory assistance Tentative ...
The Committee took note that the Bureau had approved the following 11 requests for international assistance for cultural heritage for a total of US$ 287,000. 3.AFRICA(a).II GAMBIA Preparatory assistance Follow-up actions to ICOMOS recommendations for James Island & Albreda Juffure Santo Domingo Historic Zone US$ 30,000 requested US$ 30,000 approved The Bureau approved US$ 30,000 for this activity, which is in line with the implementation of the Global Strategy and aims at the preparation of a nomination file in accordance with ICOMOS recommendations, subject to the State Party ...
The Committee examined and approved the following 14 requests for international assistance for cultural heritage for a total of US$ 694,348, which had been recommended by the Bureau: 3.AFRICA(c).I REGIONAL Training assistance AFRICA 2009 US$ 80,000 requested US$ 80,000 approved The Committee approved US$ 80,000 for this training activity in the sub-Saharan African region bearing in mind that the activity would be implemented by the World Heritage Centre, ICCROM and CRATerreEAG. 3.AFRICA(d).III ZIMBABWE Technical Co-operation Implementation of a management plan for Khami ...
The requests for international assistance for cultural heritage approved by the Bureau and Committee are listed according to region and type of assistance (amounts in US dollars). Allocation for Cultural heritage for 2000 Africa Arab States Asia & Pacific Europe Latin America & Caribbean (a) Preparatory assistance N/A 30,000 30,000 7,000   30,000     (b) Emergency assistance N/A     50,000   100,000 (c) Training ...
XV.9 The Committee and the Bureau together approved US$ 345,700 for natural heritage requests, US$ 30,000 for a mixed heritage request, and US$ 1,058,983 for cultural heritage requests, amounting to a total of US$ 1,434,683. Should all recommended amounts for the requests under US$ 20,000 for cultural heritage training be approved by the Chairperson, there will be virtually no funds remaining for this category of assistance for year 2000. Moreover, should all recommended amounts for preparatory assistance be approved by the Chairperson, there will remain approximately US$ 29,035 under ...
XVI.1 The Committee decided that the twenty-fourth ordinary session of the Bureau would be held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France, from 26 June to 1 July 2000. The Committee adopted the provisional agenda for the session (Annex X), including the item proposed by the Delegate of Greece (training of personnel). XVI.2 Several delegates noted that the follow-up to the General Assembly should be included in the agenda of the Bureau and that the discussion on this agenda item should be given enough time and attention. The Delegate of Hungary informed the Committee about the Resolution ...
XVII.1 The Chairperson recalled that the Australian Government had invited the World Heritage Committee for the year 2000 during the twentieth, twenty-first and twenty-second sessions of the Committee, as indicated in the respective reports. He also referred to official letters of invitation by the authorities of Australia and of Hungary to the Director-General of UNESCO on this matter. XVII.2 The Delegate of Hungary announced that his Government is withdrawing its invitation to the Committee for the year 2000 and supports the Australian invitation, and that the Hungarian authorities ...
XVIII.1 The Chairperson informed the Bureau that an Algerian non-governmental organization, "Algerie 2000", volunteered to assist in the Periodic Reporting of the Maghreb region and that this NGO has experience, in particular in the restoration of the Kasbah of Algiers. The Committee expressed its appreciation by acclamation. XVIII.2 The Observer of Uganda informed the Committee that the question of the involvement of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) should be reviewed, in particular with regard to the movable heritage, in particular with regard to moveable heritage and the ...